"Inuyasha! Run! Get away from me!" Kagome cried. She was inside a dream, her heart was pounding, fingers holding up an arrow to a bow. It was pointed at Inuyasha. He was already hurt from a battle with a demon. He was holding his arm and wincing.
"Kagome... I will not run away! I need you!" He cried. Kagome blushed and started to cry. Kagome woke up as soon as she shot the arrow.
"Inuyasha!" She cried. She clutched her chest and breathed heavily. She was in the feudal era, and in a sleeping bag. She was staring into Inuyasha's eyes. She jumped and moved back.
"Are you okay? You seemed to be having a nightmare," he said, moving towards her. She started to cry and hugged him. Inuyasha's eyes widened.
"Kagome..." he said.
"I... I don't want to..." She started, but couldn't finish, she just sobbed. The others remained asleep. Inuyasha held onto her tightly.
"It's okay, I'm here," he said. Kagome shook her head. He smiled, sadly. "What's wrong? What did you see?" He asked.
"I don't... want to say," she said. She pulled away and wiped her eyes. "I'm okay now, you can go back to sleep," she said.
"Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded. "Okay," he said and lay back down. Kagome held her chest again and stood up. She waited for Inuyasha to fall back asleep and went outside. Kikyou was standing there with her back to Kagome.
"Ki... Kikyou! What are you doing here?" Kagome asked. Kikyou turned around.
"Well, I was going to take my Inuyasha away, but I heard you. I think I'll see how long it will take before he comes back to me," Kikyou said, laughing. Kagome clenched a fist and held it up.
"Inuyasha's not like that! He won't... he wants to protect me!" Kagome said. Kikyou gave a 'ha' and turned around and walked away.
"Damn her! She really frustrates me!" Kagome thought. Miroku came out by her.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Oh, Miroku. I can't sleep, that's all. Why are you up?" Kagome asked.
"Same reason, I suppose. I've been thinking about my wind tunnel a lot lately and had a rather disturbing dream," he replied. Kagome looked sadly at him. "But don't worry, I'll be fine," he said, cheerfully. Kagome smiled slightly. She knew somehow that he wouldn't be.
The next morning Inuyasha was the first one to wake up. He went outside and breathed in the morning air. Kagome soon joined him as well as Shippou.
"Good morning!" Kagome said, smiling. The truth was she was still sad about the night before. Miroku awoke and felt a slight pain in his right hand. He held it up to his face and tried clenching it. He winced. Sango also woke up.
"Miroku! Are you okay?" She asked. He smiled.
"Yes. My hand just hurts a bit, that's all," he said. Sango crawled up to him and took his hand in her's.
"Let me see," she said. Miroku blushed a little. She opened his hand and started stroking it.
"Sango... I..." Miroku started. He winced.
"I'm sorry, does it hurt?" She asked. Still wincing, he shook his head. He opened his eyes. Sango stood up and brushed off her kimono. "We should get going," she said. Miroku smiled and stood up. He took his staff and walked out with Sango, who had her boomerang in her right hand and Kilala on her shoulder.
The group headed out after meeting with Kaede and breakfast. Kagome had made lunches for them before she came the night before. Kagome had this uneasy feeling as they walked. Sango thought she saw Miroku blushing a little. She didn't say anything though.
"Where to next, Kagome?" Shippou asked.
"Well, I thought we could just start walking and see how things turn out," Kagome replied. They started to walk and Miroku got flashes of his father being killed. He held his head and stopped. Sango also stepped next to him.
"Are you okay?" She asked. Miroku was sweating, but nodded. A carriage came up to them. A man with armor and long, black hair tied into a ponytail came out of it. He went up to Sango.
"Long time no see, Sango," he said. Sango was surprised.
"Oh, Kuronosuke. What do you need?" She asked.
"Well, there is a demon that we need you to take care of, and then will you become my wife?" Kuronosuke asked. Sango almost fell over. Miroku had his eyes closed.
"Wh... where is this demon?" Was all Sango could ask.
"It's at my village, a few miles away," Kuronosuke said. More carriages came up behind the one. Sango and Kuronosuke got into the first one, the others got into the two behind.
When they reached the village/castle, it was raining. Miroku clenched the hand with the wind tunnel tightly. Kagome smiled, Inuyasha sneezed. After the group got out of the carriages, there was a large castle in front of them.
"Wow, what a large castle," Shippou said. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
"Come with me, Sango," Kuronosuke said, smiling. Miroku clenched his fist tighter, but remained silent. Sango looked at him, but then followed Kuronosuke. Kagome looked at Miroku. A man came up to them after they were in the first room to the right.
"We have a meal and rooms prepared for you," he said and people came out with trays. Miroku didn't eat much, the others ate quickly. Kagome was smiling.
"Yes! This is going to work!" Kagome thought. She started moving back and forth, happily.
"What's up with her?" Shippou asked.
"Don't know," Inuyasha said. Miroku got up and walked out, sighing.
"Miroku! Wait!" Kagome said and went after him. They went around the corner.
"What is it?" He asked, facing the setting sun. (It took awhile for Sango and Kuronosuke to finish talking, so the others ate the boxed lucnhes and the meal that the people had made for them.)
"Don't you want to try and stop Sango?" She asked.
"We want her to be happy, right? And now she's traveling with us to get her brother back from Naraku, which probably won't work anyways. She now has a chance to get married. Which would you choose?" Miroku asked.
"But... don't you love her?" Kagome asked. Miroku smiled, sadly.
"It's Sango's choice, I can't make it for her," he said, and walked away. Kagome almost started crying.
That night Miroku was sitting outside on the pourch, the rain had stopped. Sango came out and saw him. He turned to her and smiled. He stood up and walked towards her. They were next to eachother.
"Good luck," he said, sadly. Sango turned around and put her hands on his back and leaned against it. Tears formed in her eyes.
"Miroku... I didn't accept the proposal," Sango said. Miroku's eyes widened.
"Sango, you don't have to lie," Miroku said.
"But I'm not lying! I... I didn't accept because I'm in love with someone else," Sango said, the tears fell down her face. Miroku didn't know what to say.
"The demon is here!" A man called out. Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippou, and Kilala came out. Sango stepped back and dried her eyes. She went to get her boomerang, which was in her room. The demon looked like a bear only with a strange aura around it. Sango smiled.
"I'll take care of him!" She said and ran up to the bear and jumped. She threw her boomerang at it. It growled and fell to the ground. Sango landed and smiled. She started to walk towards the others.
"Wow, Sango! You're great!" Shippou said. The bear got up silently and slashed at Sango from behind. Miroku jumped in between her and the bear and its claws slashed down his back, tearing off most of the robe on his right shoulder. Sango gasped and turned around quickly.
"Miroku!" She cried. He smiled and turned around. He pulled out a spell and threw it at the bear, he then fell on his knees as the bear fell to the ground and disappeared. He held onto his shoulder and winced.
"Come on, let's leave them alone," Kagome said, taking Inuyasha's hand and Shippou on her shoulder. Inuyasha was confused, but went inside. The other people went inside to get bandages. Kuronosuke was watching Sango and Miroku from around a corner. Sango put her boomerang down and went in front of Miroku and knelt down.
"Why... did you do that?" Sango asked, starting to cry again.
"I wanted to protect the one I love," he said, smiling. Kuronosuke gasped, but smiled. Sango leaned her head gently on Miroku's left shoulder and sobbed.
After awhile, Miroku was bandaged and Kuronosuke came out to Sango.
"I understand. I won't try anything. But if you need a place to stay, you and your friends will always be welcome here," he said. Sango smiled. She was standing next to Miroku, who had his arm in a sling. Sango bowed to him.
"Thank you," she said. Kuronosuke left as the sun came up. Miroku turned to Sango.
"Miroku, you are that other person... that I love," she said. Miroku smiled and leaned in close until their lips touched.
End of Chapter 1!