Hi, really sorry it's been so long since I've updated! Thanks to everyone who reviewed, it was you who gave me the kick up the back side to write this next chapter! Hope you like! Kari Rose x

Chapter 4: Kai's New Life

Kai walked away from his 'friends' and didn't look back until he reached the edge of town. He turned for a brief moment before leaving the town and walking into the forest. He didn't know where he was going and he didn't care, as long as it was as far away as possible. It didn't matter. The blade breakers didn't need him so he didn't need them.

As Kai rested beneath a tree, a voice filled his head.

"What have you done Kai? Why have you left your friends? Go back Kai! Go home Kai!" But he couldn't. They weren't his friends. Maybe they had never been his friends! Another voice whispered to him.

"No Kai, you've done well. We'll start a new team. A team of winners. Or better yet, show them you can win alone and you are the best. You don't need anyone Kai. You have me. You can make them sorry Kai; all you have to do is listen to me Kai, Listen to me!"

Kai shook the evil force from his head. He didn't want to go back to the team but he didn't want to follow evil either. He didn't want to become Voltaire!

As much as Kai tried to deny it, he knew he'd brought this on himself. He knew it was his fault that he was ignored and unnoticed. He knew that if he'd just been a little more social, a bit more friendly, more like them, he'd have never had to leave. He'd forced himself into this situation and now he had to get himself out of it. But he knew what he was going to do.

He wanted to quit the sport. Not entirely though. He wanted to coach beginners. He wanted to pass on his knowledge without actually blading. He would travel from town to town advising and helping where he could. The training he had given the blade breakers had made them champions. They had come so far since the team had started out but now they were ready to face everything without Kai. Tyson had always been the team captain really, so they'd still have a leader in their future battles as a team. Tyson had come so far. He'd gone from beginner to champion, he was a strong blader with determination and skill and now even Kai felt challenged by him.

Rei had always been a great blader. He had brought to the team all the skills he had mastered during his White Tiger days and learned new ones too. There was no doubt that Rei would continue to progress and improve whether Kai was there or not. Kai had always felt that Rei was capable of great things on his own. Kai only feared that one day Rei would return to the White Tigers. Deep in his heart Rei was a member of the White Tiger team and no matter how hard anyone tried, that would never change. Kai knew it wouldn't be too long before Rei would return to his rightful position as captain of the White Tigers.

Max was a confident and happy blader. His spirit kept his Draciel strong and his enthusiasm drove him to victory. Kai was sure Max was equally as great as both Tyson and Rei. The only thing that did worry Kai was the fact the Max may one day wish to join the Allstarz since his mum worked with them. However, this thought had always been driven away by knowing that Max was loyal and would probably never leave the team.

Kenny was a genius. With Kenny's knowledge of blades, Kai's training wasn't needed. Kai felt Kenny had learned an awful lot by studying and analysing the blades and battles. With Kenny, Tyson, Rei and Max as a team, Kai was definitely not needed. Together, Kai knew, they would be able to conquer anything without him.

Kai wanted to train those who did need him. He wanted to help those who were new to the sport. He would train the future champions just as he had with Tyson but he would never become a team member. He wouldn't commit himself to a team ever again. He didn't want to go through everything he'd ever had to endure again. He wouldn't have friends, only students.

Kai sat in thought for a while. A gentle mewing came from the side of him. He looked down and his eyes met those of the kitten. A small flicker of something sparked in his heart. He did have a friend. He had the kitten.

"Hope" Kai whispered to her. A gentle purr told him she agreed. He rose to him feet and lifted the kitten into his arms. "I suppose your coming with me then" He said gently. The kitten mewed and buried her head in his chest. A small smile played on Kai's lips as he continued on his journey, wherever he was going.

Ok, I know it's short but it's all I can think of at the moment. In the next chapter, I think we'll have something about Tyson. He's not appeared much. Although I'm not promising, I may not even put any more Tyson til the end of the story, I don't know til I write it! I'll try not to leave it too long next time! Hope you enjoyed it. Leave a review and let me know. Thanks, Kari Rose x