Disclaimer- I have to say that all of the Sonic characters in this fic or mentioned do not belong to me they belong to Sega. Now as usual on with the story.

Young Love Part 1

It was a beautiful day outside but today was not a day to be going out to play cause today was a school day, Mr. Stuart their teacher was teaching them as usual. Christopher Thorndyke was not concentrating on the lesson he was in but he knew the subject was history.

The reason for his lapse in concentration was cause of one person, a blonde girl sitting at a table a few seats away from where he was seated, her name was Helen. Even though she was in a wheelchair he still liked her personality.

He could still remember the first day they met.

7 Months Ago

Chris, Danny and Francais were seated in their usual seats talking about everyday typical stuff kids their age talk about like what they did over the weekend, about games they play and other stuff like gossip around the school.

Mrs. Eisenhower then entered the class room with someone behind her, it was a girl around their age with blond hair, light blue eyes, and white silk like skin, her clothes consisted of the colours pink and white in places, her pink skirt went down as far as above her knee caps, she also wore a pink button upped shirt with a white shirt under that and around the collar was a green bow.

The only thing that made her different from the rest of the class was the wheel chair she had.

The teacher said to the whole class "Good morning class."

The whole class replied "Good morning Mrs. Eisenhower."

Mrs. Eisenhower then introduced the girl "Class this is Helen, she is new here and I hope you will all welcome her with open arms."

Helen looked around nervously, Chris smiled towards her as if to say everything will be alright. She saw him and the smile he gave her calmed her down a little but she just couldn't help but to feel nervous from the way everyone stared at her.

Mrs. Eisenhower then told where Helen can sit, she then drove her wheel chair to a table a few away from Chris's table.

Chris just looked at her for a couple of seconds and just went back to the task at hand in the lesson.

After class was finished his teacher said "Chris can I see you for a moment."

The 12 year old did as he was asked and came towards Mrs. Eisenhower's desk. Helen was there as well Chris guessed what he was wanted for.

Mrs. Eisenhower then said to Helen "Ok, Helen, Chris will be your guide for the day, wont you Chris?"

He then nods his head with a smile, after a little more of talking over things Chris came out and held the door for Helen to come out of the classroom.

Helen gave Chris one of her cute smiles and said "Thanks."

After getting outside into the hallway of the school Chris decided to chat with her "So Helen how are you?"

Helen replied "Fine but I am a little nervous since I am new here."

Chris then said "Don't worry, you will fit in fine."

Helen couldn't help but to smile at his positive attitude.

Chris then said "Its break time now I will show you round the playground if you like."

Helen nodded her head in agreement.

Chris then went to push her wheel chair but Helen said "That's nice of you to do that but I can do this myself."

Chris then asked "Are you sure?"

The 11 year old girl replied in a calm tone "Yes I am sure."

The two were now outside, after showing her around the playground the two went to sit on a small field together which was on school grounds.

At this point they both got started to get to know each other Helen first asked "So Chris tell me a little about yourself."

Chris was obliged to answer Helen's question by saying "Lets see where to start, I don't do much really, my parents are famous my mom is an actress and my dad works as a CEO in a large electrical company, you?"

Helen looked at Chris and answered "Well, I don't do much either, my dad works in a store and my mom works as well but I don't know what exactly her job is."

The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes.

Until Helen asked "Do you see your parents very much?"

Chris looked sad and said "Nah not really, since their work is so important they have no time to see me."

He then looked towards her and said "I bet you probably see your parents more."

The 11 year old girl shook her head "No I don't, like you I don't see my own parents much either, cause they always work so hard for me to get everything I need to get around but.."

She trailed off and Chris put a reassuring hand onto her shoulder and said "I understand that you miss them and you may think they are being selfish, but they think they are doing the right thing. That is what matters is it not?

Helen looked at him, nodded her head and said "You are right, its just that I want to spend more time with them."

He then said "Yeah I know what you mean."

The bell then rang to let the students know to go to their next lesson. Chris got up from where he was seated, picked up his stuff on the ground and he and Helen went to their next lesson.

Chris then asked "So was the last school you went to like this?"

Helen then replied "Yeah but I was bullied there."

The 12 year old boy looked at Helen with sympathy and said "I don't see how they could bully you, I mean you are such a nice person."

She replied "It was because I was different since I am in this wheel chair."

He then said to her with certainty in his voice "You don't have to worry about that here."

After getting to their next lesson they went to their own seats, the day went on like normal learning stuff, talking with friends in the middle of class and telling jokes here and there.

Also during that day Chris showed Helen to her class rooms and to the cafeteria. They would also talk now and then just to get to know more about each other.

Near the end of the day Chris started to see that him and Helen had so much in common. Then when it was time to go home the two of them met Francais and Danny, Helen got along well with Chris's friends.

On their way home they would chat about the day, talk about homework they got and chat about what they will do later when they got home.

Helen was doing well in joining in conversations with Chris and his friends, at first Danny went his separate ways from his friends to his home, while Francais was having girl talk with Helen, a couple of minutes later Francais went home too leaving Chris and Helen alone for the rest of the journey.

Chris looked at Helen and asked "So are your parents usually home at this time."

The 11 year old girl in the wheel chair replied "My mom will be soon but my dad takes longer to come home."

The 12 year old boy replied "I see."

Helen then said "Well I got to go, my home is near by, see you tomorrow Chris."

As she went Chris just waved her goodbye and said "Yeah see you tomorrow."

Present Day

That was how they first met but over time he started to gain feelings for her he also started getting urges to kiss her lips, to feel her hair even to be near her. Sometimes when he talks to her or she smiles to him he blushes.

He then shook his head when he felt Francais shake him and heard her ask "Chris are you ok?"

He then replied "Err yes I am fine."

Francais and Danny looked at Chris oddly knowing full well something was wrong with their friend but they didn't want to force him to tell them.

Mr. Stuart then announced to the class "Ok class I am going to go through our project and...?"

Chris looked zoned out again this made Mr. Stuart ask "Christopher are you feeling ok?"

This made Chris come back to reality again and look at his teacher.

Stuart then asked "Do you need to see the nurse?"

Chris shook his head and said "No I am fine."

Mr. Stuart then said "Ok then." After a few moments he got back to his class and said "Ok class this project will be done in pairs so I want everyone to pair up with someone."

Everyone in the class started to get paired up with their friends, Francais and Danny paired up so Chris needed to find someone else.

Helen looked at Chris and smiled and asked him "Do you want to be my partner?"

The 12 year old boy blushed at her smile and said "Errr well sure."

The girl in the wheel chair looked at him and asked him "Are you alright?"

Chris was glad she cared for him so he replied "Yes I am fine thanks for asking."

Helen just smiled to him and said "Don't mention it."

Mr. Stuart then asked "So does everyone have a partner?"

Stuart looked around till he was satisfied to see that everyone was paired up he then said "Alright then the project you will be doing is…"

Chris did not pay attention much, all he could think about were his emotions for Helen and how could he tell her about them, what if she didn't have those same feelings? That was one thing he worried about the most.



Please review that is all I ask of you all is that you have enjoyed it and say what was good about the story also tell me if you think the plot is good I always doubt myself when it comes to this. Well an authors job is never done till next time readers.