Author's Notes: I know, I gab too much...sorry!


First – thank you to all who reviewed Kismet. That was a one-shot in the 'No Fate' A/U that I originally wrote for the sequel, but on further reflection, decided it didn't fit with the sequel, so I decided to post it as a 'snapshot' in time rather than deleting the entire scene.

The Sequel to No Fate

Second, like I mentioned in the summary, here's a sneak preview of the sequel to 'No Fate'. I included this mainly as a 'thank you' to those of you who reviewed the last chapter of 'No Fate' whom I didn't have a chance to respond to, wanted another story and are, hopefully, reading this. I AM writing the sequel – I'm writing it even as I type this. I should begin posting shortly but it bothers you to read things out of sequence – don't read this next part.

Why haven't I posted this as the start of another story?

Frankly, I rarely write my chapters in order. In fact, the scene below is currently in Chapter 2, though I may juggle that later. So when I have enough chapters written (probably about half) and the entire storyline is plotted out to my liking, I will begin to post this as a new story under the title 'Redundant'.

IcantthinkofaFink: Glad you liked the end. As to whether Wyatt turns evil again, hmmm, maybe not. Let's hope this story will answer you're question once and for all.

Alessa: Glad you thought it rocked. Hope you'll like the upcoming sequel as well. Stay tuned, please!

Zeria: Yes – the ending worries me as well. Which is probably why this darn sequel thingy keeps plaguing me to be written.

Flephanie: OK – I'm doing the sequel – so you'd better read it, promise?

Melissa: Suspense is such an important feeling to a story and I am humbled that I was able to keep yours! I really like Chris and Piper moments too, so I'll be working on that relationship a bit more in this story.

Niquole: It was kind of eerie, wasn't it? Hmmm, maybe that's why my brain is on permanent fritz and won't let me take the break I so desperately want to from writing. Thanks for reading and reviewing – I'm impressed that you had the stamina to read it all in one sitting!

Cat: Thanks for all your support. I only hope I don't wear out my welcome with this new one...

Alexis Rose: I guess you could say I deliberately left the door open to write the sequel. Glad you liked the epilogue. My biggest fear of ending it that way was people would be upset that I didn't end the story with a tidy bow.

Fanastygirl721: Thank you for taking the time to review, even once. It is appreciated, believe me. I love hearing people enjoyed the story – it never gets old.

Drewfuller4eva: You're welcome! Well, I don't know about many more, but I've got a couple of stories in me still. Thanks for the encouragement – It helps make my writing process more enjoyable when I know others enjoy reading the finished product.

Teal-lover: I'm so happy you weren't disappointed! I know you had great expectations, so I'm relieved that I met some of them. Thanks for the kind words.

StoryDiva: It's good to see that the ending provoked the feelings I was hoping to generate – that is Chris isn't perfect, and maybe happy endings aren't in the cards for the Halliwells. A departure from the tenor of the show, I know, but the story wouldn't let me write it any other way. And no, I don't mind that you rec'd the story – in fact, I'm very flattered. There goes my swelled head again – drats! As well, thanks for your wonderful reviews along the way, and the insightful comments you include.

Jerseyhartnett: Glad you enjoyed it. I miss the Chris character as well, which is why I keep churning these fics out! Thanks for the encouragement – it definitely keeps me motivated creatively.

Bules: Wow! That is quite a compliment! Yes, the ending was cryptic, if only to leave it open a bit for me to continue. I will try to keep them coming.

Pukah: Please don't be sorry you didn't review before – I'm happy to receive reviews whenever! Thanks for taking the time to read and review every time and, of course, for the kind words. I'm glad you thought it was well plotted out – unfortunately, I'm afraid of high expectations from everyone from now on!

Sparkling Cherries: Glad you enjoyed the story! And most importantly, I'm glad you didn't feel the ending was a cope out. I just couldn't seem to close the story with a neat bow – it just wouldn't let itself be written that way. Thanks for the compliments, it keeps me motivated and the creative juices flowing.

Okay – here's the bit you were waiting I said, I'll keep writing as long as original ideas keep popping into my head. After all, I don't want to wear out my welcome!



(or No Fate story #3)

"We're living in repetition, content in the same old shtick again.

...Going over and over and over...Went full circle 'til I'm nauseous."

–Redundant by Green Day

Rating: PG-13

Characters: same cast and crew from No Fate

Summary: Fresh from their journey to the future, Leo and the Charmed Ones seek to ensure that they have, indeed, changed Wyatt's and Chris' destinies. Meanwhile, in the future, Chris can't understand why fate hasn't changed for the better.

An excerpt from the upcoming sequel to No Fate – 'Redundant'

The flames from the lamps licked the walls of the cave, casting eerie shadows with the flickering light and enhancing the menacing feeling of the Seer's lair. Hidden, in the shadows, his eyes searched for the demonic seer, when he spotted her standing at a table a few feet away from the pool, her back facing him.

Stiffening, without turning around, she spoke, "Kind of becoming a habit, isn't it?"

Stepping out from the shadows, Leo looked uncomfortably around him, before responding, "I need to make sure that the future was saved. That Wyatt was saved and that everything's going to be okay."

"I need to know my son's fate," Leo whispered.

Sighing, she gathered her flowing robes in her left hand, and with the right, she waved it over the pool. "Fine. Knock yourself out. Just do me one favour, okay? Stop coming here all the time. Some of the other underworld demons are giving me a hard time."

Ignoring her chatter, Leo approached the pool hesitantly, before grasping the sides with both his hands and leaning over. Peering into the pool, Leo watched as a vision of the future began to unfold in front of him...

They were all sitting in a room, in little white folding chairs. Soft music played in the background, and illuminated candles gave the room a warm, golden light. He felt himself relax, just a bit, as he took in the beautiful sight of his family in this peaceful, calm setting. Surely someplace so tranquil, so beautiful, could only mean a good future.

Her hair streaked with silver, Piper's head was bent, her hand firmly clasped in the hands of a man sitting beside her.

The man wasn't him.

The vision swung away from Piper and the stranger before Leo could catch more than a glimpse. All he knew was the man sitting next to Piper, whispering into her ear, wasn't him. Jealousy and envy tore through Leo, before the perspective changed, moving Leo to the back of the room, once again commanding his attention.

And he saw himself.

Clad entirely in black, silent tears were running down his cheek, as his future self leaned against a wall at the back of the room. Looking at the vision of himself in the future, Leo found himself staring into his own eyes, filled with a grief so painful, that he finally had to tear his gaze away.

His eyes settled on a nearby window; Leo could see that outside it was a beautiful day – the window revealed a sunny day with blue skies. He watched as the vision shifted focus again, this time swinging back to the front of the room. Leo narrowed his eyes, trying to focus, as the scene in front of him appeared hazy. As it began to move forward, again passing by the sisters, Leo caught a flash of blonde hair, bent next to Piper's, and then...

"Wyatt – please. I'm okay. Really. I just...I just," Piper murmured, her voice breaking off, in a sob.

Wyatt's hair was shorter, tidy, and his eyes were gentle as they watched his mom. There was no mistaking him; his hair might be neater, and his whole demeanor radiated comfort, but physically, this was the adult Wyatt Leo had seen in the future before. He even looked about the same age. Leo felt his heart relax just a bit, as he stared into the gentle, caring face of his eldest son. There was no evil in that face. They had saved him!

Finding the answer he had been searching for, Leo was ready for the vision to end, but something compelled him to keep watching the Seer's pool. He tried to wrench himself away, but he was strangely entranced.

And then he noticed they were all dressed in black. Paige, Phoebe...even Darryl. They looked...older. There was gray liberally sprinkled through Darryl's hair and a slight portliness to his waistline. He could see the laugh lines around Paige's now somber mouth and the beginning tell-tale signs of crow's feet around Phoebe's eyes.

"I know, Mom. I know," His adult son helplessly tried to comfort his mother. "I'm hurting too. So much. But, I think – I think Dad needs us to be strong. Chris would want us to be strong. For us. For him."


Leo began to dread where the vision was leading him. The vision forced him forward, closer and closer to the front of the room. Leo stretched his hands out in front of him, trying to see through the haze, waiting for the picture to come into focus. He felt like he was peering through a fishbowl; the objects surrounding him were blurred and out of perspective.

And suddenly, the picture snapped into focus.

The white flowers looked so innocent against the smooth, dark wood, as they cascaded down the length of the coffin. As Leo stood unmoving, numb with shock, he saw his eldest son move into the picture with Piper and Leo's future self. "Dad," Wyatt said gently, "It's not your fault."

Leo tried to recoil back, but the vision was relentless, pushing him closer and closer. Unable to pull his eyes away, Leo found himself staring down into the face of his son.

His youngest son.

His face was peaceful, serene, even. His hands lay crossed on his chest, his suit had been pressed, and his tie was straight. His hair had been carefully combed; completely contrary to the disheveled style he had always sported. It was Chris – but a Chris devoid of any life.

God – no!

The vision abruptly ended, and aghast by what he had seen, Leo turned on the Seer, ready to physically attack her, "No! You're lying!"

She quickly side-stepped the Elder; the Seer quipped, "Haven't we already deja vued this?" Hastily, she changed her tune as she watched Leo's eyes flash with anger, "Look, don't shoot the messenger. You asked. And you got your answer. It's not my fault it's not the answer you wanted."

"I asked about Wyatt! What you're showing me, it's a lie! It won't happen!" Leo's eyes burned into hers, as he began to slowly advance on the Seer.

"First of all, you didn't ask. You said, and I quote 'I need to know my son's fate.' Well, you got your answer," the Seer paused for effect. "Your youngest son will die before he turns 23. Always. In every timeline."

"No!" Leo shouted, as raising his left hand, he telekinetically flung her across the cave. The Seer hit the far wall, letting out a low cry, as she slid down the wall, and lay in a crumpled heap on the floor. "I don't believe you."

"Believe what you like," the Seer rasped, "But know this, the pool never lies. Now I think you've worn out your welcome. Get out."

"You're wrong, and I'll prove it," Leo vowed, as he materialized out.

The Seer shrugged, addressing the space where the Elder had just been, "The pool never lies."

To be Redundant (hopefully coming to you sooner rather than later.)
