Arista Ramabra: Ur, welcome! And Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see ur next review!

Hollaback Girl: Thank you so much 4 tha review, I'm glad that u think it's awesome!

Claire Belle: Lol, Thnx, I'm glad that ur liking to story so far! Hope I hear from to soon!

JeNnIfEr88: Lol, that's ok, my computer messes up all the time!

Ihateharryandhermioneshippers: Lol, I never thought of that, and the sad thing is, I don't know If I want it to be there 7th year anymore.

youkaigirl64: Sorry about making u wait so dang long! Gomen nesai!

brunetteORblonde: Thnx, I'm so glad that u like the story. It's my first one ever so….. I thought that people wouldn't like it.

breakthrough: Yeah! Lol, Lily really does have a bad temper, and she doesn't really like people beating her at things.

Flame Of Desire: Thnx, glad u like it, I updated, (Can't say it was soon tho)

TickleMepInK21: Ok, ok, I updated. Lol!

I'm am so sorry that this chapter is short, but, I can't help. Sorry sorry.

Wow, Thank you all for the reviews. I'm so happy.

Ch. 10/ Projects and perfection


"Lily, wake up, and you said that I slept late," Sarah said.

"wha… what time is it?" Lily asked.

"11:30 a.m." Mina informed, "You missed breakfast, but I brought some stuff back for you," Fortunately Lily didn't have classes until 1:00 P.M.

Lily sat up and ate the food that Mina brought back for her, "Thanks Mina,"

"Hey Mina what's your favorite color," Sarah asked.

"Pink," Mina answered, "why?"

"Lily, name a pink object," Sarah said.

"uhhhhh……. How 'bout….watermelon?" Lily suggested.

"NO," Sarah yelled, "How 'bout cherry?"

"Cherry……what, cherries are red," Lily argued.

"But they can be pink," Sarah defended herself.

"No, how 'bout cherry blossom," Lily suggested.

"YEAH! And for short we can call her cherry," Sarah smiled.

Lily rolled her eyes.

"Um, excuse me, but what's going on?" Mina asked.

"Oh sorry, in kinder garden, Sarah and I made nick names for each other, violet and sky, now you're cherry." Lily informed.

"Oh, ………..alright." Mina said.

"Listen guys, I wanna check out the library, see you later," then Lily was off.


Lily arrived in the library. It was empty, "Wow….. so many books."

She looked around. Then she took out a book.

"You know what would be a great book," said a voice from behind.

Lily turned around.

There was a boy with a grin on and black hair. What was his name again. Oh yeah! Snape! Now she remembered, he was in her group.

"Uh, hi," Lily greeted.

"Hi, you're Lily Evans, right, the one that the infamous Potter likes," the boy said.

"Uh, no he doesn't like me," Lily said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my mistake then," Snape said.

"Oh," Lily said, "So, um, what did you say would be a great book?"

"I didn't," Snape replied.

"……Right," Lily said she was already starting to get uneasy, 'Man, what kind of freak is this?'

"Tell me Lily, your m-…..muggle born right?" Snape asked, he said "muggle born" as if he was not used to saying it.

"Yeah," Lily answered, "that's why I'm here in the library, at my old school, they didn't have a lot of information, I heard that whatever question you have, it can be answered in this library, and I've got a ton of questions about the magical world, and magical creatures."

"Yes, the magical world is very interesting indeed, and you know what us pure blood wizards are fascinated by most?" Snape asked.

"What," Lily asked, again, her desperate fear of not fitting in coming out.

"Why you don't know, it's werewolves of course." Snape said with a grin on his nasty twisted little face.

"Werewolves?" Lily said.

"Yes, I would read this book," Snape said handing her a book titled, When Werewolves are Close: A Guide to Separating Out Werewolves from People.

"Uh, thank you," Lily said.

"Oh no, thank you,"

Lily had to check out the book because Snape was just standing there staring at her.

After she checked it out, she said her goodbye to Snape and left, in a hurry.

---------------5:00p.m. ------------

"James, I seriously need your help," Sirius stated.

James was looking in a catalog.

"Um…," James said still looking at the catalog and not really listening, "no."

"James, you have to come, I'm having a transfiguration crisis," Sirius panicked.

"Um………….no" James replied, still not fully listening.

"Please," Sirius begged.

"………uh, no," James still replied.

"Why not?"


"Would you do it if I dressed up as Lily and said I love you?"

"Hell no."

"Was your slave?"


"Bought you a-"


"Stopped talking?"


"Stopped breathing?"


"Are you straight?"


"DANMIT JAMES LISTEN!" Sirius shouted.

James was startled and the catalog flew in the air.


"You know what, nothing James. I want nothing." And then Sirius walked away and reluctantly tried to find Mina who he didn't really want to bother.

Later on, James would regret this.

-------------------7:00 P.M.----------

Classes were over for the day.

Lily saw Mina and Sarah walking through the hallway.

"Hey Sarah, Hey Mina, You guys wanna play a game, like a board game or somethin' ?" Lily suggested.

Mina just smiled and Sarah groaned.

"Sorry, can't, we have to talk about our project with the terrible two on the library in 5 minutes." Sarah angrily explained.

"Oh," was all that Lily could say, "ok."

"Bye," Mina and Sarah said at the same time.

Lily kept walking back to the common room.

However, before she could get there, she felt a light tap on her shoulder, she turned around expecting to find a young kid, but instead, she saw Gabriella.

Lily's eyes widened, "Gabriella!"

Gabriella then fainted onto Lily's shoulder.

----------------The girl's dorm-----------------

"Gabriella, Gabriella, can you hear me?" Lily said with worry in her voice.

Gabriella's eyes opened, "Lily" She said in a small voice, it was like a whisper.

"Gabriella, what happened?" Lily asked.

"He- he," She started.

Then she seemed to come back to reality and form sentences.

"He, my boyfriend that is, he- he beat me, I-I thought, that, that he loved me,"

Lily looked at her sympathetically, "I'm, sorry."

"It's fine," Gabriella assured, "I've been through worse."

------------------------Where Mina, Sarah, James, and Sirius are.-------------------

"Ok," Sirius started, "What, exactly, is this project about, Slughorn didn't specify anything,"

Then Mina suggested, "OH! Um, well, I checked with him about that before classes today, and, we must create a potion, one that does something, and I was thinking that we should do the grossitissen potion. You know the one that allows a living being to grow immensely in size. That should give us an A. I mean it breaks down and creates longer bones and veins, and doubles other cells and tissues in size………"

"OK GOOD!" James agreed, "Let's leave the Library"

James got up to leave.

"Sit your ass down Potter," Sarah ordered.

"Yes ma'am," James said sitting.

"We…….. we need to, uh, pick groups," Mina said, "You know….. like assignments.. for us all,"

"Well, I'll go with Mina and-" Sarah started.

"No, no, that won't work, You both know that James and I will goof off, how 'bout, I work with Mina and James works with Benson," Then Sirius started to take advantage of Mina's kindness and her ability to easily feel guilty, "Unless, that is, that Mina….. You don't want to work with me."

As much as Sirius wanted to work with Sarah, He wanted to get back at James.

"OH! No! I...working with you is fine!" Mina assured.

Sirius smiled, and then he stood up.

"Oh, and by the way, Mina, thanks for helping me in transfiguration!" Sirius grinned and then was off, "Mina, can you tell me our assignment later, please, I gotta go."

You could almost feel the glare that James was giving.

-------------------Operation: MJGR ---------------------------

Lily, was standing around the corner of the hallway. Already convinced that Sarah was not in her plan to make James go red and that Sarah was only grinning with her in the hallway because she was caught in the moment.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

She turned the corner and "accidentally" ran into James. The cup she was holding spilled all over his shirt.

"Ow, Potter, watch where you're going." Lily said rubbing her head.

Then she looked at his shirt.

"Oh, sorry Potter, uh, just this once 'kay," Then she conveniently pulled out and tissue out of her bag and she put it up against his chest.

"Man, you know what I need, I think I'm gonna go take a shower." Lily said.

James looked down at her hand that was still on his chest.

"Uh, Evans……………… are you sendin' me some kind of message?" James raised one of his eyebrows.

"W-What," Lily said surprised, "Potter your……..your crazy,"

Her faced turn tomato red. His shirt was a little too clingy to his body.

"Evans, my face is up here." James smirked.

"And you know what Potter, my dorm is down there." Lily said, referring to the fact that she really wanted to be anywhere but there now, however, her intended message came out a little…….

Again James looked at her questioningly.

"I-…….. not like that," Lily blushed.

"Evans you're-"

Then Lily had sense enough to just run away.

-------------------Lily in dorm-----------

'Damn him,' she thought, 'He's making fun of me, mocking me even……….well, I'll show him, this is NOT over'


Sarah, sat there staring at James.

"James,……..What the hell,….. are you doing?" Sarah asked.

"Looking through books so that I can find instructions, and you?" James said.

"James I know for a fact that you're not doing any reading because you've been on the same page for the past ten minutes, The fact that your hand has not moved proves it," Sarah argued.

"Sarah I have not been reading because the book explains the process in pictures, and second of all, the only thing that has been proven is that you've been watching me for ten minutes," James smirked.

"Potter shut the hell up." Sarah said, "don't give that bullshit, let me see that book"

James handed her the book and Sarah took a look at it.

As Sarah looked at it, she found that James was right, the whole process could be found in pictures, and even though it went on for more than two pages, she could see how James wouldn't understand all that the pictures were telling him to dosoo he would have to look at one page for a long time.

"Ok, here's your damn book back." Sarah said handing him the book.

"Why thank you kind Sarah," James thanked.

Sarah just glared at him.

"Potter…………. Get to work."

---------------Sirius and Mina-------------0000

Sirius was walking down the hallway when Mina ran up to him.

Out of breath, Mina managed to get out, "Sirius…you…I…..we…haveta……. hold on." She then proceeded on to catch her breath.

"Uh, Mina, you ok." Sirius asked, looking a little amused, "Gosh, you don't exercise do you?"

"I……I'm sorry." Mina said, getting some of her breath.

"No problem," Sirius said," um, look, Is this about our project, cause I'm in a rush."

"O-OH! I'M SORRY. I know that you have better things to do, but-"Mina rushed through her words putting her self out of breath again.

"Whoa! Mina, you gotta calm down!" Sirius suggested. Then he started to laugh. At this, Mina started to freak out.

"What's the assignment," He asked.

"What...OH! Um, we have to gather the ingredients." Mina informed.

"Alright! Let's get going," Sirius cheerfully said.

"Wait! I thought you were in a rush," Mina recalled.

At this, Sirius laughed, "I wasn't in any rush to see some girl that's way too clingy, but I was supposed to meet her, all well, not like she'll be mad at me………."

"That…. That's horrible," Mina stated.

"You think? Hmmm, I'll have that in mind next time I decide to meet a girl." Sirius said walking in the opposite direction that he was going when she found him.

"So, you're really not going to meet her?" Mina asked in a hushed voice.

"Don't we have a project to do?" was his answer.

"So does she, all the houses have it." Mina informed.

"I want an A," He said.

"And, she doesn't?"

Sirius started to get frustrated, "Mina, why the hell do you care about some random person that you don't even know!"

Mina's head was down, "Why don't you?"

"Believe me, that one girl is not essential in any part of my life." Sirius said.

It was Mina's turn to laugh, "Sirius, I don't think any girl is,"

Sirius was silent…….

"……..Mina." He sighed.


"I'm gonna go………. I suppose I have some girl to meet," Sirius gave in, then he smiled, "I don't want to worry her."

Now Mina was smiling, "Yeah."

----------Group 2(Lily, Remus, Severus, and Lisa.-----------

"WHERE THE HELL IS LISA?" Lily demanded.

"Lily calm down," Remus suggested.

"WHAT! Are you talking about! If I fail, there will be pain to my members," Lily said.

"Hey everybody, sorry I'm late," Lisa arrived.

"LISA! O thank you lord!" Remus said relieved.

"Lisa! Where have you been?" Lily questioned.

"I was, uh, waiting for someone, and then when the……uh, meeting was over, I came here." Lisa started blushing.

Lily didn't even want to ask who she was meeting.

"Whatever, let's just get started," Lily suggested.

(And so they started to makes ideas on what they would do. Lily really was taking over though.)

----------end of the day-----------

Lily lay down on Sarah's bed tired from yelling.

Sarah was to tired to tell her to get off, so she went to sleep in Mina's bed which was closest to the door and Mina, well, she just went to Lily's bed cause she was gathering ingredients all day, and she wouldn't have said anything even if she wasn't tired.


"Oh, sorry Potter, uh, just this once 'kay." - Lily

Thank you EVERYONE! Please keep reviewing! Sorry about the length of the chapter, promise to write more, review if u won't to. And tell me what u might like to happen in the story! I'll take it into consideration!