Wagering on Love
By Simon Diamond

Rating: R

Disclaimer: The characters portrayed in this fiction are property of World Wrestling Entertainment inc. No infringement of rights is intended, this fiction is purely for enjoyment purposes only and no profit is sought to be gained from it.

Main Characters: Randy Orton and Molly Holly.
Supporting Characters: Matt Hardy, Trish Stratus, Chris Jericho, Christian

Summary: Randy Orton and his friends are going through a lean patch, when it comes to women... They decide to have a little bet between them, where the winner will be the first to bed their girl – who is selected at random. Randy draws the unenviable task of 'chasing' Molly Holly. He thinks it's going to be his worst nightmare, but things aren't always as they seem...

Chapter 1: The Bet

"Hey guys, what's happening?"

Randy Orton strode through the arena canteen with a spring in his step, having extended his winning streak on the live show that evening. He waltzed over towards the table inhabited by his three closest friends; Chris Jericho faced him, Christian and Matt Hardy sat with their backs to him. They were the only people in the room, the show had ended an hour previously and most of their colleagues didn't hang around afterwards.

"Randall my boy, nice going out there tonight." Jericho enthused. Randy shrugged his shoulders, brushing his comment off as if to say, 'what's new?'

Matt and Christian turned to face the chiseled model-like body of Randy, and added their thoughts. "You're on a roll bro, don't forget us when you reach the top!" Matt joked.

"Yeah, I'm noticing some of my peeps getting down with the R-K-O... Go easy on old captain charisma buddy!" Christian added.

"What can I say guys... I'm Randy Orton." He purred, "Everybody loves me." His three friends looked at each other, and collectively shook their heads.

"Is that right Randall? So how come the chicks aren't all over you like a rash?" Chris posed an interesting question. It was a question that Randy had a hard time answering; for all his popularity in arenas around the country, nobody had asked him on a date for months. It was a situation that had begun to bother him.

"Well... when was the last date any of you guys had?" Randy retorted, trying to save face. Chris, Matt and Christian couldn't hide from the truth either; this quartet were 'unlucky in love' as they say.

"It's a good point." the sensible Matt suggested.

"What are we going to do about it?" Christian pondered.

All four men racked their brains for a way round the problem, and as usual it was the sharp as a tack Y2J that came up with a killer idea.

"How's about we turn this dilemma into a bit of friendly competition... Heck, stuff friendly competition... How's about we turn this into a bet?" he enthused.

"Sounds cool to me." Randy reacted. Both Matt and Christian concurred and a figure of $100 each was agreed on for the bet amount, with the stipulation being that they had to bed the girl in question.

"Okay guys, here's the deal. We're going to select four of the girls in the locker room as our 'targets'. Each of us will select a girl who will then be included in our contest." Chris said, smirking at the concept he'd conjured up.

"Oh man, I want Trish Stratus!" Randy blurted out, prompting raised eyebrows from the other three. "What?!"

"Okay, Randy... Matt, who's your pick?" Chris asked.

"Hmm... That's a tough one." Matt answered, scratching his head for ideas.

"Some time today please Matt!" Christian hurried him along.

"Right, right, keep your hair on... I want Victoria." Matt replied, prompting yet more raised eyebrows and murmurings.

"Interesting choice V1... And who is going to be Captain Charisma's lady?" Chris inquired.

"Easy! I want Gail Kim!" Christian responded enthusiastically. Cue more eyebrow raising.

"Well guys, it's great to find out who you all have crushes on! But I'm afraid none of you are going to be partnering those girls." Chris said with a maniacal grin on his face.

"Huh? Hey that's not fair man!" Randy replied, frowning about Chris' revelation.

"Fear not, those girls are going to be included in the contest though. You just wont be allowed to go after the girl you selected!"

That proposal went down like the proverbial lead balloon. But their dissention soon subsided as they awaited Chris' choice of diva to 'enter' their contest.

"Now for my choice. Who should I pick? The lovely Lita perhaps? How about the salacious Stacy? No... no... no..."

Randy looked at both Matt and Christian and shrugged his shoulders. 'Who could it be?' he deliberated.

"Let's add a wildcard to the equation. One of you three lucky guys, is going to have the once in a lifetime opportunity to try your luck with... None other than Miss Molly Holly!" Chris said, laughing at his own genius. In his mind, no guy stood a chance with the prude from Minnesota. She was perhaps the only uninitiated girl in the entire WWE...

"What! No way!" Randy shouted with disgust. Matt and Christian didn't seem as bothered about it, but both secretly crossed their fingers under the table.

"Let's spin the bottle and decide our prey for this competition then boys!" Chris continued. He picked up a ketchup bottle sat in the middle of an adjoining table and placed it flat on their table. He ushered the other guys out of their seats and arranged three of them, to make an imaginary triangle between them at the edge of the table. "Naturally we will start with Randy's choice, Toronto's very own vixen... Trish Stratus!" Jericho seemed to really be enjoying himself, whilst the other guys started to wonder what they had let themselves in for.

The bottle span and finished up facing Matt. "Result!" he called out and did his V1 salute as a mini celebration. Chris and Christian shrugged off the disappointment of missing out on the beautiful Canadian, and turned their attention to the next possible choice.

"Next up, it's the wackiest girl in wrestling, Victoria!" Chris announced. The bottle rotated agonizingly past Randy and ended up pointing at Chris himself. "Ho hum! I guess I will have to bring her into line!"

Randy felt a nauseous sensation rise up from his stomach towards his throat. It was between him and Christian for the wooden spoon in this contest. He didn't particularly want to go chasing after Gail, but anything had to be better than Molly.

"Christian. Randy. One of you is going to target the Asian sensation, Gail Kim. The other will be sentenced to the purgatory that is the not-so Mighty Molly. Good luck." Chris said, loving the looks of horror on Christian and Randy's faces. "If the bottle lands on you, congratulations. If it doesn't, bad luck buddy."

The bottle was spun and made several revolutions, as the competitors watched on; each praying that it would end up facing them. Randy watched it pass him and slow up in time to aim towards Christian, forcing him to slam his fists down in a fit or rage. Christian's initial look of delight, turned to one of consternation as Randy grabbed the table and flipped it up, nearly taking out the onlooking Matt and Chris. After his show of petulance, he stormed away not wishing to discuss the matter further.

"Good luck with mission impossible Randall!" Chris yelled across the canteen in his direction. Randy's only response was to hold up his right hand and offer a rather unsavoury gesture.

"Gotta feel sorry for the man." Matt said, the voice of reason as ever.

"Serves the little punk right... Perhaps his ego will deflate a little now." Chris replied.

"So you can reassert yourself as the biggest jackass on Raw?" Christian offered wittily, to the dismay of Chris.

"Me, a jackass? I'm the king of the world baby! Add Queen Victoria to the equation, and you have a sure fire $300 in my pocket! Ching ching!"

Matt rolled his eyes, turning his attention to Randy, who had just barged his way through the double doors at the exit to the canteen. He was concerned that a friendship could be squandered for the sake of a stupid throwaway bet... It simply wasn't worth it in his opinion. He was determined to help Randy with his task, because deep down he believed that Molly might be as good a partner for him as anybody else. He wasn't sure why, it was just a hunch he had...