This is the start of a revolution! Love it I command you!

"Hi my name is Rei. I'm a total freaking badass, and my father hates it. Yeah, his name is Inuyasha. He's all right sometimes except when he's yelling at me for something, cause I can't ever be anywhere as perfect as my older sister. She's such a snob; she's always got her big nose in some book, like she needs them to breath or something. Well she thinks she's tough and everything, but I can take, dad won't let me though cause she's a girl, and god forbid I fight a girl. Mom, she's all right, she's like referee between my dad and me though. Once I saw her tackle my dad, for a girl she's pretty strong, I guess its cause she's a demon. Yeah my mom and dad are half demons, my mom is like half panther, we just say cat, and my dad is like half dog, so of course they're always fighting. I got my mom's genes; I'm like cat and stuff. All the girls in my school think it's cute, and they're all ways touching my ears and stuff I hate it. There is this girl I like her name is Lamonica, she is so pretty. But every time I go near her, her dad gets all sex Ed on my ass. My mom and dad are both half demons, so I guess that makes me like a full half demon, I don't know how it works, don't really care either. My little sister she's like a priestess in training or whatever, she's annoying as well, but I can deal with her. My dad says I talk to much, maybe he's right? O well!"