Future Parts:

(A/N: Ok Let me explain. This is going to be a sequel and a prequel. For those of you who have seen the Godfather part 2 you'll understand. Baiscally what happened to the Marauders and the girls after school will be told in a series of flashbacks. Enjoy!)

Chapter 1:


James gets down on one knee. Lily stammers and looks at him in disbelief. "Lily will you-"


Sarah presses her wand hard up against Lucius's throat and growls. "If you ever try that again I'll rip your inards out."


"James Potter will you take Lily Potter to have and to hold, in sickness and in-"


Peter Pettigrew shudders in pain as Lord Voldemort tattoos the Dark Mark into his arm.


A nervous Lily tells Faith and Sarah something as they sit down on a couch. Faith and Sarah respond with hugs and smiles.


Serverus Snape holds a young Harry Potter. He looks at the baby shocked. Lily smiles and says-


Sarah's parents scream at her and push her and Remus out of thier house.


Faith bounces a 2 month old Harry on her knee. Sirius smiles leans in, his mouth next to her ear. "Faith." he says-


Sarah runs down a hall of Grimmuald Palace. She thrusts open the door and Faith looks up from the Map she was examining. "Lily and James have been attacked"


A beautiful red head pleaded for her sons life. There was a flash of green and a scream.

Harry sat upright in his bed. The scream had seemed so real.

"Harry....Harry? Was that you?" Ron said from the bed above Harry.

"Hmm?" Harry asked running a hand through his hair and fumbling for his glasses. It was early in the morning. Harry guessed it to be around 5 am or so in the morning. A light blue light shone through the window lighting up the room softly. Harry had been at Grimmuald Palace ever since the second week after school got out. With Sirius dead the house went to him...well actually there was a bunch of other legal stuff to go over a lot of it involving the Malfoys but at last the house was his and the offical headquarters for the Order. Even if Harry wasn't allowed in the meetings.

"The scream." Ron said groggily.

"Noooo..." Harry said getting out of bed. Ron had heard the scream too? Was Harry dreaming? Was it really Harry that had screamed?

"Ron!" Fred and George screamed barging into the room. Fred and George's joke shop, Weasleys Wizarding Weases had rocketed off. They were making quite a lot of money and were now offical members of the Order. Even though they had enough money to buy thier own home they still stayed at Grimmuald Palace, which didn't bother Harry at all.

"Ron! Come downstairs quick!" Fred and George screamed and then ran off. Ron and Harry exchanged glances and then it dawned on them. It had been Mrs. Weasley who had screamed. As if the two had been struck by lightening they were thundering down the stairs. They stopped though at the kitchen. Harry and Ron could see Mrs. Weasley jumping up and down and crying. Fred,George,Bill,and Charlie were all talking excitedly and Mr. Weasley was trying to push his way to his wife

Harry and Ron were pushed aside as McGonagall came rushing past them and into the crowd. Harry and Ron just stood there confused and were soon joined by Hermione and Ginny.

"Whats going on?" Hermione asked Dumbeldore as he came into the kitchen with a blue nightcap on.

Dumbeldore looked down at her and his eyes twinkled.

"Come see." He said. The 4 followed Dumbeldore up to Mrs. Weasley. Harry noticed that she was hugging someone that Harry did not recognize. The person was a woman. She had dark brown hair that was short and in choppy layers. It was flipped out and she had light brown eyes. She was smiling and Mr. Weasley was looking at her with awe.

"Dear, its so nice to see you. We were certain you had died. Oh you must tell us everything!" Mrs. Weasley cried, she had tears streaming down her face.

"I will I will." The girl smiled.

"Faith, It's great to see you. We've missed you. I was sorry to hear about your father." Mr. Weasley said shaking the girls hand.

"Thank you. He died the way he would have wanted to." She said smiling. Bill pushed his way past Harry and the others who just stood there dumfounded.

"Faith It's Marvelous to see you!" Bill said wrapping the girl, who Harry assumed name was Faith, in a large hug. Faith laughed and returned the hug.

"Bill...oh My god you've gotten so big. I can barely remember the last time I saw you." Faith said as Charlie rushed past Harry and also wrapped his arms around Faith.

"Faith you gave our mother quite a fright. We've missed you though. Wait till you hear about the Dragons!" Charlie said excitedly.

"I always said you'd be working with dragons someday Charlie" Faith said hugging Charlie.

Fred and George were next to wrap thier arms around Faith.

"Fred! George! Oh my! I've heard all about your joke shop!" Faith said hugging them both.

"Really. It's been great! We hope you can give us some ideas for new inventions!" They said at the same time

McGonagall tried to compose herself as she approached Faith but couldn't resist wrapping her into a big hug.

"Faith! Good God! Where have you been?!" McGonagall said in a shrill voice. Her eyes were misty and she was smiling like a fool.

"Its nice to see you too Professor." Faith said laughing. Snape walked quickly past Harry and even bumped into him but seemed to slow down as he neared Faith.

"Serverus!" Faith said giving Snape a hug. Snape looked rather uncomfortable but then returned the hug.

"Is it true what I've heard? Proffesor Snape is it?" Faith said teasingly.

"Yes it is Faith." Remus said. Faith turned and a large smile went on her face when she saw Remus. She rushed over and hugged him exclaiming

"Moony! I haven't seen you in....FOREVER!" as he hugged her back.

"10 years to be exact." Dumbeldore said.Faith looked over to see Dumbeldore and the smile on her face seemed to widen.Then she saw the boy next to him and her smile fell. Slowly she walked up to Harry and then bent on one knee. She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked up into his eyes.

"Harry? Harry is it you?" Faith said her voice shaking.

"Yes it's him." Dumbeldore said.

"Oh...Oh ....Du..Dumbeldore he looks just like Prongs...I mean James." Faith stammered staring into Harry's eyes. Harry was slightly taken aback by Faith's use of Harry's father's nickname.

"I..I can't even believe it." Faith said shaking her head.

"Harry do you know I am?" Faith asked staring into his eyes again.

"No...sorry." 'Who is this woman? How does she know my fathers nickname? Why is Mrs. Weasley crying? Why does everyone look like they've seen a ghost? Whats for breakfast?' Harry asked himself.

"Harry, This is Faith. Faith Sloom. She was your mothers best friend." Dumbeldore said smiling.

(A/N: All the questions Harry asked himself will be answered. Also all the little bits of flashbacks will be in later chapters.)