Chapter Five: The Bonds of Family.
Thank you for all of the reviews, unfortunately this chapter is kind of filler and while may answer some questions, just not the one everyone wants to know, not yet anyways.
Happy Holidays!!!
Kagome woke with a splitting headache. She dared not move for the pounding in her head would surely make her brain explode. As she attempted to open her eyes she felt a hand on her neck, applying pressure not enough to hurt her but enough to relieve the pain. Relaxing her body she let the soothing pressure roll over her. As the pain faded into a dull ach she opened her eyes and looked strait at her rescuer. "Uh, Hiei why am I in your lap" looking around she added, "and in a tree at that?"
A shrieking sound came from Koenma's office followed by a high pitch rant. "What do you mean you lost them, how could you lose them, you can't lose them where is Hiei's spirit signal? I couldn't just disappear. Find it, Fine it now!' The rant then turned in to a nasally whine. "Oh if my father finds out I've lost them, he will never forgive me. I'm going to get so many spankingsā¦
Yusuke and Souta sat in the Higurashi living room playing Soul Caliber 2, while Yakima and Aniko Uirameshi sat around the living room table talking. "How did you handle it letting Kagome travel to another time, sober?" Yakima chuckled softly. "It was very hard. Every time she came home my heart would cry out in joy, thankful that she returned at all. But knowing our family history was a big help. What she was doing in the past was always meant to be done. All I could do was pray that she would return." The boys walked into the kitchen. Yusuke sat at the table across from his mother, and Souta next to his. "Mother, what family history are you talking about?"
"The start of our family line," Yakima answered. "Has been orally passed down to each descendant and their spouses, never to be written down for fear of it changing history." Yusuke furrowed his brow. "How could it change what has already happened, because it was written down? "That's a good question," agreed Souta, "Mom?" "Because it all started with a girl who could travel through time." "Around five hundred years ago a monk married a demon slayer, the last of her kind. On the night of the wedding an old wise woman came to the couple with a warning."
Sango glanced over at Miroku with a slight blush, Husband, what a strange concept. She couldn't believe that she was married to the perverted monk. Sighing she wished that Kagome was here to celebrate with them. She would have been so ecstatic for them. They always hoped that she would find away to return to the past. She and Miroku waited for two years after Kagome disappeared from their lives to hold their wedding ceremony. Sango tried to talk Miroku into waiting for a third, but he knew Kagome wouldn't be retuning from the start and only waited this long out of love for his Sango; he wouldn't be persuaded to wait any longer. Sango looked over their little family with a slight smile, Shippo was almost eight years old already, he had yet to hit his growth spurt and still looked the same as he did the day she met him. He was currently sitting in Miroku's lap soundly asleep. The celebration of their wedding would last through most for the night and was now only halfway through. The entire village had turned out for the occasion, most to see the two humans who had defeated Nuraku. Their deed was one that would become legend in their own life time.
As Sango's gaze returned to the crowed before her an elderly woman hobbled to the platform that the small family knelt on. The crowed quieted as the woman bowed to the newlyweds. "I come with a warning for both you and your descendants." She stated. Sango tensed up at her statement. "What is your name kind lady and what is it that you must tell us?" Miroku asked laying a comforting hand over his wife's. Although he felt no ill will from this woman and she had no demonic spirit, his own family history was enough to keep him on his guard. "I have received a vision of your past and future. A descendant on the day of her fifteenth birthday will repeat that which has already happened. But she must not know of this, for it will change the flow of time." The elderly lady bowed to Miroku and Sango once again and turned to leave. As Miroku asked for her name again the elderly lady disappeared into the crowed and no trace of her could be found. Miroku and Sango looked at each other with the same name on the tips of their tongues. Kagome.
The next day as they sat around the fire in their new house each caught up in their own thoughts. Miroku stood suddenly, grabbing his staff and running out of the house. He glanced to his left finding his wife already in her battle stance and together they waited for the approaching demon. "Miroku, is that Sesshomaru?" Sango asked looking in to the clouds. "Yes. I believe it is" He answered relaxing, watching the demon lord approach. As Sesshomaru landed in front of the monk and his wife, Miroku bowed. "Lord Sesshomaru, to what do I owe the honor of your visit?" "I have heard of a foretelling given to you at your ceremony regarding your descendants, the Miko Kagome I assume?" "Yes my lord, we have come to the same conclusion." Miroku answered.
"As of now your family is under the protection of mine. As was the agreement made with my brother, Inuyasha. You are not to tell any of your descendants of the history of your family until the day of their Fifteenth year has come and gone and only when all of your children have reached that age, neither is it to be written down." With this statement he turned around lifted of.
"So as it was told to each descendant on the day after their fifteenth birthday it was told to Yusuke and myself. When we each married it was again told to our spouses." Aniko said as the story was finished. "I never really believed in it though. I always thought it was another crazy story that my father told, like the ones he told to the tourist that came to the shrine. When I was married to your father, Yusuke, and you were born I forgot all about it." Yakima sighed. "When Kagome disappeared on her fifteenth birthday I wanted so much for it to be anything but that. Because after so many years of the story being told what happened to the Miko was never clear, only that she disappeared."
"Mom, why haven't you told Kagome about this story? I am sure she would be happy to hear about Sango, Miroku and Shippo." Souta asked. Looking at her son with tears in her eyes she leaned over and hugged him. "You remember when Kagome first came back for the last time. She was so lost, then grandfather died, I felt like she needed time to heal before she was able to talk about the past and everything that happened. I told her that they were happy and had a long and wonderful life together. That was enough for her at the time. When she is ready I will tell her the rest of the story.
"So you mean I'm the descendant of a monk and a demon slayer? Well that answers some questions." Yusuke grinned. Yakima laughed at her nephew. "You inherited Sango's slayer abilities and Kagome, Miroku's holy power. They would have been very proud of you both."
Kagome couldn't believe what she was hearing or more importantly what she wasn't. "What do you mean you can't stop it? How can you not stop? Just stop." She knew she sounded hysterical but who wouldn't be in this situation. "How could this happen. Didn't you think about this before you did it? How totally irresponsible. Don't you under stand this is forever, Forever is way to long to be stuck with you!"
Hiei was growling by this point. "Watch your mouth; I don't need some stupid human girl to tell me about being irresponsible. Its not like I like being around you anyway. How was I supposed to know your miniscule miko power would react this way? Besides you're the one who told me any bond would work. Normally this kind is temporary. I cant help it if you wont let this one fade."
"Me!" Kagome Yelled as loud as she could. "You're the one who just had to know what was in my mind! Don't you think those barriers were there for a good reason, But no, you just had to know didn't you and now I can't get you out of my head!"
Happy Holidays....