Another chapter of this finally. lol

ReRe- you've stuck with me through all of my work and always leave me wonderful reviews. I'd just like to thank you. It's very much appreciated.

Blue Leah- also would like to thank you. You appear all of the sudden quite frequently and it's so nice to see you. Thanks for the reviews.

Melissa- Do you even want me to go into what I think of you? Would you like an essay longer than this chapter on "Why do I love You?" Well, I'll spare you and just say thank you for everything.



With energy from gods only knew where Marco flung himself from the bed, falling on the floor flat on his face in a tangle of blankets and awkward limbs. Still struggling like a drowning man he could feel the rodent squirming around the bed clothes, deftly avoiding his swinging arms and legs until it found its' way on top of his head.

Marco shrieked as loudly as physically possible, his flailing increasing to dangerous levels. "Ellie!" A moment of thrashing later two bleary and fearful people crashed into his room, flipping on the lights and eyes darting wildly. They took in everything with one look. Marco on the floor trapped by his own blankets and a furry animal on his head before both Ellie and Sean fell into a roaring fit of laughter.

Marco cocked his head to the side, eyebrows drawing together in confusion. It wasn't until Ellie moved from the doorway, still clutching at a stitch at her side from the laughing, and plucked the animal from his head did he finally calm down. But...why wasn't Ellie screaming? He knew she hated mice and rats almost as much as he did.

Still laughing at what appeared to be a very funny inside joke, Sean stepped forward, red faced and breathing heavily to help him back to his feet and off of the floor. Once he was standing Marco glared at the disgusting, little, hairy beast. Ellie only rolled her eyes.

"Marco, it's a ferret." The dark haired boy continued to scowl at it. What the creature was didn't make him hate it any less. "It's more of a weasel really," she continued in a hurry, obviously trying to win him over. "And it's well behaved and house trained. It won't hurt you at all."

Marco growled testily. "It still looks like rat."

"That's what I told her," a breathy Sean said, nodding emphatically. "I wouldn't let the thing near me for a month." He reached over, taking the ferret from the red head's arms. "But, you'll get used to it. Promise. I did."

Marco's expression didn't change, and Ellie rolled her eyes again. "Oh forget it for now. Are you okay?" At his nod she yawned and blinked tiredly. "Good, because it's midnight and now that we know you're not dying I am going to go back to bed. Buona notte."

Pecking her friend on the cheek Ellie shuffled out of the room, disappearing off to the left and out of sight, leaving him and Sean in the room. The blonde boy looked decidedly uncomfortable, staring at the ferret or the floor instead of up at the other room's occupant.

Finally, after several minutes of awkward silence, Sean cleared his throat in an almost embarrassed way, nodding stiffly to the Italian boy. "Well, I'll just put, uh, Elmer in his cage so he doesn't jump on you again. He...erm, usually sleeps in here with you."

He looked up and met eyes with Marco for the first time during the entire episode. "Anyway, I'll see you in the AM." Sean nodded the same rushed nod as before and turned, leaving quickly without so much as a smile.


Sighing entirely too loudly for the intense quiet around him Marco threw himself back on the bed. Wonder what his problem is, he mused, staring vacantly at the ceiling. After a few minutes to get over the damn "ferret" or whatever it was, and also Sean's odd behavior, Marco finally swivelled his head around to look at the room he was in at last.

It was a smaller room, definitely tiny compared to his old one. The walls were in a jeweled blue color that reminded him of the waters of some tropical island. His bed was also much smaller than the one in his former home, and it was covered in a mishmash of sheets and blankets, some an ugly yellow and some blue. The pillows were a rather unattractive off white, the same as the curtains. It was apparent they were hand-me-downs.

On the wall above the headboard pictures from magazines were littered in a kaleidoscope of celebrities and cut out words. A giant full length mirror stood next to what he could only guess was his closet due to the panelled doors and the scarf hanging off of the handle. It felt

Yep, he could definitely live here.

Smiling in a decidedly mischevious way, and feeling a newfound sense of energy from his sleep earlier, Marco found himself rising from his bed and eventually walking out into the cold hallway, clutching onto the wall for support after feeling the weakness in his knees.

For a whole hour Marco simply meandered through the house. In the hallway alone he spent most of his time, simply gazing at the pictures that lined the wall, stepping into a virtual time machine and smiling back at all the grins he found.

A picture of Sean in front of a car. Ellie on a horse in the middle of a field. Nana cooking. Himself making a silly face wearing a pink tiara from a children's dress up kit, the picture beside it of Sean with a fuzzy boa wrapped around his shoulders that he presumed came with it. Ellie and Bryce kissing. Elmer sleeping on Sean's head. So many little chunks of his life here on display. All of it was...gone.

Feeling something cold seep into his stomach Marco abandoned the smiling hallway, walking farther down. On his right stood a black door with a poster of a band on it, the letters AFI blaring out in bold red at the bottom. Ellie's room. Of course. Not two feet ahead stood another door, plain white and boring with only a hoodie draped on the doorknob as a clue. Sean's.

Finally he reached the opening on the left side of the hallway that led into the den and he walked through it quickly, still holding onto the wall for dear life. It seemed kind of spooky with only a lamp on and the impenetrable silence that can only come when you know people are asleep. The air always seems thicker somehow and the lights appear dimmer, as if even they, inanimate things in another room, were trying to lull their master's to sleep.

Marco stumbled over, throwing his arms out to catch himself on the back of the couch before he fell, hands landing on a hoodie that was draped there. He stared at it oddly, as if it confused him, running a hand over it softly. Ellie's dragon book that she had been reading earlier that morning sat on the table beside the couch, and he felt the same overwhelming urge to touch it, as if his world would piece itself back together just by these familiar touches alone.

He didn't know a thing about the Sean and Ellie in this world. Sean was messy? Who knew? Ellie was a closet nerd, reading middle-earth novels? Was this even news?

Letting the paperback fall onto the couch with a dull thud Marco hobbled off to the kitchen, his stomach gnawing with hunger, breakfast from so long ago only a distant memory.

He was sitting at the kitchen table with a bag of Cheetohs later, humming some stupid song in his head as he read the box. Hm hm hm hmmmm.

Find me here.

Speak to me.

Marco inhaled sharply. A pair of bright blue eyes flashing across his mind. Laughter. A boat. Soaked clothes. Drying out in the sun.

The clicking noise of chips falling on the floor made Marco jump and push away the memories, reminding himself for the ten millionth time that day that his hopes might be in vain. That Dylan might not even exist. Feeling a knot forming in his throat he began picking up all the little snacks off the floor, nearly jumping out of his skin when a door closed in the hallway. Stock still and wide-eyed, Marco waited with bated breath to see who was awake.

Finally, after what felt like ages later, Nana, bundled up in a flowery dressing gown, appeared. She seemed surprised to see her grandson awake momentarily, but a second later she smiled widely.

"You really should not be eating that. I make you some macaroni and cheese, yes?"

Marco nodded enthusiastically, putting up the chips with a sheepish grin. He was thankful for the company of another person instead of his troubling thoughts. As he watched his grandmother cook he decided he might as well say something. Talk about one of the many things going through his head.

"Um, Bryce seems nice."

Nana paused, looking up from the boiling water and reaching over to get the package of noodles from the counter as she looked over her shoulder and smiled. "Yes, she is a very sweet girl. Never hurt Ellie."

Marco could feel the corner of his mouth treatening to turn up. "So you know about the two of them?"

"That they are an item? Of course."

The boy settled more heavily into his chair and looked down at the table...thinking. Surely she knows about me then. He looked up, feeling the knots of fear seize his stomach, a question on the tip of his tongue.

"Yes, I know you are gay," the elderly woman said, not even looking up from the pasta she was mixing. "I've known for a very long time now."

Marco nodded as if he'd been stricken, grateful and relieved, not yet completely comprehending the meaning, but knowing he was in a very good position judging by the warmth spreading in his stomach. A bowl of macaroni and cheese was placed in front of him and conversation strayed onto lighter topics like coming home from the institute and food. Nothing on the family, or parents, or even on his loss of memory. Just a nice moment of peace before the next day began.

It was only later, tucked back in his bed, did Marco allow himself to think about anything. Before he had gotten under the covers he had investigated his room one last time. In the top drawer of his nightstand he had found a framed photograph. His mother and father smiling out at him, their arms around his shoulders. He looked at it now.

And not for the first time did Marco cry himself to sleep.


Review! Please! I'm hungry for them! I only got three last time! lol. Ah, you know I love you guys.