Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Note: This is my first D/G fic and I'm really excited about it. Draco's a delicious little jackass, isn't he? I hope the banter between him and Ginny is amusing...I love witty dialogue almost as much as I love good smut.


Somehow, things never worked out the way Ginny Weasley hoped they would. Years of poverty and hand-me-downs had left her accustomed to disappointment to the point where she no longer concerned herself with the material goods her fellow sixth-years obsessed over, was not longer very hurt by the ocassional sting of a bad grade or a romantic liason gone sour. Really, there wasn't much she allowed herself to desire in life, knowing that most yearnings would likely be left unfufilled.

Yet even the most selfless of people have their longings, and at the top of Ginny Weasley's wish list was something she had wanted since she was a little girl, something admired and coveted for years now. As of yet it had alluded her, but it was the one thing she promised herself that she deserved, the one thing she refused to give up on. It was also one of the least attainable, because Harry Potter (the object of said affections), remained completely oblivious to her existance.

Oh, of course they knew each other well enough. Of course they talked, laughed, played Quidditch, and celebrated holidays in each other's company. He was her closet brother's best friend, after all. Yet Ginny realized dismally how often his green eyes seemed to look right through her and past her, never thinking of her in a context beyond the dreaded trench of friendship they'd fallen into. Worst of all, she feared that because her parents had taken him in as a son, he must see her as no more than a little sister.

It was time to take some rather drastic action. There was no place at the Burrow for coquettish behavior or revealing attire -- her brothers would tease her mercilessly if they suspected her game and her mother would scold her relentlessly for dressing too provocatively. That left the grounds of Hogwarts, free from her parents sheltering and with only the careless Ron to supervise her actions.

Desperation had led Ginny to the most outrageous idea she'd ever had. After weeks of deliberation, she had hatched a plan. It was a risky plan, a stupid plan, a crazy plan. But if it failed to work, nothing would.

Gathering her courage, she stepped out from the shadows of the hall leading to the Slytherin common room.

"Draco, wait," she called. "I need your help."