Seto gets everything for his birthday...everything but a certain blonde haired brown eyed puppy dog that is. Will his one birthday wish that he's had since he was 16 be granted? My first yaoi fic! A very short one shot. SetoXJoey Don't like it, Don't read it!

A/N: Yay! My first SetoXJoey fic!! Yeah, yeah, yeah I know other fics they're straight but I love yaoi so blah!!! This is my first one so be nice! Or tell me I suck whichever. I really wanted to do something for Seto's birthday and here it is!!

A Birthday Wish

October 25.

My birthday.

My 18th birthday to be exact.

Its 5:00 and already I have a new laptop, a camcorder, a pack of extremely rare cards, a new Mercedes, and a DVD/CD burner complete with blank CDs and DVDs. Also a bunch of small random things from people I barely know.

I should be happy.

But I'm not.

"Thanks Mokuba. Thanks everyone." I say but I can't really mean it. I was hoping for something more. Much, much more. The one thing I truly wanted in this world;

Joey Wheeler. The one I have secretly loved since I was 16.

I admit when I first meet him, he was a complete idiot. He was obnoxious and loud. Not my type at all. Not to mention an amateur duelist and best friends with the one person I despised, Yugi Motou.

I hated him.

"Excuse me."

But as time went on I started to fall for him. I don't know why. It was an odd feeling that I never felt be before. At first, I thought it was lust. I mean come on he was attractive. His blonde hair falling right before his honey brown eyes. The way his clothes fitted around his waist and chest. And the fact he never let his friends down.

But lust only last a little while. It's not supposed to stay. I saw other hotter people but the feelings for him stayed. They were always on top. He was my first priority in life. When he was dueling Yugi at the pier, it killed me to know he could have been dragged to the bottom of the ocean. I hated Marik for doing that and that's why I wanted to face him in the finals. The Egyptian God Cards were just an excuse. And when Marik knocked him out with the Egyptian God Ra, I wanted to kill him.

"Excuse me."

But it doesn't matter. Joey would never fall for someone like me. I was the cold hearted CEO of Kaibacorp. I was the one with the emotionless face, who would only responded nicely to Mokuba and even him I was mean to. No, Joey would never go for me. He would never feel the same way. Never. I know this and yet I can't and won't let him go.

I love him.

I wanted him.

And I wanted him to love me.

"Excuse me."

That's what I wanted for my birthday. That was all I ever wanted. I would have traded Kaibacorp for Joey. I would have given everything up for Joey.

But he doesn't love me back and he never will.

"Excuse me Kaiba."

I turned around just noticing that there was a person behind me. My heart pounded at the sight I saw. Joey Wheeler.

"What is it mutt?" I asked. I liked to call him mutt. It was my secret nickname just for him.

He smiled. "Your brother tells me you have a certain…birthday wish."

I looked behind him and saw Mokuba wave, smile, wink, and walk away. How did he…? I turned back to Joey who was still smiling.

For the first time since I was a little kid, I smiled. "Yes. I have a birthday wish."

He winked at me. "It came true."

A/N: Aww…what sweet crap I'm writing. Anyway, if you liked it review. If you didn't well review anyway saying how much I suck. And I looked on two websites and have two different birthdays for Joey: January 1st and January 25th. So if anyone knows the true answer please do tell me.