A/N: I am a little drunk, so sorry for the extra mistakes.

A/N2: Someone told me that at some point I said the whole slaughtering of the Halliwell family was three years before this story, if I did, I am sorry, it was a typo, I probably just was writing years ago, cuz I never gave any temporal references to this story. Mainly on purpose.


Wyatt was sitting down in his bedroom, watching his brother sleep, thinking of what he might do. How to solve everything, how to tell his brother the truth. Everything was so complicated, he just felt there was no escape. And even if he did leave with Chris, someone would step right into his shoes and keep on going where he left. The world would still be destroyed. He felt so bad for everything he did, he wish he could undone all the bad things he did. But how? Someone interrupted his thoughts.

-"Wyatt, what is going on? What had kept in this room for so long?" Barbas appeared in front of him, angry "Hmmm.. I see you found your little brother, has he been brainwashing you? Hmm we can't have that.. can we?" He walked towards Chris.

-"Leave him alone!" Wyatt cried in fear.

-"Wyatt...we can't have you being weak. I am sorry!"


Chris woke up, he was cold, freezing cold. Where was he? He looked around. He was again in one of Wyatt's prison cell. What had happened?

"He left you alone again, Chris. He deserted you, you wouldn't comply with his wishes and he gave up" He heard a voice in his head "You honestly didn't believe he was really good and cared about, did you? You fool."

No Wyatt did care about him, that was lie... something had to happen.

"You honestly believed the source of all evil, would feel sorry and would want to mend everything up? Stop deluding yourself Christopher. Deep down inside, you know it was Wyatt who murdered your family. That is why he ran away, he thought all of you were dead, and he just escape. Your brother is not sick, you brother is evil" he kept on hearing his head ranting.

-"No, Wyatt is just confused, please let him be just confused"

"If he is just confused, how come you ended up in one of his cells alone? He promise he would let you go when you were fine, but he was lying. He just wanted enough time to convinced you to follow him. And when he saw you were about to leave him, he trapped you. Now he is going to torture you, now he will do anything to convince you. And if he doesn't he will kill you. After all, he killed all his family. What does he cares if you die? He thought you were dead before, he thought he had killed you. He just played a game with you."

-"No...it's not true. Wy its just confuse, Wy wouldn't leave me alone"

"Then, why are you here Christopher? You honestly didn't believe your brother was going to start re-thinking all his beliefs and everything his's done for the last six years, just because you showed up at his door, did you? You are so naïve Christopher, so easy to convince. It's your love that blinds you, and he was going to take advantage of that love. But he saw he couldn't convince you, and he decided this whole charade was not worth it! So he threw you here, in a torture cell. You are disposable in his eyes, Chris, you are just too stupid to see it"

Barbas kept on torturing Chris for the next five hours. After a while he left. Chris was laying down, broken and in pain, in the cold, dark cell. He didn't really cared, because his inner world was even colder and darker.

Suddenly, the door open cautiously and Wyatt walked in.

-'Chris, hurry we have to go" he whispered.

-"TRAITOR" He yelled at him

-"SHH.. keep it down...No Chris, listen to me.. they been playing with your head.. the way they've been playing with mine. I came to get you out of here. I won't let anything happen to you this time. I'll keep my promise. Shh now, be careful. They are probably looking for us"

-"You are lying to me, like you've been lying to me all this time"

Wyatt walked to his brother and hold his face with his hands.

-"Look at me, Chris. You have to fight it. Look at my eyes, you can see I am not lying. It's the same they did to me, that is why I ended up like this, but not any more. Listen to me, fight it. Listen to your inner self, you'll see what is true and what's not. You can trust me, you know that!"

-"No, you abandon me, you killed everybody. And now, you are just playing with my head, to turned me to your side"

-"No, Chris, they are playing with your head to turned you to the evil side, I am just here, to get you the hell out of here. I wont let them do to you, what they did to me. You have to trust me, bro"

-"How can I trust you? After all that happened?"

-"That is why you HAVE to trust me, after all that happened, do you honestly think I am betraying you?"

-"You killed my family, you tried to kill me, WHY? You put me in this cold cell when you promise you'll let me go"

-"Oh, Chris. I didn't kill our family, I loved them, and you know it. I am risking everything to let you go, that is why I am here. Please, Kiddo, believe me. I need you to believe me, so we can get the hell out of here"


-"No.. not buts.. I came up with a plan that will solve everything. Please, now I need you to come with me. I just can't do it alone, bro. I need you by my side"

-"So what is the plan, Wy?" Whispered Chris.

-"We are going to the past, we are going before this all started, and we'll stop it all. We'll prevent it from happening."

-"But what about future consequences? what about messing with the future? It could alter the future in even worst ways!"

-"What could be worst than this Chris?" Chris didn't answer "Saving me, saves the future, you know that. We'll save me, and We'll save us all. It's the only way to avoid all this destruction!"

-"But how are we going to do it?"

-"There is a spell in the book of shadows, it will take us to the past"

-"yes, I remember. But how are we going to come back? There is no spell to come back"

-"Well, we'll have to cross that bridge when we get to it. Honestly Chris, do you think there is any other way? If we leave right now as friends, we are both going to get killed. I can't be your enemy any more. And whatever.. even if we solve all this, the city will still be destroyed and some other tyrant will rise, it's the only solution Chris. Besides, we'll get to see mom, and everybody alive. That would be nice"

-"You are right, Wy. Lets do it"

Wyatt smiled.

-"SHh now... keep it quiet. And be careful, ok? I got your back"

-"But they are your people Wyatt! Why do we have to be so careful?"

- "They told them that I am a shape shifter and they have to kill me. I told you, I am not the only one behind all this!"

They started running cautiously around the dungeons, Wyatt was leading and Chris was following him close.

Suddenly someone cried

-"There... I see them!"

Fifteen guards started chasing them. Wyatt threw a couple of energy balls and a couple of the demons burst into flames. One sent a fire ball, Chris deflected with his TK, another one coming, he did the same, this one burst a demon. Wyatt blew a couple more.

An fire ball was heading directly to Chris. Wyatt saw it too late to deflected or interrupted it with his energy ball, he yelled.

-"Chris watch out" And he jumped to move his brother, interrupting the fireball it in it's way, stopping it with his chest.

Chris knelt down beside his fallen brother


-"I will be ok, you have to go, NOW. Go to the past, save me and you'll save us all. They won't allow me to remember any of this, but remember I love you, now GO!!"

-"How, when, where?"

-"Before you are born, it starts before you are born, Now go, PLEASE.. save us all"

Chris started running.

He could see Wyatt lifted his force field, using it as a cage so all their chasers got trapped in it.

He orbed away with a firm resolution, he was going to the past.. He was going to save his brother.


-"So.. are you ready to serve me again, Wyatt?" Said Barbas.

Wyatt expression was blank, yet full of hatred.

-"Yes, master!"


FRENCH "butt kicking" SPARKLES: Heheh.. yeah I stole that line from Drew...I plead guilty. I just was thinking of how to express my thoughts and I remembered that line, and I thought it was adequate. YEAHHHH I want a sticker and cookies, you can steal Wyatt cookies, just ask Pukah which ones did she put anti psychotics to, cuz we don't want those ones, they taste kind of weird. I have been wanting to tell the ending since I started the story and everybody that asked, then backed up. I guess they are not like me, that read the last chapter of a book right after they finish the first. But well...sadly, or gladly, here is the ending. I hope you like it! Let me know....Yeah I know, it leaves a lot to imagination, as how Wyatt ended up telling him all those things on Chris-Crossed, but Barbas tortured him and brain washed him for a long while. I

PUKAH: Girl, you must be the funniest person in this planet. They way you make me laugh has no name!!

Go Grams torturing Leo in heaven. Yeap, who know what would have happened if Leo had been there.. probably nothing, hopefully he will be there this time around, more for Chris than for Wy.. or for both.

Yeah, Wy is beyond recovery, one more reason he has to be saved, and one more reason he cant go to the past. Can you imagine, mental Wyatt running around all season six? SCARY!! Chris was neurotic, but him and a psychotic Wyatt is a little bit too much.

Hehehe It was so funny when you were like "Here I was thinking: I was more worried about the garden and the fact that you served tea for your mother long dead... but yes, the lord of all evil is worrying too..." It so tragic that is hilarious! Those things that you say, should I say OUCH or HAHAHA??

If I did write at some point that the whole massacre of the Halliwell family was three years before. I am sorry, the 3 just typed it self, cuz no.. I never gave any time reference on purpose, and the guys are obviously 20/21 and 22/23.

Nahh Wyatt kind of likes me, cuz I am nice to him, and I have a huge crush on his brother. He is all go for it girl!! That is one of the main reason why he is sending him to 2003/4 so he can meet him, but he is just keeping it a secret. So he just offers me the cookies with antidepressant, no biggie.

Yeah Yeah... buy spelling productions and we can all get some storied going on there. Well I hope you liked the ending.. but the end it was kind of obvious, but it's a cute ending, come on.. He did turn kind of good. But that was the only way to solve it. Let me know if you liked it.

I am waiting eager for Truth.

PrincessCharmed: THANKS, THANKS. Well.. I'll be waiting for your story anxiously. I am glad you liked my last chapter, and I hope you liked this one too. Though is the ending, yeah I know, a little sad. I am sad too. But...it was time.

LEX: My super reviewer! You make me feel so good every time you send me a review. I am going to miss that so much, I'll probably have to write another story you like. I know.. you'll hate me cuz this ended. But it had to. Everything had been said. I am glad you liked Piper in there, I thought it was probably the most suitable character to tell him the truth, poor Wyatt. I am kind of sorry for him. Thanks for telling me that I developed the characters so good. I tried, and still I tried to keep a little of what they show in the show. Yeah, don't forget Hyde school reunion! I love Victor-Chris relationship, I have two stories with another nick that are based on that relationship. I think that was the only time when Chris actually showed his emotions and laughed, and cried and showed something, even when he calls Piper mom for the first time. I love that episode (or the Chris part, cuz the rest SUCKS!)

You are the sweetest, sweetest EVER.. Thank you, thank you , thank you.

I hope you liked the ending, thank you for all your support. You are adorable!