Disclaimer: clears throat Ladies and Gentleman, Vampires and Lycans, Cats and Dogs, birds of the air and fish of the sea. (lol) I do not own Van Helsing.

The plot bunnies are attacking! Run for you lives!

This story was inspired by the song "7 days without you" by Avion, and "Here without you" by Three Doors Down. I don't own those songs or the bands. Big surprise...

She had a temperature, a headache and nausea, an awful cough the often left her gasping for air. She'd thrown up several times, whether from the coughing or the nausea was anyone's guess. She said her entire body ached, even more so then after her fight with Aleera. Her nose was either runny or stuffy, sometimes both, making her scream in frustration. There was no escaping it, Anna was sick.

Gabriel sat on the couch in the sitting room, holding the cream colored telegram in his hand. He knew what it was, Carl had known what it was when he'd given it to the monster hunter. Sure enough, the order had requested his presence in Germany. An ogre was causing a bit more then panic, Van Helsing liked the term 'mass hysteria' better.

Another fit of coughing could be heard from upstairs, putting the telegram in his coat pocket, Van Helsing walked up the stairs, and went into Anna's room. She was sitting up in bed, choking and hacking, gasping for air. She looked up at him, her usually bright hazel eyes clouded with sickness. Her watery eyes locked with his, she managed a smile before her body was shaken when another bout took her. She collapsed against her pillows finally, exhausted, Gabriel raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not going to even bother with asking how you're doing" he chuckled, she sniffled and glared at him. With a gentler smile he came around to her, kneeling at her bedside and taking her slim hand in his.

"Anna, I got a telegram from the Vatican" he whispered, her eyes widened she sat up quickly and instantly regretted it. A sharp pain starting from between her eyes shot clear through her skull, she moaned and put a hand to her head.

Gabriel moved her over, sitting beside her on the soft mattress, and took her into his arms.

"You are so sick" he laughed, kissing her warm forehead, he frowned,

"it would also appear that you have a fever again" he informed her. Anna nodded against his chest and sniffed again. She shivered against him, he stroked her limp curls tenderly.

"I need to pack, I have to be in Germany as soon as I can, I wanted to check on you first" he told her, she clutched his sweater.

"I'll come back before I leave okay, and I'll bring some more of that medicine you love so much" he said soothingly. She made a face at the mention of the 'medicine' Carl had given her. She opened her mouth to talk but ended up coughing again. Growling softly, she sank back into the blankets, looking absolutely pitiful.

Gabriel smiled and bopped the end of her nose, she glared at him from beneath the blankets. With a laugh he stood from the bed and headed for his own room, he heard her sneeze and rolled his eyes as he pushed open his door.

An hour or so later he was back in her room, carrying a mug of tea, a cold washcloth and her medicine in a cup. Anna eyed him warily as he came toward her with the cup. She grimaced when the smell penetrated her congested nose,

"no" she grumbled, turning her head away from the medicine. Gabriel rolled his eyes,

"Come on, it'll make you better. It can't taste half as bad as it smells" he said holding the cup out. Anna shook her head firmly,

"You taste it and see for yourself!" she said, Gabriel fought back laughter at the sound of her nasally voice. She glared at him and sniffed,

"Anna, I can't leave till you've taken your medicine" he stated reasonably. She smiled wickedly,

"good, then you can stay here with me" she nodded to herself. Sighing Gabriel reached out and grabbed her nose, Anna squealed, her mouth popping open. He quickly dumped the contents of the cup into her mouth. Anna's eyes took on a wild look as he clamped his other hand over her mouth. He'd learned his lesson, the last time he'd done this he hadn't covered her mouth and had ended up wearing the foul liquid, on his face. With a disgusted look she finally swallowed the stuff, he cautiously pulled his hand away. Anna scowled at him, he held out the mug of tea with a smile. Growling she accepted the mug and sipped the warm liquid, reaching to the night stand he grabbed the washcloth and set it against her forehead.

"I'll miss you" he said softly, a smile twitching at the side of his mouth, her teary eyes looked at him with surprise, she placed the mug on the nightstand. She'd forgotten he was leaving, she started to talk but was interrupted with another violent coughing attack. She whimpered pathetically and reached for him, he held her tightly while she coughed on his shoulder. He kissed the side of her head, rubbing her back soothingly until the coughs subsided. She pouted when he pulled away, he flicked her lower lip and smiled.

"No thank you, I have no desire to be sick" he told her, she sniffed and looked up at him, hair tussled and face flushed. Reaching up to his neck, Gabriel tugged off his scarf and wrapped it around Anna's. She fingered the wool confusedly, he kissed her forehead and stood to leave.

"I'll be coming back for that" he told her, she blinked up at him,

"and you mind Carl while I'm gone. Don't you dare spit medicine in his face without me here to laugh at him!" stopping in the door, he turned and waved to her.

"Gabriel" she called when he started to go, he turned back to her. She looked so sad sitting in the heap of blankets, her red nose sticking out in the gloom of her room. She smiled faintly,

"I love you, and please be careful!" she held his scarf tightly in her fist watching his back as he walked down the hall.

"I love you too, and don't worry, I always am" he called back over his shoulder, then shouldering his bag he marched down the stairs. She could hear the door open, the click shut. Closing her eyes, Anna settled back into her pillows, placing a hand on the now luke-warm washcloth, she held the scarf to her chest and fell into fevered sleep.

You want a chapter two right?