Hey everyone! I decided to make a Furuba Horror Fic in the spirit of Halloween. Hope you like it!! I'm co-writing this with Tixxana (Tixxana:) Yes. I am also editing it as well. Enjoy!!

Prologue: The Beginning of It All

It was late at night. For some odd reason, all of the Chinese Zodiac were gathered at Shigure's house, including Master, Hana, Uo, and, of course, Tohru. It was the Friday before Golden Week and spirits were high. Quietly, Shigure walked into the room where everyone was gathered, chattering amongst themselves.

"I have called you all here because Akito has asked me to do so. He has also asked me to announce that he wants to thank Tohru for everything she has done for us all." Everyone gasped in surprise. Akito thanking Tohru?! "So, Akito has set up, for all of the invited, a private stay at a private camp resort with cabins and such." Shigure was beginning to get into his little rehearsed speech. "It's in two days, so you all have plenty of time to get ready. However, Akito will not take no for an answer. He himself won't be coming until the last day of our stay there because of his sickness. Everyone invited is expected to come, no matter what excuses you have."

"Well, sure, I'll go," Tohru said, still shocked. "But what is he thanking me for?"

"That he wouldn't tell me." Shigure replied, a mystified look on his face. Everyone dispersed from the room, excitement in their chattering voices. They had left Shigure, Kagura, and Kyo alone in the dining room.

"What does Akito want with me? Why do I have to go?" Kyo fumed, noticing Kagura. But then he noticed something that looked different about her...worry was in her eyes.

"Shigure, Akito-san has something up his sleeve, I know it!" Kagura said, worried. "But what is it? Why would he want all of us in the same place? And Tohru's friends—they don't even know about us! Something definitely is up and I will find out!" She walked away, still pondering what Akito may be plotting.

Surprise flashed in Kyo's eyes. How can Kagura know something? She never notices anything! Kyo thought to himself as he walked to his room.

In just two days time, all of the Sohmas would be damned to oblivion!


Hatori was walking to Akito's room for the last check up before he was to leave for the camping trip. For some unexplained reason, Akito insisted that he went with the rest of the family. He was about to open the door to Akito's room when he heard an almost too-familiar voice speaking with Akito—Kana! Hatori thought, inching the door open a bit to hear them a bit better.

He heard Kana sniff loudly. "He's dead! My husband's dead! He died in a car accident just this morning!" Kana sobbed. "But the weirdest thing is—I keep getting these horrible flashbacks...are these true?"

"Sadly, yes," Akito replied, trying to sound sympathetic. It failed miserably, but Kana didn't notice. "I am sorry for your loss and what I have done to you. However," he added, flashing Kana a smile. "This week, Golden Week, all of the Sohmas are going to a private campsite, and you are welcome to come. Just show up tomorrow evening. Don't tell Hatori, though. This will be a surprise for him. He will be very happy to see you!"

Kana nodded in response, blowing her nose. She exited from Akito's private entrance as Hatori slowly closed the door. He waited a few minutes before entering.

"Akito-san," Hatori said, bowing low. "I have come for your last check up before I am to leave."

Checking Akito in silence, Hatori barely managed to breathe. When he was done, though...

"Akito-san, why do you want me to go? I would rather stay here and make sure you are under the proper care!" he said slyly.

"Nonsense!" Akito said, angry. "You're going and that's final." Shigure walked in.

"Excuse me, I must leave now. I have other thing waiting to be done before I leave. My best wishes, Akito-san." Hatori said, bowing as he left the room.

"Shigure, I hope everything is well. Nothing is wrong, is it?" Akito asked in his silk-smooth voice.

"No sir," Shigure replied, unusually serious. "But I was wondering why I have to go along with the family. Surely I am no need for you?" he was very concerned.

"We already went through this!" Akito said firmly. He crossed his arms firmly over his chest, giving him the look of evil. His eyes were full of pure malevolence, and his mouth was firmly set. "Now, if you will leave, Shigure, I'm expecting some visitors soon."


Four dark figures appeared out of nowhere outside of Akito's room at midnight that night. As they approached the light, the figures were clothed in jet black cloaks that had a covering over the faces. They looked evil and up to no good at all.

"My Minions of the Night, you are ready," said Akito from his futon. "You should be prepared for the worst by now. Remember, you must be as silent as the night and as mysterious as well."

"Yes Master!" three voices chorused. One was silent.

"What's wrong, my Minion?" Akito queried.

"Master," the fourth said. "Kagura knows something is up. She suspects you!"

"Then she is first."


"NO EXCUSES!" Akito screamed, rising from the futon toward the four minions. "She shall be your first target!"

"But Master! It is only Kagura! She poses no threat!" said the second.

"SHE POSED NO THREAT TO US WHEN WE HAD THIS PLANNED OUT! NOW SHE KNOWS SOMETHING!" Akito said, staggering as he made to stand up straight. "She is your first and only target until I say so," he said quietly. "Now, my Minions, go and spread the terror called Hell. Show everyone what you're trained for! SEND THEM ALL TO HELL WHERE THEY BELONG!!"

Three of the figures left, quite grimly, but the fourth stayed.

"You wished to talk with me, Master?" he asked.

"Yes. There is one other matter we need to talk about." Akito said, gesturing for the cloaked figure to help him back to the futon. As the cloaked figure gently leaned down to let Akito sit down, Akito continued. "Your personal mission is to kill the Honda girl." The figure's head lowered to the ground. Not in a bow, but in silent grimace. Akito began laughing manically as the figure walked away. Akito's laughter cut through the silence of the night just as every knife would cut through the Sohma's throats and their guests as well...

In the end chapter it will explain everything that's happened and how and what not. When you leave reviews, if you would like, you can try to guess who is in the conspiracy, there are four people. (Ti: Well, duh. There are four cloaked figures!Every chapter, please make a guess, and I do hope this is good so far. My deepest thanks to my co-writer, Tixxana.

Ti: What's up with using 'futon'? I mean, that's Mulder's word! And futon! Anyways......this took me a while to edit and type in and crap, so you all should be on bended knee thanking me!! Okay, that's enough...(returns to writing my Lemon—er, slash!) Go and read some of my fics, too, okay? Please? I only have two reviews so far for my Slash fic, Dakishimete!! Wait...now I have five or so. (Hugs reviewers)

So, review and more will be coming soon!!