Okay, this is what all of you have been waiting for: The last chapter in "Danny in Jump city". This will be part of series and I've already got a brief sequel planned that should come out in the Middle of March, if my plans are uninterrupted. I thank everybody who reviewed this story, even the ones with a little criticism. It's not a good as I'd like, but it's decent. Okay, I've got to write the last chapter and finish this at last.

As for the questions about who Danny will end up with, I am as of yet undecided, or even if there will be romance. However, Sam will likely not be the candidate.

"Where the hell are we?" asked Danny. He looked around and saw a desolate wasteland that looked like a desert. In all honesty, it was pretty creepy and it was obvious that Vlad and Fright Knight shared the same sentiment.

"This is obviously Raven's mind." said Fright Knight. "With a demon hybrid, it is possible to travel into her mind in this form."

"Never mind about that now." said Vlad. "We've got to find Trigon before he destroys the whole city."

"I would not be surprised if he knows of our presence." Fright Knight replied.

"Guys, we got to find him." said Danny. "Let's look around. He has to be somewhere. I doubt he's going to hide from his enemies."

"An excellent point, Daniel." Vlad stated. "From what little I do know of Raven, Azerath is where she grew up and I believe this is what is currently appears to be. Trigon is a powerful demon, even stronger than myself. I only hope we can gather some help."

"Plasmius, we are on our own." Fright Knight told him. "Unless…"

"Unless what?" asked Vlad, not in the mood for patience.

"I'm kind of curious myself." said Danny. "You guys can explain it." "I'll just listen to you while I get a little rest."

"Her mind is divided into separate parts." Fright Knight explained. "Each of them symbolize a different emotion. This enables her to be at least reasonably emotionless and is the reason her powers go out of control when emotions run high."

"Where do you guys learn all this stuff?" asked Danny. "You seem to know everything."

"You don't think I spend all my time scheming about how to win your mother over, do you?" Vlad replied. "I researched many parts of the ghost zone in addition to various legends. Trigon is the strongest of all demons, prophesied to destroy the planet."

"And I have existed for a thousand years." The Fright Knight added. "Vlad, prophecies are often inaccurate and even if true, often have more than one face."

"Uh… guys, we have a bit of a problem." said Danny. He saw at least a dozen stone creatures heading straight for them. Vlad and Fright Knight went into the fray immediately, destroying one of them close to the group.

Vlad conjured two swords, handing one of them to Danny. He was doing very well, considering the fact he was inexperienced. Soon 3 more were destroyed but it was obvious that they were quite powerful. 2 of the stones punched Vlad into a tree, Fright Knight covering him while Vlad got up.

Danny fired a powerful energy blast and blew one into a thousands pieces. Between the three of them, the stones were destroyed in no less than three minutes.

"That was more difficult than expected." said Vlad, grateful he couldn't sweat in ghost mode.

"It will be more difficult when we face Trigon." replied Fright Knight and was suddenly punched back at least 20 feet. Their attacker seemed to look just like Raven, only with a green cloak. Vlad duplicated and faced his new foe. She was skilled and powerful, destroying one of his copies. Danny intervened and kicked her side, giving Vlad time to charge up an energy blast, sending her to the ground.

She fired black energy at Vlad, but this time he put up a shield and his two remaining duplicates sent a shock through her system. She groaned in pain and Vlad summoned back his copies, deciding to conserve energy if possible. She was hit by a blast from the Soul shredder and immediately went on the offensive.

She then turned towards Danny. He put up a shield to block her attacks and then went on the offensive with his sword. Vlad and Fright Knight stood on the sidelines, impressed by his power. Finally, they attacked together and she was beaten.

"Damn, these servants are stronger than I expected." she muttered to herself.

"I serve no one, girl." said Vlad, picking her up by the neck. "How dare you consider me a mere slave, especially to the demon Trigon? I am not so foolish as to aid him. Why were you sent here? Why did you attack us?"

"You're not getting any answers out of me." she replied stubbornly.

"Vlad, calm down." Danny said before things could get any more heated. "Maybe she can help us. Who are you?"

"I'm Raven, or rather, Brave Raven." said the girl. Vlad dropped her and she dusted herself off. "Sorry about that. I thought you were demons of Trigon, particularly this one." She pointed at Vlad, who glared murderously.

"I suppose it's all right." said Danny. "We're here to put a stop to him. Is there anything you can tell us?"

"Be careful of her words." Fright Knight warned. "Trigon is known for his manipulation."

"Me and the others are trying to stop him, but he's got the original Raven." Brave explained. "We're not strong enough and it won't be long before he gets complete control. If that happens, he'll destroy the entire world."

"Is there any way to defeat him?" asked Vlad. "We won't be able to match him in power."

"Even my ghostly wail probably won't take him down." Danny added then berated himself. It probably wasn't the best of ideas to reveal his most powerful attack.

"He is the greatest of all beings, as powerful as the ghost king Pariah Dark." she told them. "The only chance we have is to free the original Raven from his clutches. It's unlikely, but the only shot we have. So come on, we got to go free her!"

"Do you trust her?" Fright Knight whispered to Vlad.

"In all honesty, no." Vlad replied. "She could be leading us straight to Trigon. Does he have any weakness, any vulnerabilities?"

"His eyes are a possibility." said Fright Knight. "It would weaken him, but not finish him. He has tremendous healing ability. Blindness would affect him for no more than a matter of minutes."

Vlad watched Danny and Brave Raven talk to one another like old friends and despite himself, he envied the boy. He had not known happiness for over 20 years and it was obvious to him that he was attracted to her. However, he also believed him foolish. They knew nothing about the newcomer and nothing to suggest she was trustworthy. Daniel was very stubborn and would likely not listen to his enemy.

Listen to me, I actually care about the boy. Vlad snarled to himself. What am I becoming?

"Her body's stable for now." said Cyborg. "Perhaps they have managed to beat Trigon."

"I don't think so, Cyborg." said Robin. "If they had, they would have come out. And her power level are still far above normal."

"Will they be able to win?" asked Jazz.

"Of course they will!" Exclaimed Starfire in her usual optimistic mood. "Good always wins!"

"Do not be a fool, alien." said Walker. "Even in the ghost zone, Trigon is feared and hated. There are many that would wish to destroy his daughter."

"So what can we do?" asked Maddie, marveling at their situation. None of them imagined not attacking a ghost when they had the chance, much less having a conversation with one.

"Skulker should be back with a more powerful exo-skeleton." said Walker. "He does not wish for anyone else to capture his prey and I still want your dear son in my prison."

"Over my dead body, Punk!" yelled Jack, charging up a weapon.

"Now isn't the time for fighting." Beast Boy said, trying to moderate things before they got out of control. "If Raven loses, her father will come out and destroy the entire planet!"

"That does not seem possible, for conquest is a fool's dream!" Exclaimed Technus, thankfully not talking about himself. "There will always be ones who resist you!"

"Very true, Technus, very true." said Skulker, flying down to meet them. He had an exo-skeleton nearly 10 feet tall, endless weapons, but other than that, it looked the same as the last one. "I am ready to assist Master Vlad."

"Doesn't mean we trust you." said Cyborg, keeping a wary eye.

"Let's not get into any more fights." said Robin. "We'll take any allies we can get at this point."

"Doesn't mean we have to like it." said Maddie. "I just wish we could get inside to help Danny."

"That isn't going to be possible." said Beast Boy. "The mirror's been destroyed, so there's no way in or out except for ghost, it looks like."

"This means it's up to me." said Skulker. "No one else is capable now."

"Very well, but if you hurt my son, I swear I will destroy every molecule of your being." Jack snarled.

"And I'll be right there with him." Jazz added, really wishing they didn't have to trust their enemies.

Vlad, Danny, and Fright Knight had been wandering around with Brave Raven for around 20 minutes. None of them had any clue where they were going.

"I got to admit, you really look hot, Danny." said Brave Raven. "I'm sure love would agree."

"Can we concentrate on something else besides teenage romance?" Asked Vlad, annoyed. "Aren't you supposed to be a super hero?"

"Calm down, she's just trying to lighten the mood." said Danny. They then noticed a black wall of energy. It crackled ominously and even Vlad was afraid, although he would never admit it.

"So this is where the original Raven is?" asked Vlad.

"Yes, and this is where I leave you." said Brave Raven. "None of us can get inside there and I must return to the others and assist them."

"Why will you not come with us?" asked Fright Knight. "I am suspecting a trap."

"Hate to say it, but I am too." said Danny. "That is not a place I want to be in unless we have no other choice."

"I'm sorry, I know you have no reason to trust me." said Brave Raven. "I would help you if I was capable. But I wish you the best of luck in freeing her. We don't have a lot of time."

"No! No, don't go in there!" yelled a fearful voice behind a tree. She revealed herself and looked just like Raven, except wearing a Brown cloak.

"Let me guess, fear." Vlad stated sarcastically.

"You would be right." said Brave Raven. "This is another part of Raven's personality, one that won't help us."

Danny kneeled beside the Grey Raven and comforted her as best she could. "No, don't hurt me, please!" she screamed.

"There is nothing you can do, Daniel." said Fright Knight. 'Fear is her very essence."

"Don't go!" screamed Grey Raven, grabbing onto Vlad's arm. He threw her off angrily and Brave Raven glared murderously at him, to which he merely smirked.

Danny bent down and put his arms around her, whispering soothing words. Grey Raven seemed to calm down somewhat, at least to the point where she stopped struggling. She seemed to relax in Danny's presence.

"Hate to interrupt your private time, but we're here to stop a demon from destroying the city." Vlad said, trying to hold in his temper. "If you please, stop thinking with your hormones."

"And do you use your brain when you're hitting on my mom?" Danny retorted. Vlad found no comment for that. Eventually, however, he let go of her, despite her objections.

"It looks like she's taken a liking to you." Fright Knight laughed.

"What does it matter?" asked Vlad, admittedly a little jealous.

"I'll see you girls later, okay?" said Danny, leaving them. The three went inside the black energy to free Raven. However, it didn't seem like there was anything inside. Unfortunately, they were unable to see and Vlad had to light their way ahead.

"I wonder what awaits us." said Fright Knight.

"I would rather not know, if you don't mind." replied Danny. He was very nervous around here and was the most obvious about it. Even so, Vlad and Fright Knight were scared and it showed when they noticeably slowed their pace.

"Come on, we have to keep moving." said Vlad.

"Forgive me for asking, but why are you helping us?" Danny asked. "Aren't you supposed to try and kill me instead? Not that I'm complaining, of course."

"Use your brain, Daniel." Vlad replied. "Do I really have a choice? I will not let Maddie come to harm. If that means working with my enemies, so be it."

There was an agonizing scream and all of them jumped in surprise. All of them charged up energy blasts and prepared to fight just as there was another scream. In panic, Vlad released his energy and there was a groan of pain.

"What the heck was that?" asked Danny.

"I think we have found the original Raven." said Fright Knight. "Do not let down your guard, however, as she may be influenced by Trigon."

The trio went into the room cautiously, ready to fight at a moment's notice. Danny saw the original Raven and gasped in horror. She was badly beaten, cut, you name it. (I'd go on, but I don't want to raise the rating) Even Vlad was slightly taken aback.

"Well, it's a good thing we found her." said Vlad. "Might I suggest we leave before Trigon finds us? In our condition, we won't last long."

Danny knelt by Raven, trying to do something for her. Finally, he gently picked her up in his arms. Fright Knight offered to help but he pushed him away, leading her out of the prison. The others followed silently and they finally exited the prison. When they got out, they saw Brave Raven, Happy Raven, and Timid Raven.

"Great, just what I need: 4 Ravens." Vlad groaned. If they were anything like Brave Raven, he was going to feel like killing himself. Assuming he could die, of course.

"We were worried about you!" said Happy Raven, hugging the original one happily, forgetting about her injuries.

"There's no time for reunions." said Brave Raven. "We don't have a lot of time. The others won't be able to fight Trigon off much longer."

"Can you do anything to help her?" Danny asked. Brave Raven nodded and sat down beside her blue comrade, chanting a spell our hero couldn't identify. While it didn't heal her completely, she was much better off than before. "Come on, we have to stop him. Now that you girls are here, I'm sure we can do it."

"You guys saved Raven!" exclaimed Timid, latching onto Vlad's arm. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I know I would be too afraid to do anything."

"Get off me, you stupid girl!" Vlad exclaimed, trying to throw her off, but the emotion wouldn't budge. Finally, he lost his temper and hit her with an energy blast, knocking her off his arm. Unfortunately, she also started to cry and the other 3 Ravens looked at Vlad furiously.

"I don't think that was a wise idea, Vlad." said Fright Knight, raising his sword to defend him.

"This isn't the time to be fighting." said Danny. "Take your anger out on him later. (mutters) 'I know I will.' Anyway, Plasmius, just apologize for what you did and we can end this."

From Danny's point of view, it looked like his arch-enemy was about to explode. He breathed hard and had difficulty speaking. Finally, Vlad said in a monotone voice: "I apologize for attacking you. I cannot justify my actions. I'm sorry." The other Ravens reluctantly accepted this and they continued on.

"Was that so hard, Vlad?" Danny asked.

"If you ever tell anyone I apologized, I will kill you." Vlad replied, glaring. Even Fright Knight was having a hard time holding back laughs.

"Hatred shall rule!" Thundered a voice and all of them were startled. Trigon had arrived, along with a red version of Raven. He was at least 30 feet tall, had bulging muscle and 4 eyes.

"It appears as if the crucible has come." said Fright Knight, preparing for battle. The Ravens went into action, each of them blasting Trigon in a different area. Even Timid was doing her part. Danny, on the other hand, was furious. His fists glowing green, he punched the demon again and again. Even Vlad was slightly intimidated by his power. If his parents' detectors saw him now, his power would be 8.4 and climbing.

"Well, this is certainly impressive, especially from one so young." said Fright Knight.

"I did say Daniel had a great deal of potential." Vlad replied.

"Are you two going to help us or just stand there and stare?" Raven demanded crossly. After rolling their eyes, the two joined in the fight. Fright knight fired his eye lasers at Trigon's throat, followed by Vlad's lightning. He was stunned, with gave the Ravens time to get in their own attacks. Trigon was forced back.

Vlad put his plan into action. He fired energy beams at Trigon's eyes once he had the opportunity and Fright followed by taking out the other two. The demon screamed in pain and Danny rammed into him, knocking him to the ground. Brave Raven used her martial arts moves and attacked the most vulnerable spots on his body.

However, all of them were blown back by the Red Raven, who had done nothing until now. All of them moved to attack, but Vlad pushed them out of the way. "This is a battle between me and her." he stated. "Deal with Trigon. Fright Knight, stay with the boy. Make sure nothing happens to him." He then turned to the Evil Raven and duplicated into 4. "Let's finish this."

"With pleasure, old man." she replied and launched a stream of black energy and the Vlads scattered. One fired a pink energy blast, which she blocked easily. Another wrapped her up in ectoplasmic rope and shocked, while the others fired lightning. She screamed in pain and rage, launching a counter-attack. She destroyed one of the Vlads, causing the others to fall back.

"I see you do have some power." said the original Vlad. "Tell me, why do you serve Trigon?" If he played his cards right, perhaps they would have a new ally.

"I serve him out of choice!" she screamed. "It is an honor to participate in his rise to power. I will be greatly rewarded!"

"So you say, so you say." said Vlad. "Tell me, why do you think he will not simply destroy you once he has no further use for you?" Seeing that he struck a nerve, Vlad continued. "Keep trying to convince yourself, but you know in your heart of hearts that he will simply dispose of you, regardless of the fact you are his daughter?"

"You are simply trying to confuse me! Prepare to die!"

"Very well, if you wish to do it the hard way, I'll oblige. But you'll at least think about my offer?" In response, she fired another wave of black energy, which the Vlads had to put up shields to withstand. The battle continued, one Vlad punching her in the face, another slamming himself into her gut. The third fired ectoplasmic lightning, following with a kick to the gut.

Meanwhile, the others were not having much success against Trigon. Danny, Brave Raven, and Fright Knight were the only ones able to actually do something in the battle. Happy Raven spent all her time dodging, Timid Raven was too afraid to fight any longer, and Raven herself was still too injured to do anything major.

"Give it up, fools!" Trigon yelled. "You cannot win!" Danny response was to punch Trigon in the jaw, while Brave Raven fired energy into his chest. Fright Knight flew near Danny, hoping to keep him from injury. He fired his sword into Trigon's head, but he was thrown away before it could do any real damage.

"Doesn't anything work on this guy?" asked Danny. "I don't have enough energy for my wail." He had to admit to himself; he didn't have a lot of hope. He was running out of energy and if they failed, no help was going to come. So what could they do?

"We have to hope the others get here in time." said Brave Raven. "If even one of them dies, Trigon gets permanent control over the mind. At least he hasn't managed it yet."

Trigon suddenly rushed toward Timid Raven, firing dark energy as he moved. Fright Knight went in to rescue her, but ended up taking a terrible blow. He screamed in pure agony and fell to the ground.

"Can we combine?" asked Brave Raven.

"No, he put a spell on us so we can't." said Raven. "We have to injure him enough so we can break it."

"That doesn't seem possible, unless the newcomers have an ace up their sleeve." said Intelligence Raven. "Even so, that wouldn't surprise me, given the young one's courage and the dark one's cunning."

Speaking of Vlad, he was flying around Trigon, firing energy blasts as he did so. Trigon fired a black burst of energy but Vlad skillfully dodged and it left the demon open to Danny's attack. He fired a powerful ghost stinger into his eyes, causing him to scream in pain and stumble blindly.

"Now's our chance!" exclaimed Vlad, duplicating into 4. "Attack!" Brave Raven, Raven, Danny, and Vlad swarmed the demon firing with as much power as they could. Unfortunately, this still did not remove the spell. Trigon grabbed Danny with one of his hands and started squeezing the life out of him.

"What do we do now?" asked Brave Raven.

"The Phantom won't be able to break Trigon's hold, so it'll be up to us." said Intelligence Raven. "Concentrate your power in one spot and hit him as hard as you can."

Vlad was way ahead of the others. He and his duplicates fired ectoplasmic lightning into Trigon's chest, knocking him back. He returned with more black energy, destroying one of the duplicates, but Vlad had no intentions of giving up his future apprentice. Raven, Brave and Intelligence fired their own energy and forced him to let Danny go.

"Jeez, you actually saved me?" asked Danny. "Okay, this has to be on the top 5 of 'weirdest things that ever happened to me'."

"What was the first?" asked Vlad.

"Traveling back in time to meet my evil, future self." Danny replied.

"If you don't mind, we still have Trigon to worry about." said Raven. The two hybrids grinned in embarrassment and continued the attack. However, the demon had recovered and fired enough energy to destroy Danny. Vlad tried to get him out of the way, but there was nothing he could do. Danny closed his eyes, waiting for the end.

"Do you think they've had any luck?" asked Maddie.

"It's difficult to say." replied Robin. "She's not moving, but I still hear Trigon's voice. I just wish there was something we could do."

"Exactly how powerful is Trigon?" asked Jasmine.

"None of us really know." said Cyborg. "When me and BB fought him, our attacks didn't even faze him."

"But don't worry, Danny can beat him." Beast Boy said hastily.

"I suppose all we can do is hope for the best." Jack said helplessly, so unlike his usual self. "I just wish I could get inside her and beat that demon to kingdom come! Well, at least V-man can look after him."

"Friend Danny and enemy Vlad will defeat this monster!" Exclaimed Starfire. "I have every confidence that friend Danny will find a way!"

"But even so, we'd better be prepared because I'm not sure how much we can do in our weakened state." said Terra. Just then, she spotted two figures running towards them. She was about to use her powers, but Jazz restrained her.

"That's Tucker and Sam!" Jazz stated and they came to a stop near them, Tucker panting.

"You guys have to look after the others!" she exclaimed. "They really need your help!"

"Maddie, your specialty is ectoplasmic wounds right?" asked Jack. She nodded, confirming his statement. "Since Raven is currently… indisposed at the moment, you're the only one that can help us."

"I'm coming as well." said Robin. "Not all the danger as passed."

"I can take care of myself, but I'll let you come anyway." Replied Maddie. "And Jack, when did you start learning big words?"

"I bought a dictionary so I could understand what Jasmine was talking about." Jack replied. "It's actually helped quite a bit."

Vlad was attacking Trigon in rage. How dare he take his son from him? He punched the demon again and again, knocking him back. Of course Trigon fired attacks of his own, but he didn't feel the pain. Vlad was grateful he felt less sadness in his ghost mode. I never expected to care about Daniel, but really, the boy's grown on me. he thought to himself.

"Cool! I can finally duplicate!" yelled a voice. Vlad nearly fell out of the sky in shock. He looked over and saw two Dannys, both grinning. (You didn't think I was actually going to kill him, did you?) They knew playtime was over and continued their attack.

"You had me worried sick, you son of a bitch!" Vlad yelled furiously.

"Since when do you care?" asked Danny. "I thought you wanted to kill me."

"Since now." said Vlad. "Just be careful this time. Do you have anything that will work on this thing?" He dodged more energy and fired ectoplasmic lightning.

"I have my ghostly wail, but I'm sure if I have enough energy left."

"We're all here, so if you can break the spell, we'll take it from there." said Raven. "It's the only shot we have."

Danny took a deep breath and unleashed his most powerful attack. Trigon was instantly driven back, falling to his knees at the sheer magnitude of the assault, but Danny was rapidly running out of energy. Only the thoughts of his family and friends kept him going. After about 30 seconds, he could take no more of it and collapsed, but somehow managing to stay in his ghost form.

"He's broken it!" exclaimed intelligence Raven. "Combine now!"

Vlad took Danny and Fright Knight and got them out of there. He knew it was now up to Raven to defeat Trigon, which she should be able to do now that he was weakened. When he got out of her mind, he saw the others waiting for them.

"Did you guys win?" asked Jack.

"Not in a definite sense, but we weakened him." replied Vlad. "It's up to Raven now to defeat her father. Look after Daniel, he exhausted himself." He turned to Fright Knight, who groaned in pain because of his injuries.

"It's amusing to see the punk so weak." said Walker. "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"You'll have to go through us!" Tucker exclaimed in a rare show of bravery. "I've got a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it!"

"Not to mention us." said Jack and Maddie, raising their guns. The remaining titans prepared to fight as well. Even Vlad was ready to defend Danny. "We'll fight to the death."

"As will I." said Fright Knight, slowly getting up. "My place is with Vlad and if he chooses to defend the boy, so be it."

"Let it go, Walker." said Skulker. "The boy has saved us all and there is no point in destroying weak prey."

"I see I'm outmatched." Walker laughed. "Very well, I'll leave, but next time, you will not be so fortunate." He took off with his guards, the others watching him until he was out of sight.

"So how badly is he hurt?" asked Jack. "We'll fix him up with the Fenton ghost healer!"

"That's probably not a good idea, dad." replied Jazz, knowing her dad's inventions all to well. "Let's just take him and Raven back to Titans Tower."

"Yes, there will they be able to recover!" stated Starfire. Within 2 minutes, they had all arrived at the tower, anxious to hear the fate of their comrades. Of course, the Titans East were in the medical wing as well, in addition to Cyborg, who mechanical parts were badly damaged.

"Well, it looks like we won." said Raven. "Has anyone suffered any serious injuries?"

"No, not as badly as you and Danny." said Terra. "What all happened in your mind?"

"That is none of your business." replied Raven. "I want to see the others."

She slowly walked out of the medical to see the other titans joyously greet her. Even Jack wrapped her up in a hug which rivaled Starfire's strength. "Glad to see you're okay." said Jazz. "Did you manage to destroy him?"

"No, he cannot be destroyed inside my mind." Raven replied. "I would not like to talk any more about it, thank you." She then checked for injuries on the others and healed whatever ones she could.

"Very well, we won't push you." said Sam. "But I think there's one person who's particularly happy to see you." Beast Boy jumped up and down and transformed into several different animals.

"Okay, we get that you're happy." said Jazz. "now stop before you destroy the entire tower."

"So what did I miss?" asked Danny, walking into the room as well. His ghost energy had healed most of his wounds so most of his troubles were from exhaustion. "Isn't this a happy reunion?"

"Well, we're going home tomorrow." said Jack. "Got to admit, the usual ghosts will be kind of boring after what we went through."

"Hopefully, we'll have a bit of a break." said Maddie. "We sure as hell deserve after everything."

"Yeah, you do." said Cyborg. "Feel free to give us a shout if you need our help."

"Danny, Jazz, consider yourselves honorary Titans." said Robin, giving them both T communicators. "I'm sorry for suspecting you before."

"I suppose I can't hold it against you too much." Danny replied. "Lord knows it's happened to me."

"Friends, I insist that you stay one last night before departing!" exclaimed Starfire.

"Come on, we'll have a blast!" agreed Beast Boy.

"Calm down, dude." said Cyborg. "Remember what happened just a couple of minutes ago."

"It'll make a nice change from the place we're staying at." Jazz added, trying to convince her parents.

"All right, but no funny stuff, any of you." Jack warned, going into overprotective father mode.

"Jack, calm down." said Vlad, speaking up for the first time. "They're all responsible teenagers. Not to mention myself and Fright Knight have a close eye on them."

"All right, I'll give in." Maddie conceded. "But we're going to be the chaperones."

"Still the same old Mom." Danny chuckled and Jazz laughed along with him.

"I can't believe I failed to destroy them!" exclaimed Valerie, firing ball after ball of fire.

"Calm yourself, apprentice." replied Slade. "You shall have another chance. The battle is not over yet." So you think you have defeated Trigon, do you? This is only a setback. Soon he will rise and all who do not obey him will perish.

"I'm getting better with my powers." Valerie stated. "Are you proud of me?"

"Very much, apprentice. You have more potential than you know and when the time is right, we shall destroy Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius!"

Little did they know, however, that there was another monster that had been unleashed. He floated through the ghost zone, his very aura sending spirits cowering in fear. He enjoyed their emotions, the terror he caused simply from his presence. Soon there would be much more, and he would be the ruler of the entire planet and then the galaxy.

"This time, my dear Danny, you shall not defeat me." he stated and his laughs echoed throughout the ghost zone.

Okay, it was kind of a lame ending, but I just wanted to get the story finished. In about a month, the sequel "Internal Torture" should be up.