Author's Note: my second non-Holes story so bear with me here. This fanfic is about Walking Tall. Pete/OC. I don't remember the names of the kids in the story so I made them up. I hope you enjoy. If you do, read my other story in my Author's page, ok?

"Pete," Brianna called. She and Pete had broken up two months ago after she had dumped him for another guy. The two are still good friends. It was a sunny afternoon in fall and they had just finished school, Brianna was trying to catch up to him.

"What," Pete asked, turning around. "Oh, hey Bri. What's up?"

"Dang boy," she sighed and put her arm out to stop him from walking, "Do you know how fast you walk? Because, I started chasing you ten blocks back!"

Pete smiled, "Oh, I'm sorry. And to answer you question... No, I don't know how fast I walk. Maybe you just walk slow?"

"Funny..." she mumbled. She started to mess up his hair, "Idiot."

"So what're you up to," he asked. "And why were you chasing me to begin with?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, "Just felt like walking home with someone."

"I see," he nodded, "How's school?"

"Bad," she replied, rummaging into her pocket to take out a cigarette and lighting it. "Want one?"

"Uh," he said looking around, "Sure."

Brianna put her hands back into her pocket and pulled out another cigarette. She put the tips of them together so his was lit as well. "Here ya go."

"That's an interesting way of lighting a cigarette," he smiled. He put the cigarette between his lips, inhaled, and then started to cough.

"It's been awhile, huh," she asked, "Ever since that time when we-"

"Yeah." He cut her off; reminiscing about the last time he had ever taken a drug. The time he ended up in a hospital.

"Sorry," she apologized. She knew she had hit a sensitive spot her him.

He shook his head, "Nah, its cool. I think I deserve one. Listen, I should get home so I'll catch you later, alright?"

"OK," she nodded before turning the street corner and headed home.

Pete waited a couple of moments to finish smoking before walking over to Marty's house. As he entered Marty's room, he saw all his other friends.

"EY Pete," the boys said.

"What's up," he asked as they did their handshake. "Why weren't you guys at school?"

"Or you kidding man," Brian asked, "We ditched."

"Oh," Pete said. "...Right."

"It sucks you don't have the same lunch period," Joe complained, "We don't know what class to bail you out of after that whole schedule change."

"That's true," Brian agreed. "You want us to write you a note to get you out?"

"Nah, it's ok," Pete replied, shaking his head, "My moms will kill me. She still bugs out on me when I leave the house. It's always 'I don't want you taking drugs, you hear?!' It sucks ass."

"Yeah, we're sorry man," Marty said, "I bet she's mad at us for giving you that shit, right?"

"Don't worry about it. I took the blame."

"That's straight," Brian said, "So Brianna hit up my cell, she's not coming."

"So," Pete asked.

"You still like her," Joe pointed out and laughed, "It's pretty damn obvious."

Pete threw his hands up, "What?"

"Oh come on," Marty grinned, "She's the one who broke up with you while you still had feelings for her. It's OK man, I know how it feels."

"PUH-LEASE," Brian argued, "She never had a girl longer than... Hmm, what was the longest? Oh yeah, I remember now, a WEEK."

"What can I say," Marty asked, "I'm not ready for that kind of commitment."

Joe nodded. "Yeah, uh huh... You're just a stupid MOFO!"

"I got to get going," Pete said, "New neighbors, stupid mom, welcome dinner."

"You know what's scary," Brian asked, "I understood what he said."

Author's Note: How was it? Good, bad? Review !