
In dedication to my sister JJ


Mama, why are you crying?

I know daddy didn't mean those awful words

He's just not with us right now

Please wipe your eyes, move on

From the pain he has caused you, past and present

Things will get better tomorrow


Mama, please stop crying

Words are not meant to make your cry

Daddy was just in a bad mood today,

He wasn't mad at you

Remember he loves you no matter what he says

You are worth more then nothing, you are everything

That man who yells at you and makes you spill tears

That's not the man you love

I think it's just the beer talking to you, not him

So stop blaming yourself, mama...


Mama, are you going to be ok?

Why are you so cold?

You need to get off of the floor, it's dirty

I hope you are just sleeping

Or maybe you're just a little cold, so that's why you're so pale

I'll just cover you with a blanket

Daddy is screaming, why?

Doesn't he want you to get some rest?

He should appreciate you more, mama.

You are tired from all the things happening.

Now Auron is in the doorway, he's screaming too

Why is he taking me away from you?

Daddy's screaming, but it's not at you

Why don't you look happy?


Mama, what is this place?

You have been sleeping for too long

Can you wake up now?

We'll play again, and wait for daddy to come home

Doesn't everyone know you're just sleepy?

They don't need to look so down

Daddy is too quiet...

Auron looks too sad...

That man over there, he said you went to a 'better place'

I think something is wrong now

Why did you leave without me, mama?

Was it because of daddy?

Was it because I was bad?

I'm sorry mama; I promise I'll be better

But can you please come back?