Me: Hello again my friends! I've decided to take a break from "Blade Zero" for a bit while I flesh out the plot a little more. My first Beyblade fic, "Roar of the Wild Things," only had one chapter, but I'm taking it down and revamping the story in accordance to V-Force and G-Revolution. In the meantime, here's a rather shortish fic (I hope) for you Kai/Hillary(Hiromi) fans out there.

Which brings us to our point. Sandy? Sheena?

Sandy: Hello! Rishika and us muses would like to dedicate this fic to Phoenix Roar, mistress of the Kai/Hil fanfics! Her Black/Blue Radiance series have a very similar plot, although we never meant to copy it in any way. This fic was a bit of drabble we were writing on before we found Phoenix Roar's fanfiction, and we never took it seriously, but with the inspiration of lady Phoenix Roar we post and dedicate the fic "Cat Tales" to her.


Sheena: Ok, one more thing before we start: the scene where Kai turns into a cat was taken from a manga series! Extra ramen noodles for those who guess it! (Hint: the actual scene is in the second book of the manga series.)

Me: Oh! And before I forget:




Chapter One:

The Shrine of Feline


"Kai! KAI!"

Kai growled inwardly and turned around. Takao jogged up behind him, waving madly.

"Hey. . . Kai," he panted. "Aren't you gonna train with the rest of us back at the dojo?"

"No," he answered coldly turning back around and walking away. "I need a break from that stuffy dojo."

Takao 'humphed' and folded his arms, watching his team captain walk away.

'Why does he always insist on being alone?' Takao wondered to himself. 'You'd think with everything we've all been through together he would've realized that he doesn't have to be alone.'

Takao sighed and turned back toward home. If Kai wanted to be alone, then let him. It seemed like nothing would ever change the way he is, so why bother? The Bladebreakers had long gotten used to his cold shoulder personality, but what really hurt him was the way he was hurting her. Hiromi. She always worried about him whenever he went off on his own, even though she tried to hide it. Takao's hands balled into fist. Kai was blind to the love and care Hiromi was freely giving him, and in turn, he was hurting her more and more every day.

He returned to his family dojo only to face the questions thrown at him by his team.

"He wanted to alone," Takao answered shrugging.

"Did he tell you where he was going?" asked Max.

"Nah, but I wouldn't worry about him."

"I agree," Rei said nodding. "This is Kai we're talking about. He can take care of himself."

"Right! So who wants to be first up against my Dragoon?" Takao challenged, getting his old competitive nature back.

"Bring it on!" Rei pulled out his Driger.

"This looks like it's going to be a good match, huh Dizzi." Kyoujyu opened his laptop so he could record the match. "Who do you think will win Hiromi?"

"Hm? You say something?" Hiromi said, snapping out of her daze.

"Geez, weren't you paying attention?"

"Eh, sorry Chief. I was kinda spaced out."

"That certainly isn't like you."

"Oh don't worry about me," Hiromi put on a smile and looked toward the bey battle. Although her eyes were on the match, her mind was else where, thinking about a certain two-tone haired captain.

'Why must he always be alone?'



Kai commanded his Dranzer to repeat the training course he had set up himself. His blue blade whizzed across the dirt, sending dust flying everywhere. It finished its course faster than before, making Kai smile in satisfaction. He felt much better in seclusion. Spending the hot, muggy, summer's day back at the dojo would've been unbearable.

Something rustled in the bushes behind him. He turned to look, but nothing was there. He was the only one in this part of the park, or so he thought. He quickly turned around again to find his Dranzer missing, and what looked like the tail and back legs of a blue-gray cat disappearing through the brush.

"Hey!!" Kai shouted after the animal and gave chase. He never really got a good look of the cat; all he ever saw to keep him on track was its tail. He saw it round the corner of a building into an alley. As soon as he got there he saw it dash along the top of a wall and jump into a vacant lot. That time he noticed the glint of a blue beyblade in its mouth. He scaled the wall and walked along the top to the lot the cat jumped into, no hard feat for him, and jumped down.

A single, falling apart, old shed that had a massive hole in the roof from which a tree grew out of overlooked the delapitated old lot. Cats were everywhere. On the walls, hiding in the grass, and all over the shed. He looked around for the cat thief in the yard, but couldn't find it. He looked toward the shed where cats were running in and out of the broken doorway. Kai slowly made his way toward the structure, the hot summer sun blazing from above.

Inside the shed was nothing but dirt and grass, as well as the single tree growing out from the middle of the floor. There at the foot of the tree was Dranzer, the thieving cat was nowhere to be found. Kai strode over to the tree and pick up his beyblade. It was then that he realized how much cooler it was inside than outside, and it felt good. A cool breeze seemed to come in from nowhere and it made him feel very sleepy. He leaned his back against the tree and slid into a sitting position.

'This feels so nice,' he thought groggily. His eyelids drooped, then closed fully as he fell into darkness. . .


Kai's eyes snapped open.

'Did I fall asleep?' he wondered. 'Oh well, I better get back to the dojo.'

He stood and walked out the door, but something didn't quite feel right. Everything seemed wider than before. He walked outside and raised a hand to his eyes to block out the light. He froze suddenly. Something was wrong. Very, VERY, wrong. He looked at his hand, and instead, there was a dark blue furred cat paw.

'No. . . it can't be. . .' He looked down and saw four dark blue cat paws and tail. HIS paws and tail.

"MROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!" His shocked cry echoed off the walls of the lot.

'This can't be happening! I know! A dream! This is all just a REALLY bad dream!'

Kai could feel his fur stand on end as hissing growling cats surrounded him.

'Uh-oh. . .'

In a few blinding, painful minutes he was lying on the ground covered with scratches and bite wounds.

-That's what you get for trespassing on our turf.-

-Don't go traipsing around like you're one of us.-

-Damn human.-

'The pain. . . it's too real to be a dream. . !'


Me: Ha ha, poor Kai. Ramen to all who review, and remember, this last scene came from a manga, and you get double the ramen if you guess it!