
A/N: All right, all right. I was gonna make you people wait till next week, 'cuz this is the last chapter, but you asked for it. I mean, never before has one of my stories received five reviews in one day. Yesterday, I did. Today, four reviews! Thanks to: Miss Piratess, Strider 7901, Sassy Girl, Lemon Slice, God's-girl2004, and Arphendess for reviewing today! I just want to take this opportunity to say something: If you give me a review, I will most likely give you a review. The only time I will not is if you have only PG-13 stories and up. I don't read higher than PG. If you are under these circumstances, I will still thank you in upcoming chapters of one of my stories. And also, thanks to anyone who reviews this story in the future!

Chapter Three: Resolutions

They all stared at Gandalf for a while. Finally, Gimli, still trapped under the tree, broke the silence.

"What is wrong with you?" he demanded. "I think you drank some of the Starbucks too!"

"I did no such thing!" Gandalf protested.

They all stared a moment longer, then sprang back into action. Boromir and the hobbits, minus Merry, continued to chase Legolas, who stood at the end of the clearing, waving Gimli's axe around. They were being aided by Aragorn. However, every time they started to catch up with the Elf, the caffeine in his system gave him an extra burst of speed, and he got away again.

Groaning, Gimli pulled himself out from beneath the tree. He jumped up and gave a shout of triumph. Then, Legolas sped by, and Gimli saw that he had his axe. Within seconds, he had joined the chase. Gandalf was also running after them, but he was trying to quell the crazed episode.

Then, Gimli launched himself at Legolas. He missed. At the same second, Merry woke up, and Gimli landed on him. Winded, the hobbit collapsed again. Finally, Legolas went over to the fire and spread his arms wide, as if to make an announcement. The (conscious) members of the Fellowship stopped and stared. Then, the Elf opened his mouth – and emitted an ear-splitting giggle.

Gimli surreptitiously made his way over to Legolas. Shouting dwarven war cries, he leapt into the air and brought the butt of his axe down hard on the Elf's head. Legolas dropped to the ground also unconscious. Simultaneously, Merry rose his head and gave a very confused sounding, "What happened?"

"Legolas drank the Starbucks," Pippin said.

Frodo crossed his arms and glared at them. "I told you! I knew there was something wrong with that drink. I knew it! But does anybody listen to me? Of course not! I'm just a stupid, paranoid hobbit who thinks everyone's out to get me!"

"But you are a stupid, paranoid hobbit who thinks everyone's out to get you," Boromir pointed out.

"That's not the point," Frodo argued. Then he realized what Boromir had said. "Hey!"

Half an hour later, the Fellowship, except for Legolas, had settled down to eat their abandoned dinner, but only after Gandalf had strewn his flowers through the clearing as a gesture of friendship.

"Don't know how giving the trees dead flowers is a gesture of friendship," Gimli muttered. "Seems like a death sentence to me."

After some time, Legolas sat up, uttering a soft moan. He rubbed the back of his head, which was still sore from Gimli's whack. "What happened?" he asked, unknowingly repeating what Merry had said before.

The Fellowship looked at each other and grinned. "Starbucks."

Legolas stared at them for a moment, then asked, "Why has Gandalf got flowers in his hair?"

His companions recounted the tale.

They set off the next morning, leaving the coffee cup behind in the clearing. Around noon the same day, Elrond's twin sons, Elrohir and Elladan rode into the clearing on their Elven steeds.

"Hey, what's that?" asked Elladan. He was pointing at the cup.

"I don't know," Elrohir shrugged. "Let's try it."

The End

A/N: Well, there you have it! I'm sorry that it's so short, but I couldn't really extend the idea. But if someone's willing to write about what happens to Elladan and Elrohir, I'll be happy to read it!