Petals on Water

Women and Lizards Part 1

(A little insight on what's happening in the Itzuki home)

"Oi, Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha yelled after his brother, who was going up the stairs.

"Inuyasha! What have I said about yelling in the house?" his mother scolded him, passing by with a pan and a lizard.

"What are you doing with the lizard?" Inutaisho questioned, looking up from his newspaper and staring warily at his mate.

"Nothing dear…" Izayoi's voice trailed off. She disappeared into the kitchen.

"Dad?" Inuyasha questioned his father.

"Best you don't ask, son," Inutaisho mumbled. "Women are strange."

"That's nice to know," Sesshoumaru growled, walking even more swiftly to his room.

"Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha yelled, but got the door slammed into his face. "That jerk!"


"Rin, you can't hide in your room forever!" my dad yelled. Who says I can't hide in my room forever?

"Rin…you can't! I already invited Inutaisho-san and his son Sesshoumaru to dinner!"


"DAD!" I screamed, yanking my door open. How could he!

"Woah, don't yell at me, missy," Dad held up his hands and backed away. "It was planned by Inutaisho-san himself, anyways. I just volunteered my home."

"Dad…Fine," I sighed in defeat. "I'll be on my best behavior."

"That's my girl!"

"And I'll even cook," I said evilly. My dad ran down the stairs.


Sorry for the shortness... I'll make up for it in the next chapter, which will come out THIS YEAR!

readers die of shock

What did I say?