Disclaimer: I do not own Tennis no Oujisama. Praise Allah.

A/N: I dunno. I, uh, had a spazz attack and this is what came out of it. I'm not sure if trampolines go boing, but... use your imagination. Humorish? Nyah, I tried.


By: aki fukashi





There was something to be said about trampolines.

They're bouncy? Yes. And when you threw Kikumaru Eiji into the formula, you might as well erase the effect of gravity all together -- though Newton would not appreciate that.

"What are you doing?"

"What's it look like, Oishi? Nya!"


This troubled Oishi. Even if Eiji seemed to be flying effortlessly through the air, he could easily damage his spinal cord or snap his neck. Or his biceps -- nice biceps they were -- or his triceps... or his quadriceps. Yeah. Sure. Now what were quadriceps again? Oishi faintly remembered Inui mentioning them. Something in the elbow, right?

Hey, can you lick your elbow with your tongue?

Oishi mentally slapped himself for letting his thoughts drift. There were more important matters at hand, like Eiji's potential to hurt himself, as he was known to do every now and then, on that trampoline. And Oishi wasn't the mother of Seigaku for nothing.


"Eiji not too high!"


"Too far left!"


"Eiji, pull up your pants!"

Kikumaru looked down. Indeed his loose pants had been slipping down. Which made him wonder where his belt had gone... it he'd even put one on that morning. He gave a grateful grin in Oishi's direction before yanking up his large trousers.

But not without loosing his balance at the same time.

"Oi, look out below!"

By the devil's luck, he toppled off, and landed right on Oishi.

"Mfff... oops... nya," Kikumaru grumbled, rubbing his sore behind.

Oishi soon regained his composure, blushing when he noticed the position they were in. He was sitting upright on the grass, with an amused -- when was he not amused? -- Kikumaru laying in his lap.

"Hehe, gomen Oishi," said the latter, smiling sheepishly and rubbing the back of his head – though either out of pain or meekness, one could never be sure.

Oishi scrambled to his feet and helped the red-haired acrobatic player up.

"Don't worry about it."

'Besides, I'll always be there to catch you when you fall,'he added mentally, but aloud he said:

"Hey Eiji, can you lick your elbow with your tongue?"


