Magnificent Lies
The Mission Part One

Sydney Bristow sat at her small desk at SD-6, diligently typing up her latest mission debrief for Sloane. The mission had been a total disaster, not for Sloane, but for the CIA. Dixon had prevented Sydney from switching the real information with the fake papers she had gotten from the CIA, and as a result, Sloane now had invaluable data on one of his largest rival spy rings, meanwhile the CIA got nothing.

Sydney tried to hurry with the report; she was supposed to meet Vaughn in the warehouse in half an hour, and she didn't want to be late. He was the one person she knew she could trust, always. She didn't have to think before talking to him. And now with her mother back and everything... Well, it was just good to have someone to talk to.

When he was sick... She was so afraid. Seeing him lying there on the hospital bed, not knowing whether she would see him again alive... Thank god the antidote had worked. Even though she had to help Sloane to save Vaughn's life, she would have done it again in an instant. Selfish, she knew, but it was the truth.

She had just finished, and was heading out the door when a strong hand on her shoulder stopped her. Sydney tensed up for a minute before she realized it was Dixon.

"Sydney, I'm glad I found you. Sloane wants to see us in his office before we leave. I think it's something to do with the information we picked up in Mexico City."

The first thing Sydney noticed upon entering Sloane's bare, gray office was the smile on Sloanes's face. Controlling her urge to strangle him on the spot, (as usual), Sydney sat down in one of the chairs offered to her by Sloane.

"I'd like to congratulate you both on a job well done in Mexico." Sloane said. "The information you brought back was most helpful. In fact, thanks to you both, we now know the exact location of the Entierre a Espía Comprime. More importantly, we also know how an agent would come to work for them. Which is exactly what I want one of you to do."

"You want us to be double agents." Dixon said.

"I want one of you to be a double agent. And since the Entierre a Espía Comprime is strictly men, Dixon will have to be the one to go. Now, they have a building close to here, so your family will not have to relocate. Unfortunately, this leaves Sydney without a partner, and right now the agency doesn't have anyone suitable."

"That's fine. I can go solo for a while." Sydney said. She was sad to lose Dixon as a partner, but it would make it easier to complete CIA counter missions. No more mess ups like last time.

"It's settled then." Sloane said, then continued to go into details with Dixon. Sydney excused herself, then hurried to the warehouse. She was already fifteen minutes late.

Michael Vaughn paced the perimeter of the warehouse for the fifty-ninth time in thirty minutes. His left hand fingered a golden coin. To say he was worried would be an enormous understatement. He had been "worried" twenty minutes ago. He was way past worried.

All the possibilities were going through his mind as he completed another lap along the metal grate. The scenarios were getting progressively more awful with each time he circled. The latest one, in which Sydney was compromised in SD-6, tortured for information, and killed when she wouldn't talk, was the final straw for Vaughn. In the back of his mind he knew that going out to look for her, or breaking into SD-6, would most definitely get him fired, but the disappointment of losing his job didn't hold a candle to the grief and guilt he would have if Sydney was killed.

He was opening his car door when he spotted Sydney's car pull around the corner. He leaned against his sedan as she drove the red SUV into the lot, and sighed with relief when Sydney stepped out of the car, apparently unharmed.

"Finally give up on me?" She teased. "Sorry I'm so late…"

"Actually, I was just going out to look for you. You had me scared to death in there. Where were you?" He asked as they walked back into the warehouse.

Sloane pulled a surprise meeting with Dixon and I at the last minute." They sat down together on the small metal table inside the grate. "The information I gave to Sloane contained the location of the California branch of the Entierre a Espia Comprime." She slowly recited the address she had heard Sloane mention to Dixon on her way out, and Vaughn took it down on his notepad.

"Sloane wouldn't pull you into his office just for that. What else?"

"Sloane wants to send Dixon into the EEC as a double agent for SD-6."

"Which leaves you without a partner." Vaughn nodded. "This is just the thing we need right now. With Dixon out of the way, you'll be able to take down SD-6 that much faster. "

"Not only that. Sloane's going to be on the lookout for someone to work with me. The CIA can set up a third agent inside SD-6."

"But who would we send? As far as I know, there aren't any free agents who know enough about SD-6 to go in, and we would never be able to brief another agent before Sloane finds a replacement himself."

"What about you?"

REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!! I need to know if I should continue with this fic or not! Anyway, I've got some other chapters planned out, but its a really busy time of year at school, so bear with me.
