Chapter 1: prison in paradise

Disclaimer: I don't own teen titans thank god! If you haven't realized I'm irresponsible (and somewhat crazy)

"Empress" an evil sounding voice trilled

"What" Snarled the empress

"The spell is now complete; your reign begins now."

All of a sudden the world changed; all the features and places. There was no more Eiffel tower, Statue of liberty, wall of china, or pyramids of Egypt; in fact there were no continents. The little bit of land there was, was dry and barren; except in a long square brick wall. Beyond the wall the grass was soft and green, and the air was cool. All the people were huddled there in the street by some already set up buildings; it seemed like paradise except for one thing....

"People of the city, this is your new home, I am your new empress, you will listen to what I say or else you will face the consequences. There are a few new rules, but first I will explain what happens to those who disobey." The empress called loudly

The empress was wearing a dark gown that stretched to her ankles, and her face was covered by a black veil.

"Any of you who dare disobey the rules will have their arms burnt badly, and if that doesn't get you to listen we will burn you alive!" the empress explained

"Tell them how they will be placed" a dumb sounding guard said

"Ah yes placement" she said holding the word on her tongue like it was candy

"You will immediately take a test after you decide who will be in your families, which will have at least two people. The test will place you in a district based on smarts, so the stupider you are the worse your living condition. Oh and a few more things all people have to be married by the age of fifteen, and the marriages will take place at the latest when you turn six-teen. For those of you who are already over that age I'm giving you one month to find a suitable spouse." The empress laughed

The empress watched people scurry into family groups, and her eyes came upon the titans.

"Dude!" Beast boy said

"What?" Cyborg asked

"Married by fifteen? I'm sixteen, but what? Are they crazy I'm not getting married!" Beast boy complained

"We'll find someway around this" raven said "for now let's just stick together"

"Are you suggesting that we be a family" Cyborg asked aghast

"Better than staying with someone you don't know" was Ravens only reply

Starfire shot Robin a worried glance, just barely catching his eye.

"What's wrong star?" Robin asked

"Well what about these tests? Are they hard?" Starfire asked trembling slightly

"I don't know" Robin replied

People went around passing other people pencils and tests. After the tests had been taken and graded, the names and districts started to be called out by the announcer man.

"Alex, Andrea, and Josh; indigo district" the announcer directed

"Tyler, Dawn, Pat, Holly, and Hope; cerulean district" this was starting to get repetitive......

Finally they called the titans.

"Robin, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast boy; cerulean district"

They waited patiently for everyone to be called and house keys to be handed out. Once the titans got to their house they were really surprised at what they saw. The house was very small, but it was clean. There were two bedrooms, and then there was one bathroom, one kitchen, and a hallway.

"I suppose it could be worse" Starfire said thinking of the positives

"Yea how many districts are there?" Beast boy asked

"Four" Raven answered simply

"There are only two bed rooms and there's not enough room for three beds in a room." Robin pointed out

"So take a bed to the hall and sleep out there" Raven said still mad about having to share a room with Starfire.

"Worship your empress in the center area as soon as your moved in" a guard called banging on the doors.

As soon as everyone was assembled around the marble stepping stones the empress began to speak.

"Now bow down and worship your empress!" the empress shouted

Everyone got down on their hands and knees and the titans joined them (with their powers gone they wanted a plan before striking because one wrong move and someone could get seriously hurt). One man stood up and glared at the empress.

"Are you deaf? I said bow down!" the empress called

"No" the man said

"Guards burn him!" the empress called

The guards touched the hot metal plate to his skin and he only flinched.

"Now have you learned?" the empress sneered

"What that you're a stuck up bitch?" the man laughed

"Burn him!" the empress cried out

The guards dragged him away and put him in a small cage over a fire pit. The man was screaming for a few seconds then he went silent. His family, a wife and three kids, bawled. One girl took off speeding out of the area as fast as her legs could carry her.

Okay I wrote this at three in the morning, so I know its not the best, but it's defiantly different. All flames are welcome, they will be used for 1 of 3 things:

burning more people (in my story)

lighting a small fire outside the box I live in (warmth yay!)

burning hated characters such as kitten

well I thank you for any reviews, but you don't have to review, and all questions will be answered if you ask them.

-luv alwaz Becca a.k.a. box girl