Wow it's been like forever since I have updated this but I did. I told you I would finish this even if it killed me. Well I'm not going to spend time talk about useless stuff so here's the story.

Sesshomaru was a woken from his slumber by soft whimpers. He looked over at the sleeping Kagome next to him. The moon cascaded its light on Kagome's Face, her skin looked like the moon light it's self. It was so pale, and delicate it was milky and smooth. Her hair was the most beautiful color he had ever seen, it shown with beauty and radiance, the way the light reflected off it, made it look like it was almost blue. It was like blue black water. He picked up a chunk of it and let the blue black water roll around in his hand. He let go of her hair and ran a finger over her cheek, her skin felt so soft so smooth under his touch. As he pulled his finger away from her cheek he heard her whimper again, it sounded like a whimper of sadness. He placed yet again two fingers on her forehead….

Kagomes dream

They were in the same field as before, but the sun wasn't shining and the flowers and grass were all dead and there was a different man before Kagome. Kagome's eyes were filled with tears, pain, and sadness.

"Kagome I want you to leave this place at once you're not welcome here anymore."

"But why what did I do?" Kagome sobs became harder and longer, before she knew it her knees buckled in and she was on the ground whimpering in saddened rejection.

"Because Kagome I don't love you I take it all back I can't stand the sight or smell of you."

"I don't want to leave I want to stay here with you and the other's."

"Kagome you betrayed me with him." With that last note said Kagome's sadness was replaced with anger.

"Oh I betrayed you, what the hell do you think you did to me every time you went off into the woods with kikyo eh? Don't you think that counts as betraying me? Or is it okay for you to go off with another woman, and not okay for me. Don't you think I know what goes on between you and kikyo in the woods? I saw the things you do with her, SHES DEAD AND YOU SLEEP WITH HERE, DON'T YOU THINK THAT THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT? HUH, DO YA? NACRAFILEYA IS THAT YOU'RE FORTAY?" Inuyasha stood there with a shocked expression on his face, he couldn't find the words to say to make his doings all right. Inuyasha felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to see his brother standing before him.

"Little brother I think you should leave." Then the ground broke and the gates to hell opened and the demons that keep to the gate seized Inuyasha and brought him to the gate where kikyo stood. She took him by the arm and walked him in. All the while Inuyasha never took his eyes off of Kagome, he could see the hate, hurt, and sadness he has caused her. He whispered to her for he knew she could hear him," Veuillez trouver la rémission pour moi."

Sesshomaru took his fingers off ok Kagome's head; he pondered the meaning of the dream. "Does she think that she is betraying Inuyasha, but it seems to me that he betrayed her, and she didn't seem to regret what that she did. Although she's not betraying him, and she dreamt that I was there too. I don't know what to make of that dream." Sesshomaru looked back to the sleeping Kagome "maybe she's just as confused as I am." Sesshomaru went to get up to go for a walk to clear his mind, but as he got up he was abruptly stopped, there was something holding him back. He looked down and noticed that kagome had a hold of his pants. He looked over at her sleeping face and smiled, he let his mask fall and he smiled. He went to pull his pants from her grasp, but the sleeping demon miko was not letting go, she had a death grip on him. He went to pull again and as he was pulling all of his weight away from her, she let go. Sesshomaru went flying off the bed and in to a heap on the floor. He popped up like a daisy to make sure no one saw. He looked around and saw no one. He let out a breath and thanked the gods that no one saw. Then he commenced brushing off the dirt and fixing his hair to its normal state. He walked over to Kagome's balled up body on the bed and shook her, but he was greeted by a pillow in the face. He stood there in shock for a few moments then he regained the use of this body and pounced on Kagome. He started to tickle her profusely, her eyes shot open and laughter began to emerge from her. She rolled on to her back, and tried to push Sesshomaru off.

"sess...Hahah...homaru...hahaha stop…haha...please"

"This will teach you to him me with a pillow now wont it." Sesshomaru was now straddling her hips using his legs to keep her legs pinned down, he had one hand holding her hands down, and the other hand was tickling her. She knew all of her means of escaping were eliminated so she shook her head yes. He automatically stopped and let her hands go. He looked down at her smiling face and he said in a soft tone of voice,

"I will be in my bathing room if you need me." At that he got up and walked out the door. Kagome watched to door close behind her, then she got up out of made she made the bed trying to make it as neat as possible so the maids wouldn't have to work so hard. As she worked she thought of her dreams, I know what the first one meant but the second one. She decided that she wouldn't think about it right now she had something on her mind that she wanted to do.

As she walked down the halls she tried to remember just where it was. There were just too many turns in the castle. She looked at all the colors in the hallways and in the rooms she looked in. She couldn't believe how beautiful it was, the colors bounced off the walls and into your eyes. There were deep crimson reds, bright yellows, dark blues, and deep purples. She decided that if she turned this last corner and it wasn't there then she was going to give up. As she rounded the corner she smiled in delight and pushed open the door of Sesshomaru's bathing room.

there done with that chapter! Wooty woot woot! Hope yall liked it. Please review it flames are welcome, well keep them a lil low on the meanness but any who I really hope that you liked it. Read and review!