Blood and Snow

Kagome ran through the forest with the Jewel in her hands. She had a death grip on it as if someone were going to steal it from her. It was snowing and a cold blanket of snow had fallen so a blood trail followed her where ever she went. The blood and the snow mixed together almost in a beautiful way. As she ran she heard Inuyasha's Screams "KAGOME WAIT WHAT ARE U RUNNING FROM NARAKUS DEAD ALL THE DEMONS ARE DEAD". She knew this but se kept running, she ran to the well so she could see her family one last time before she died. She wanted to tell her mom that she loved her, she wanted to see her brothers and grandpas face one last time. Just as she reached the well she collapsed. Inuyasha neared her limp body her could smell her sent and could tell that she was close to death. If only she was a demon she would be able to survive. At that thought he jumped up as if someone had light a fire underneath him. He walked over to her body grabbed the Jewel from her hands and wished her a demon.

"I wish Kagome was a demon so she would ser vive and live on forever with someone that loved her".

At that the jewel lifted from his hands and floated over to Kagomes body. A bright blue light emerged from it and, it started to circle above her head. Her body limply rose into the air, her hair darkened to a blue black it was the shiniest hair Inuyasha had ever seen. Her Eyes turned a deep deep green with flecks of purple in them. Her waist grew smaller her legs leaner and, her height increased. Claws grew from her fingers, her skin turned almost white. The last thing that changed about her was a tail, a magnificent tail grew from her it was white and fluffy and very long.

Her body floated down to the ground she lay there for what seemed like forever before sitting up slightly. Kagome sat upright she felt different. She looked down and gasped she had claws and a tall her legs looked more defined. She looked at Inuyasha,

"W.....wha...what happed t... to"?!?!?

"I turned you into a demon so you wouldn't die"

"But what about turning your self into......................"


Inuyasha's blood splattered all over her face. The snow was covered in flecks of Inuyasha's blood, it stared to pool around hi body.

"Inuyasha noooo"!

You get what u disserve damn dog! Kagome looked up and Naraku. An evil grin spread across his face as he took Inuyasha's heart in his hands and squashed it. Kagome could feel her miko powers and her new demon blood rage in her. She jolted up flew over to Naraku took him by the throat and squeezed until his neck gave in and his head rolled off adding more blood to the already flecked snow. She then fell to her knees and wept like she never had. Inuyasha had just chosen her over kikyo. He had told her he loved her and only her.

Sesshomaru smelt the blood and death of both his brother and Naraku. He also smelted the blood shed of Inuyasha's wench, but there was a sudden change in her blood it turned demon. He could smell that is was an Inuy-demon.

"Jaken you will watch over Rin While I am gone".

"Where are you going milord"?

"To obtain the sword that is rightfully mine".

Sesshomaru knew in the back of his mind the real reason he was going was to see Kagome As he neared the clearing in the forest where she sat in a pool of Inuyasha's and Naraku's blood holding Inuyasha's head in her lap stroking his hair. He could smell the salt in her tears as they ran rapidly down her pale snow skin. He knew she had to been sitting there for hours crying for her eyes were red and puffy and her pale beautiful skin was all blotchy. He felt as though he wanted to comfort her, he wanted to wipe way her tears and get ride of his brother's and Naraku's sent. He shook his head and mentally said, no I she was Inuyasha's wench I will not touch anything Inuyasha has touched. But he couldn't shake the feeling from him that he should go comfort her. He started to slowly walk up to her there was a BIG change in the way she looked. She was much more beautiful then before" not that she was beautiful before her met her", he said to him self. He knew that she could sense him. He confirmed his answer after she whispered to where he could barely hear her. What she said came out in sobs.

"Sess.....hmaru...........just.........go ...away.......leave with ....with....Inuyasha".

At that he swept her up in is arms (YES I SAID ARMS HE HAS 2 OF THEM) bridal style. He also picked up Inuyasha and threw him over his shoulders and, too much of his surprise Kagome didn't put up a fight. She actually fell asleep he noticed that she was bleeding also. He thought to him self "great now I'm going to have to burn this Kimono because of Inuyasha's dead body on him and bleeding on him and Naraku's blood is on him". Then he snapped back to reality and remembers Kagome was bleeding. He swooped down to the ground and lifted up Kagomes shirt to reveal the enormous gash on her stomach. He began to lap at it, kagome began to wake up to a strange feeling in her stomach .

Chapter 2 Bath time!

She didn't know where she was and why she felt a tingle in her stomach. She looked up and saw Sesshomaru straddled over her and licking the wound. He felt her try to push him off her but he growled and pinned her down. She though to her self "maybe if I don't move he'll kill me afterwards. He finished with her wound at there was no visible scars. He was proud of him self for a job well done.