AN: Blah I got boredd and thought up the story in a hurrican. I haven't posted it till now. School been time comsuming. Don't know if you've ever read any of my other stories then im sorry for the spelling oopies. Hope you like the story, and if you read the other two they will be updated before next onth. oks? yay!

Chapter; one: 'Why wont it open?'

Squall walked quietly to his dorm. The day did not start right, and violent storm was not helping. First off, Rinoa was there. Not that he didn't like his girlfriend, but he was growing tired of her always be there. He just wanted to be alone some times, but the thought of always having her there for him was more than enough to keep the relationship alive. It was just that he would like to have the night to himself, alone in his room to read. Here is where number two came in. Rinoa had, without talking to Squall, asked everyone over for a party.

First off he did not have any thing for them to eat, drink or even do. Not that he didn't want to see his friends but coming 'home' and seeing them all there was not what he wanted today. Cid had jumped down in his back about some papers he 'forgot' to file, and then Seifer jus had to make a comment about him. O yea, Seifer. He could rub Squall the wrong was. So now he was tired and just looking forward to his time to himself. Then again with Rinoa there never really was time to himself. Yes he had thought about calling things off with her, but the thought started to sicken him after a while. Squall could be mean, and he knew, but not like that. There really was no reason for it, besides the fact that she annoyed him, and that was not that great of a reason.

Squall stopped when his door came into view. Yeah Rinoa would be angery with because he was late to 'his own party' but he didn't really care. The sound of music leaked its way into the hall and Squall's head ach. Yep, he'd be the last one there. The emptiness of the hall swallowed his sigh. Closing his eyes he just stood there and contemplated if he should go inside in the first place.

Slowly the sound of heels hitting the the floor reached his ears. Looking up he could see a very confused Quistis walking his way. She looked like she aways did. The same gloves, peahy/orange/pink outfit, hair up in a clip, boots, but she looked differnt. Her face was twisted in confusion as she muttered something to herself. Then suddenly she stopped. Squall was sure she didn't see him, because she was looking down at something in her hand. "Stop this Trepe." She was scolding herself. "Just go in." Slowly her eyes reached Squall.

"Talk to yourself often?" Then something Squall never thought would happen happened. She blushed. "Some times. Why are you out here? Shouldn't you be in there with Rinoa? I know she was excited over this." Squall nodded and opened the door. "Well ladies first." Quistis flashed him a smile, as the angery blue and black bee, known as Rinoa, attacked them both. "Why are you two late!? I thought you were coming early to help me Quistis! Selphie and I did this all by ourselves!"

Squall looked around and growled inwardly. Yeah there was things all over his dorm. Streamers here, fluffy things here, colorfully things there. It was like walking onto the set of 'The Wizard of Oz' after spending a life time in a dark room. Looking the room over he could see everyone was there, in other words, Selphie, Irvine, Xu, Nadia, and Seifer. The sight of Seifer made his blood boil. "Come on you two get in here now!" Rinoa dragged them in and forced the to sit on eather side of Seifer. Removing himself from the spot, Squall placed his body in a chair in the other side of the room. It was going to be a long night.

Around one in the ,morring everyone started t leave. Squall was thanking his lucky stars. Slowly one by one everyone was gone, but the decorations were still up. Sighing angerly Squall started to tare them down. "I'll help you." Squall looked up in shock when he heard the woman's voice. There in a corner by the drinks was Quistis. In truth he thought she left right after she came. He realy did not see her. "OK." Quistis let out a smile as she begain to shread the fluffy whatevers Rinoa had hung. After five minutes or so he power flickered and the back up system came on. "Guess the strom blew the power." Quistis let her voice wonder for a bit before she bagain working again. It was quiet and drove her insane. She was whishing to high hell that Squall would say something. Just then a mounsteruse bang echoed through the halls and all liht was lost.

"Squall?" Quistis groped her way to the door and tried in vain to open it.

"Yeah?" Squall stumbled a bit in the direction of the door.

"I don't think we can get out. What should we do?"

Squall strugled then reached his hand out to the door. "Let me try."


Squall blushed and released his hand."Sorry."

"Better be."

".... It's stuck. Guess you'll just have to stay the night."