Disclaimer: As much as I would like to, I do not own D.N.Angel. Damn the fates.

A/N: Short, sweet, and to the point, not that there is much of a point. This takes place sometime before Ep.26. Sort of AU-ish, if you think about it. No real mentionings of Dark or Krad. It would be too complicated to incorporate them. Simplicity is my forte. Warnings for shounen-ai.


By: aki fukashi


I shall come through the window tonight and perch over your sleeping form. And you will not notice, as you lay in deep slumber.

What is it about you, Niwa?

I don't quite understand why you intrigue me so. We should be enemies, you the contradicting darkness and I the cruel light.

I think perhaps it could be your naïve heart. It is untouched, having not experience the pain of loneliness or deception. You are one of few who shed light into this world. A light of innocent, just waiting to be tainted. I worry for that day, when your heart will crack, just a little bit.

Perhaps it is the fact you want to make a change. You make your own drawings, in an attempt to put an end to the age-old rivalry between the Niwa family and the Hikari in your own way. You should know things will never change. Tradition is tradition. Even if it is a bad one.

Hm. Tradition? No. Curse.

Yes, above all, this is the reason. The will to change fate. Our destinies are pitted against each other. You are my obstacle, and I am yours. We cannot change that. And yet we try. It is futile. But we will try.

I stare at your peaceful face. So serene, in a world all your own. Night is beautiful. Night is wonderful. In the darkness, we can be all that we dream of. I close my eyes. Allow me this one moment.

Let us share this one dream together.

For when morning comes, we will awaken. And the dreams will fade, recede into the inner depths of our sub-conscience. Reality shall come crashing down.

But the moment cannot last forever. Eventually, I feel the cold wind blowing through the open window. You shiver and shift slightly.

Forgive me, Niwa. I did not mean to leave it open.

I move towards the window to the balcony and slip out, closing the panes when I am outside.

It is time to return 'home'. This night is over.

Morning would come. It always did.


