Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.

A Little Game
By PaintedTyrant

Rukia stared at the road ahead. She was running away. She was running to save all of them. As she ran, her mind idly wandered to the lunch she shared with the girls that afternoon.

- - - - - - - - -

Seven pairs of eyes stared intently at the spinning bottle, a bottle that would determine their fate. The bottle spun slower and slower, and when it finally stopped, Michiru gasped. It was finally her turn.

"Chizuru-chan, truth or dare?"


"Ah, then I dare you to um... I dare you to do 20 jumping jacks!"

Michiru smiled. Everyone else stared. What kind of dare was that?!

"Aww," Chizuru seemed disappointed. "Why didn't you dare me to hug Hime-chan, or maybe kiss her, or something?!"

In an instant, Tatsuki pummeled her to the ground, her screams slowly fading away. The others resumed their little game.

The bottle was spun again, and this time, it stopped between Rukia and Orihime. Because Rukia hadn't fully grasped the concept of the game, she let Orihime be the one to ask. And because Orihime didn't want to leave Rukia out, her question was asked to Rukia.

"Kuchiki-san, truth or dare?"


Orihime furrowed her eyebrows, her brows crossed as she thought of a good thing to ask. After a few moments, she voiced her question.

"What is your deepest, darkest secret?"

Hearing this, the other girls closed in, making Rukia feel as if she were helpless prey that was being hunted by a pack of wolves.

The silence was tense as they waited for her to answer. Beads of sweat left trails down their cheeks.

"I like..."

They moved in closer, their ears straining to hear her answer.

"I like bunnies."

The effect was instantaneous. Mumbles of disappointment spread throughout the small group.

- - - - - - - - -

Rukia stared down the road ahead and allowed herself a small smile. Her deepest, darkest secret?

She liked them. All of them. And so she continued to run.