Dance Steps

By Chiharu Tanaka

A/n: 100+ reviews! Astounding! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE WONDERFUL REVIEWS! And yes, the poll is done, and I'm going to make Dance Steps longer! Maybe up to 15 chapters, max. Sorry for the long wait, though. I'm in 12th grade now…gotta study.

Disclaimer: How many times am I forced to type this?

Chapter 9: Growing Up

The moon was up once more. Exhausted but determined, she stepped forward to take a good look at herself in the mirror. Seconds ticked by, and she was powerless to hold them back. She raked her long, manicured fingernails through her long honey brown hair as she looked up at the clock in her room.

She was desperately waiting for a certain moment to come, yet she wanted it to never come. But she knew just as well as the next person; the moment was going to come by, whether she liked it or not. Nobody fights against Father Time.

Her footsteps were distant, but quick. She paced up and down the room, worrying. Like a mother waiting for news on her missing child. She covered her forehead filled with cold sweat and finally set down on the edge of her four-poster bed.

Nobody could blame Risa Harada for being nervous at that moment. She was about to face something that she unwillingly agreed to, something she barely had any interest in, and someone she didn't want to face. The calm shades of blue, they gave her goosebumps all over her body, even on that midsummer night.

She looked over at the mirror once more, as it stood tall at the edge of the room. Her long hair was combed neatly and pinned up into a stylish, elegant bun. Light makeup covered her facial features, only a little bit, to accentuate her golden eyes. The dress that clung to her petite body was of dark blue satin. Paradox is a funny thing. She felt happy yet miserable about the way she looked.

"Risa! Are you done? Let's go!"

Her sister's wail startled her for a moment. She shook the thought of him, the man who treated her like a princess away from her mind and back to its original focus. Walking out of her room, she picked up her purse and her new pair of shoes off the chair and headed downstairs.

The car drove away from her house and into a silent journey. Sure, her twin sister Riku was talking until her mouth nearly fell off, and Daisuke was just nodding with a short reply now and then, but Risa just kept her lips pursed as the car drove off into the night city.

A heavy stone of regret weighed her heart down. Something was telling her that starting this was all a big, big mistake. Another part of her, however, told her that it will be a memorable night. A memorable night with the man who loved her. The only man who truly loved her for the woman she had grown up to become. But had she really grown up, she questioned herself. Part of her was still a little girl, naïve and overprotected.

She left most of her naïve self, her childhood demeanour behind when her first love, Dark, threw her aside like a rotten sushi. She could never become first in his heart, she knew, but she felt stupid now for trying.

"Risa, look! Isn't it marvellous?"

Marvellous was true, their destination had Risa wincing for the fluttering swarm of butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't avoid it. The moment was here, the moment was now. There was no turning back. She stepped out of the car and walked right over into the building, meeting eye-to-eye with the charming man.

"Good evening, Risa," he greeted, addressing her by her first name.

Standing in his classy black suit, he shot her a suave smile, one that usually knocked the lights out of unsuspecting girls. Risa just felt a blush bug tickle her face as she felt his suave aura hit her and smiled back.

"Good evening, Satoshi-kun."

He cornered her, like an eagle does its prey, and held out his arm to her. "I've signed us up already. Miss Rodriguez and Carlos are already seated. Shall we join the other contestants, my fair maiden?"

She smiled warmly, the regret in her heart melting away after looking into his deep alluring cerulean eyes, even clearly now that he wasn't wearing his glasses. She clung onto the arm he held out for her. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all, her heart whispered.

'I take that back,' she thought. The dance hall was filled with young hopefuls such as herself, practised and determined to get through the qualifying round. The butterflies flutter recklessly in her stomach once more. She felt nauseated, tense overwhelming her.

She turned to the blond woman sitting beside her. "Maria-sensei…I noticed there's a lot of people here. Is there really a lot of dance schools in Azumano?"

The young woman gave a hearty chuckle. "Oh, Risa, don't be silly! We're representing Azumano, of course. This qualifying round is you two…against the whole district."

At the sound of those words, Risa really wanted to faint right then and there. What was stopping her from doing so? The fact that Azumano was depending on her, that's what.

"The whole district? What…is this a national competition or something?" she stammered.

Maria just nodded. This time, Risa really fainted. When she woke up a few minutes later, she grabbed the collar of the closest person to her, who was unfortunately, Satoshi.

"NOOO, this can't BE! I…I can't do an NATIONAL dancing competition!" she wailed, making a few groups of dancing partners look at her strangely. "Maria-sensei, please… I can't do this! Please…can I withdraw?" she asked desperately, tugging at Maria's skirt.

"Risa…" began Satoshi, sensing the disappointment on Maria and Carlos's face. Risa's wide open mouth closed slowly as she saw them as well.

Part of growing up is making decisions. Most of the time, Risa learnt to avoid making them, or leaving the choice up to her mature twin sister. But as she gazed upon the faces of her two instructors who were so hopeful to see them succeed, she felt herself grew older.

"G…gomen," she stuttered out. "Forget what I said…I'm just…nervous, I guess." Unexpectedly, Maria smiled broadly and threw her arms around the young girl.

"Magnifico! I know, Risa…anyone would be nervous. I'm glad you decided to take the challenge. Now get out there and show the world what you're made of!" she exclaimed, smiling proudly. Risa smiled back at them and walked towards the contestants seats with Satoshi.

"I'm proud of you, Risa," said Satoshi, as they took their seats. "For the decision you made. You're beginning to see what maturity is like."

Risa pouted. "Are you saying that I'm childish? Mou, you're mean," she said, meaning to sound mad, but she couldn't help but grin. What he said was true: she was growing up.

The night seemed to pass by quickly. Dancing duos seemed to take the dance floor by surprise and amazement. Although Risa was practically chewing her nails off, she felt relieved slightly at the fact that she wasn't the only one nervous. The 3rd girl slipped on her high heels and the 7th guy twisted his ankle and was sent to the hospital.

She was biting the fingernails off her left hand fingers anxiously until she felt Satoshi pull her hand down by the wrist. Subconsciously, she lifted her right hand to start chewing again but stopped when she looked at Satoshi staring back at her.

"You're lucky I don't have a clone who can sit next to you," he said, looking straight into her eyes. She gave him a bitter smile, and put down her hand. Eventually, the moment they had been waiting for a long time finally reached them.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the representatives of Azumano, Hiwatari Satoshi and Harada Risa!"

With one deep breath, Risa stood up, Satoshi standing beside her. He was still clutching her left hand tightly. As they walked to the centre of the stage, Satoshi turned around to face her. "You'll do fine. Trust me," he said calmly. A weak smile etched on her lips as she held his shoulder and hand.

The slow melody of waltz music began to play throughout the large hall. As if by magic, Risa's feet began moving on instinct, moving slowly around the stage. The crowd watched them in awe as they performed a splendid waltz across the ballroom floor.

No sooner than it had began, the smooth piano and violin tunes suddenly dispersed, and the lights went out. When the lights were back on again, the music that boomed out the speakers were totally different – a Latin inspired tango beat.

Round and round they twirled, performing a beautiful tango on the smooth dance floor. Daisuke, Riku as well as the entire crowd gaped at them with shocked looks on their faces.

Satoshi abruptly let go of Risa's waist as she twirled around like a ballerina whilst his arm was above her head, the hem of her frilly blue dress like petals on a beautiful flower. Risa smiled at him, suddenly feeling the nervousness in her stomach drifting away and being replaced by a surge of confidence.

After one final twist, they arrived at the centre of the stage where Risa leaned backwards, her back supported by Satoshi's arm; and he leaned forward, looking straight into her eyes. Risa blushed fervently, smiling brightly at him as the crowd went wild and she stood back up properly.

"Splendid performance! Absolutely splendid! Astounding! Why…I…I'm speechless! Thank you for that amazing performance!"

The grin didn't disappear from her face as Risa took her seat. Satoshi smiled with her, still holding her hand. After a few more couples, the judges were discussing among themselves, deciding a winner to advance to the international level.

"And yes, ladies and gentlemen, the judges have made their decision!" said the host, taking an envelope and opening it up. He smiled brightly as he read the results. "And, not surprisingly, the winners are – Azumano's representatives, Hiwatari Satoshi and Harada Risa!"

Out of sheer bliss, Risa threw her arms around Satoshi's neck and hugged him tightly. "Oh my God, we've won!" she squeaked excitedly, her cheeks beginning to hurt from smiling too much. She let go of him and stood up, pulling him along with her to the stage once more.

"We have, Risa…we have," said Satoshi under his breath, smiling thankfully.

Twirling a strand of her brown hair with her index finger, Risa was humming a tune to herself as she looked at the gold trophy on the table. She, Riku, Daisuke and Satoshi were at the Harada residence after the dance competition. Riku was so happy, she made

"Hey, what're you thinking about?"

Risa turned around to see Satoshi looking down at her, a mug of coffee in his hands. He had taken off his blazer and tie, and had unbuttoned the top half of his white shirt. She blushed slightly, thinking he looked sexy that way.

"Nothing…it's just that I'm amazed that we've gone so far…from what my mom intended to be just an ordinary lesson," she said as he took a seat beside her at the patio outside.

"The strange thing is…you dance really good. Have you actually danced before?" he asked.

"Urm…I did take ballet classes when I was five…but I stopped dancing after a few years. Riku wasn't really good at it and I missed having her around."

"Well, I've taken ballroom dancing when I was still in England once…something about it being compulsory for the graduation ball…"

Risa giggled slightly and looked up at the ink black sky, sparkled with stars and illuminated by the moon. After a sip from his warm coffee, Satoshi spoke up. "I have a confession to make, actually."

She turned to face him, curious, but anxiously fiddling around with a strand of her long hair. What was Satoshi going to say to her? Confess? 'No, he already did that…' thought Risa, face bright red.

"I've never felt so…alive…until I took the dance floor with you. You seem to be channelling your happy spirit through everyone, not just myself…I've never felt like this before, to say the least."

Risa smiled awkwardly. "You're welcome…glad I could help." Still, she thought, deep inside her heart. 'I can't help but feel so…safe and comfortable beside him,' she thought. "But you dance well too, how else would we have won?" she said, embarrassingly.

"Well, I'm just glad I agreed to take dancing classes again, because without it…I wouldn't have danced with you."

His blue eyes were calm yet alluring. Risa felt herself leaning forward towards him, or was it he who was leaning forwards towards her? Her mind turned blank, she didn't know what was going on, all she knew was she was feeling so much affection for the man sitting right beside her. She rested her hands against his shoulder, feeling the soft, white fabric, inhaling the strong scent of sandalwood and geranium from his cologne. As she slowly closed her eyes, waiting for their lips to meet, she felt his hand caressing her cheek, sending tingling signals down her spine. And as they were only millimetres apart from a passionate kiss…

"Risa! Hiwatari-kun! Do you want pepperonis on the pizza?" rang Riku's voice from the kitchen. They immediately broke apart, both bright red in the face.

'Since when did they have pizzas without pepperonis?' thought Risa angrily, yet relieved at the fact that Satoshi didn't kiss her…just yet.

To be continued…

A/n: Sorry for the lateness, but as you can clearly see in this chapter, I'm slightly losing my knack for writing because I've been pressured by school. We all do, I suppose. I promise you the next chapter will be a blast!