Why are guys so weird? I mean seriously, one minute they French kiss you and the next they pretend they hate you. No, strike that. It's worse than them hating you. They pretend you don't exist. You'd think by now-what with my terrible track record with men-that I would have figured them out. So not.

First there was Bryce. Cute. But stalked by his completely psycho ex-girlfriend Heather. Since my life isn't already complicated enough, lets just say it wasn't exactly fireworks and roses. Me with nutter girl's ex-boyfriend. Next there was Tad. The most BORING individual on the planet. Whose uncle tried to kill us, and whose dad fancied him self a vampire. Not so hot after that. I think my mom liked him though. Oh, and don't let me forget Michael, the murdering geek, fresh from The Mission Academy's chess club.

Then I finally meet a man that I actually consider perfect, and he goes all honour guy on me. I guess I should be grateful that out of all the male population on this planet, one guy seems to be able to keep his hands to himself. But why did it have to be Jesse?!! Jesse whom I love- if not more now- then I did before that kiss. That stupid, wrong, brilliant kiss that made me his forever. Why did I even go into that stupid graveyard anyway? Why did I tell Jesse that I loved him? And most importantly of all, WHY is he ignoring me all over again?

I was pondering this as I sat in an exceptionally boring Algebra class. I'd been staring at the same blank tile beside Mr Waldens' desk for at least half an hour. And the way my life was going, I had a funny feeling it was going to be repeated for the next couple of weeks as well. That is of course until Paul Slater plonked himself into the seat beside me. Just like that! He just strolled across the classroom and sat down. I rolled my eyes as he turned to me and grinned. Is this a good time to point out he has really nice teeth? All white and shiny and...............

"Suze" he drawled lazily. His eyes trying to catch mine. I was-of course-being very awkward and childish, and instead gazed up at the blackboard. I was trying to play the 'too busy to talk' role. But I guess the fact I hadn't even started the worksheet we'd been given gave me away.

"You know" he commented dryly "you work through stuff a lot quicker when you write it down"

I through him an annoyed glance, and saw him chuckle. I hate it when he does that. Laugh at me I mean.

"What are you doing over here?" I asked in a huff.

"Why do you always assume I want something?"

"Don't answer a question with a question jerk" I replied acidly.

"Such strong language from a lady" he mused. His blue eyes flashing. Wait a minute, why the hell am I looking at his eyes? I'm supposed to be too busy to talk!

"Just tell me what you want and get lost. Cee-cees' going to sit there when she gets back" seeing that he obviously wasn't going to get any lengthy conversation today, he heaved a sigh and turned towards me. His knees brushing my black denim mini, I'd purchased last week with Cee-Cee.

"I just wanted to check you were coming tonight. To our shifter class" he asked sounding business-like and serious. Even so, I didn't like the way he called it our shifter class. He knew that the only reason I'd agreed to go was because of Jesse. Well mostly Jesse anyway.

"Are you?" he prompted when I didn't speak straight away.

"Are you still going to leave Jesse alone?" I replied. He looked heavenward. Then sounding slightly bristled said:

"I thought you said you can't answer a question with a question"

"That was my advice to you. Now you either give me your word or the whole thing is off" I'm proud to say I sounded a lot more confident then I actually was. I was scared stiff. And not just because of what the question entailed. If he said no now............

"Fine. Jesse is out of bounds. I will not touch, speak, antagonize or even look at him. That make you happy?" he seemed way more upset than the occasion warranted. But whatever. He'd agreed hadn't he?

"Fine. I'll be there at five" I answered just as people began to get up for the end of lesson.

"Great. Now Suze listen. About what happened at your party. I didn't......"

But I of course was not listening. Instead I was throwing my belongings into my purse and making for the door as quickly as humanly possible. That's because I'd seen who was standing on the other side waiting patiently for the class to be dismissed. And without even a backwards glance, I was out of there. Preparing to talk to Jesse. Deep breaths Suze, you can do this.