Lightning-Dono: I'm not a fan of shounen-ai, but I love fanfics concerning the pairing Jounouchi x Kaiba. They're so cute! But now I want to see what I write about Kaiba's side of the story. Jounouchi always hating him for what he's done. This is a one-shot. :)


You stupid mutt. Always protected by a shield of faithful friends. What makes you so special? How come I, a CEO a company, can't seem to find any for myself?

I guess that's why I feel like a rotten lizard egg whenever I look you in the eye and see the reflection of many strengths within you. Whenever I approach you, you don't flinch like the others. Where does this endless power come from? How could you stand up to someone as strong as I am and not have the fleeting thought to retreat?

I suppose it's my weakness, not having friends. But I want you. Oh, how I wanted you, but all you cared for was a stuck up blonde by the name of Mai. How I longed to shove her off a cliff just to get to you. How I longed to embrace you and never let go, fondling your soft hair between my fingers.

You profess your love to someone that just likes you for looks. Someone who knew that you were capable of achieving so much more, but decided to limit you to what you had. She cut down your confidence by a half and swallowed you whole. But did you care? No. You fell right in place inside her tiny, greedy heart. What you're looking at now it but a shadow of what was there before.

I watch you through a window as you stare at her picture for endless hours. I see you hugging this despicable picture in a way that makes me want to die. I knew I could never get you then when you were still deep in obsession with someone who has long left you.

Jounouchi, you see me every single day. But every moment that I get to see your face, you turn dark eyes upon me. I never showed you anything but my awful demeanor, and I know that must've been what made you cold. Everyday you approach me with clenched fists, your friends restraining you.

I owe them one – if it hadn't been for them, I would've been beaten to a pulp by the hands of the person I wished to be with.

Sometimes I just gaze out the window and form my own little scenarios; just us two sitting together and having a great time. I never imagined that it would become this. I never thought that my images would turn into love.

Ever since the day I fell for you, my little brother would ask me the same thing each day, "Seto, why is it you get that glazed over look in your eyes so often?" I can't tell him because he'd never understand.

Jounouchi, you alone demanded my gratitude countless times. I never told you how much I appreciated your selfless acts because it wouldn't be right. You alone sacrificed your chance of making it out of my virtual reality game by protecting Mokuba with your monster. Had Yuugi stepped out of the way, you would've seen my horror-struck face as you disintegrated into bits of data that were impossible to collect.

But there's no longer a need for apologies. It's already over. I'm moving across the sea to a land that promises much for my amusement park. Don't regret the fact that last we met you had turned your back and refused to meet my gaze. Maybe it would be better this way. You can continue to love Mai without a peeping tom sitting outside your window watching your every move.

Someday, maybe in a few years, we'll meet again. The only reason why this is in your mailbox is because I want you to know what you missed.

Don't reply to this, Jounouchi. It won't make things any better. At the moment, distance is gold.
