Chapter 2:

"Are we all present?" asked Ioreth, as they reconvened. "Then we can continue," she said, without waiting for confirmation. "Please hold hands, and concentrate very hard."

"Ouch!!" exclaimed Faramir as Eowyn clutched his hand a tad too tightly.

"I'm sorry my love," she smiled innocently. "Did I hurt you? I forgot my nails were so sharp."

"Please!" said Ioreth, "The spirits need an air of calm! IS THERE ANYONE THERE? Yes spirit, I hear you.......who is it you wish to speak to? Baggins? Yes, he's here."

Aragorn rolled his eyes. "Wonderful," he said. "She gets confused over her King and her Steward, but recognises the hobbit immediately."

Ioreth passed the palantir to Frodo, who looked at it with some trepidation.

"Hello," he said nervously, "Yes, this is Baggins. I'm sorry, I can't make out what you're saying....there appears to be a lot of a hissing noise. Am I who? Am I Master? Smeagol! Is that you?? No, I don't have it anymore Smeagol, you should know, I didn't climb down after it! What do you think I am - deranged?"

"Well actually, you were a bit Mr. Frodo," Sam interjected.

"Yes, thankyou Sam," Frodo replied with a hint of irritation. "Sorry Smeagol...what was that? Yes, that was the fat one." He looked at Sam with a smirk. "Do I want to talk to Gollum?? Well alright then, I suppose so.........what do you mean I should let bygones be bygones? Oh, you're talking to Gollum...........he doesn't want to talk to me? Well, that's OK - I understand......Smeagol, are you listening........I beg your pardon?! Yes Gollum, I thought that might be you.......yes, I'm sure you do want to rip out my insides and feed them to wargs........oh Smeagol, you're, that's OK, don't worry about, I understand...........Smeagol, stop grovelling. Yes Smeagol, Master forgives'll make it up to me when we see each other again? I don't somehow think that's going to happen, but I appreciate the thought. You're getting very faint now.......can hardly hear you.........'bye Smeagol."

"He doesn't sound so bad, considering," said Frodo, as he returned the palantir to Ioreth.

"Hush Frodo," whispered Gandalf, "Ioreth is making contact once more."

"Yes," said Ioreth, "Yes - King Theoden? And you want to talk to who?"

Eomer and Eowyn gasped in delight, and both reached for the palantir, but were shocked as Ioreth continued, "You want to talk to Aragorn? Yes, he's here....I'll just put him on."

"Aragorn!" chorused the brother and sister.

"Hello - hello Theoden? Yes, it's me Aragorn," said the King, delighted to hear his old friend. "It's nice to speak to you......things have settled down very nicely now......sorry? You don't have time for small talk? You want to know what.......yes, that's what I thought you said.........and it's urgent? OK, hang on a minute."

Aragorn turned to his friend and Steward.

"Faramir - when is your birthday?"

"Why?" asked a bemused Faramir.

"Theoden says it's important," said Aragorn, and he shrugged to convey that he had no idea why.

"16th May 2983, of the Third Age," Faramir replied, wondering what a dead man needed with such information

"16th May........oh, you heard," Aragorn continued, "Faramir wants to know why you want to know...........Middle Earth Council of War 2982........what about it? Yes I know you were I wasn't at the Council, but I was around.............sorry...can you repeat that?? You are joking......tell me you're, I suppose you wouldn't joke about something like that............OK, well you'd best try and find out indeed, no time like the present.....but before you go, Eomer and Eowyn are'll catch up later? Right......yes I will..............OK Theoden......we'll talk again soon.....very soon!"

"Is that it??" asked an annoyed Eomer, "Has he gone?"

"Charming," huffed Eowyn. "After a year he has nothing to say to myself or Eomer, but just wants to know the date of Faramir's birth." She looked at her fiance with an exaggerated smile. "I'm surprised you could remember it yourself my love."

Faramir sighed. "Eowyn, I've said I'm long is this going to go on for?"

"Shall we continue?" snapped Ioreth. "Your Majesty, the palantir please.......hello....Your Majesty.....Aragorn......Elessar....Estel."

Aragorn seemed oblivious to Ioreth, and indeed, all that was around him.

"May," he murmered to himself, but his alert elven wife heard him.

"Estel? Why are you contemplating Faramir's birth date?"

"No reason my dear," replied Aragorn hastily. "Just wondering why Theoden wanted to know. Sorry Ioreth...shall we continue?"

He pushed the palantir back across the table, but continued to look at Faramir.

"Faramir - why is Aragorn staring at you?" Eowyn whispered.

"I don't know," replied Faramir, also in a whisper. "Pretend you haven't noticed."

He turned to Gandalf.

"Mithrandir....why is Aragorn looking at me like that? Mithrandir? Gandalf..........?"

Gandalf did not hear the young Steward for he was lost in his own thoughts.

"May?" he muttered.

"Faramir - are you sure your birthday is in May?" asked Aragorn.

"Well now you come to mention it....." said Faramir sarcastically, and then added, "Of course I'm sure. Why the sudden interest?"

"No real reason," responded Aragorn nonchalantly, "I just thought it was July."

"It's certainly what I was told," thought Gandalf to himself.

"Legolas!" said Aragorn, "You attended that War Council in 2982 didn't you...did you see much of Theoden?"

"No, no I wasn't there," replied Legolas, rather too quickly.

"You most certainly were," contributed Gandalf, "Your memory must be eluding you."

Faramir beamed.

"You were all in Minas Tirith at the same time? So you met my father and mother? What was she like - my mother?"

There was a brief silence before Gandalf spoke.

"She was very......generous," he said, "Yes - generous. And hospitable."

Faramir smiled proudly. "Everyone loved my mother."

"True.....," said Legolas quietly, as he, Aragorn and Gandalf shared a furtive glance.