Author's Note: This is my first time posting a story so I hope everything looks ok. I'm a big E/M fan so that's what this story is all about. I'm really excited to be posting because I'm really private about my writing but I'm trying to get over it. I'm hoping this will do it. But anyway I hope all you e/m's like it, and please review and let me know what you think about it so far. Oh I almost forget... everything isn't as it seems so don't jump to any conclusions about the story yet.

I have to do something; I have to tell this story of life love, pain, heart-break, happiness and peace. I tell this story with a great knowledge of it; after all it is also my story. I do this because another can not, but I'll try not to get to ahead of myself, and let the story unfold, and come to life on its own.

Love, why does it have to hurt so much, and feel so good? It's the human emotion that I think everyone search's for, everyone longs to feel. Nothing in this world really prepares you for it, the way it feels at the beginning, its high, and then at it's low when it's over. I like to think that true love is never really over, that it lingers deep down inside, and is only triggered by certain things, by a certain someone. That one person who has such a controlling power over you're heart and in turn the rest of you. If you're truly lucky you've experienced love, the kind where you hear that person's name and you're flooded with memories and emotions the good and the bad. It stops time and takes you back, back to the time where nothing mattered but making that one person happy.

That's what happened today, for the twenty-year-old Ephram Brown. The three-syllable name he hadn't heard in what seemed like forever, suddenly he heard. But what surprised him the most was the person who had said it. Himself, without even realizing it, or thinking about it, it just rolled right off of his tongue. The person who had just given him life-altering news asked him what was the one thing that made him happy, made him feel truly complete. Madison, Madison was his only answer, the one he himself had not expected.

Ephram Brown made up his mind right there and then, he would find her. Leave his life, or the thing he called his life behind and find his first and only true love, Madison Kellner. Its weird how some types of news can change you, make you realize you're not happy, and give you strength and courage you never knew you possessed.

On that day he set out on a mission he never knew he wanted or needed so badly, the mission of winning back Madison. Of course it wasn't as easy as picking up the phone and calling her and saying how much he missed her and longed for her love, her touch and how he never really stopped loving her. He had no idea where she was, what her life was like now or if she even thought about him. But he knew that to answer those questions and the thousands more he had about her he had to do one thing, maybe the hardest thing, go back to Everwood. A place he hadn't been since the day of his eighteenth birthday. He had lived there for a few of his teenage years but after Madison it was a town filled with to many memories, so he left. Now he was going back for the same reason he had left it two years ago. He decided he would leave that day. He pulled out his cell phone and found out when the next flight to Colorado left. A flight to Boulder would be leaving in two hours; he booked a ticket and started to make his way to the airport. Taking nothing with him but his cell phone, wallet, and keys he wouldn't need. He got a taxi and was soon on his way to the airport, he started to think about what his first step would be. He had to go home, home to Dr. Andrew Brown.

Ephram landed in Boulder and found his way through the airport, he was looking for a place he could rent a car, and he soon found one, renting an SUV. He knew he'd need it to brave the conditions of Everwood, after all it was winter and he knew what that meant in Everwood, snow, and lots of it.

In two hours time he was turning on to the road that was all too familiar to him, the one that lead to his home. Just two houses from his old home he pulled the SUV over to the side of the road. He needed to brace himself for what was just about to happen, all the question's, and faces he would get. The one's that worried him the most were his fathers, he knew of course Delia would have hers but would be so happy she would forget them as soon as she said them. His father on the other hand would be the opposite, his greeting would be, "Ephram what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be working?"

The difficult part would be his response, what would he say was the reason he came back all of the sudden after leaving and not visiting for two years. Sure he had seen them, but they were always the ones to come and visit him and only for a day or two, twice, maybe three times a year. Did he want them to know the two new struggles he was going through, the news which brought him back to Everwood, his secret, and what feared him the most getting Madison back. He decided not to say anything about his secret to either one of them, but he would indeed tell his sister that he wanted Madison back; she might even be able to help him. After all she was a fourteen-year-old teenager in Everwood and she knew everything that had happened since he was gone, and everything that was going on today. With his mind made up he pulled back out into the road and drove pass the next two homes and directly into his driveway. Without any hesitation he parked and jumped out of the SUV, why did he act so quickly and confidently, because he knew they weren't home. His dad's black, BMW, SUV, was no where in sight which meant he wasn't there and most likely neither was Delia. He found his way to the front door and pulled out his wallet, and reached for his house key which he kept tucked away in it and opened the door. As he thought it would, just about everything looked the same which brought him a comfort he didn't think he would feel, but it also brought back memories. Some welcomed other's not, some brought a smile to his face and others broke his heart. All the memories that rushed through his mind at that moment were of Madison. His thoughts were interrupted by someone jumping on his back and screaming happily, "Ephram!! Your home!!"

He hadn't realized it but while he was standing there reminiscing his father and Delia had just gotten home from and all too predictable Friday dinner at Mama Joy's. They had noticed the car parked in their driveway and were curious about who it belonged to, never expecting to find Ephram inside their home standing right in front of them. Andy thought to himself as he set his eyes on his son, (who seemed to him to look much too old to be his) he had much explaining to do. While he was undeniably happy to see his son he wanted to know what had possessed him to come home.

As Ephram had anticipated his father had many questions, which he tried desperately, and unsuccessfully to get out of having to answer. He told his father that he had come home because he had wanted to visit an old friend, Bright Abbott. He himself thought it was a good excuse but his father knew better, he had his doubts and was quite suspicious. But for Delia's sake for tonight he would let them go, and let them have their moment. Andy Brown was finally starting to learn how to be a good parent, unfortunately to late to be one to Ephram who wouldn't give him the chance, not again.

"So, Ephram, where will you be staying while you're in town?" Andy asked Ephram as he sat down across from his children who had settled down on the couch beginning to catch up on the latest events.

"Umm.., I'm not quite sure yet," Ephram began to say before his father interrupted him.

"So you don't have any plans?"

"No... um not quite yet but..," again he was interrupted by his father, which he had become accustomed to.

"Great then, we'll grab your bags out of your car and bring them in. You can stay with us." Andy knew Ephram wouldn't want to but that he would, because now Delia would not have it any other way.

"No... I really couldn't do that. I'll just find a..." he began.

"Yes!! You have to pleeease, it'll be so much fun." Delia begged. Ephram knew he would as soon as the words had come from his father's mouth.

"Alright, sure why not, I mean he can't still be a bad morning person. Wait sorry," correcting himself, "lets make it that bad of a afternoon and night kind of person too" Delia giggled at and was happy to have her brother's sarcasm back in the house.

"Oh right and I still don't like boys." Delia stated.

"Great it's settled then," Andy said as he began to get up and move towards the door, "you're staying here, so let's go out and get your bags it's getting late."

"Oh.., no there's no bags, ya know I figured why corrupt the small town wardrobe with my New York style." Ephram told his father.

"You didn't bring anything? Then what are you going to wear while you're here if you just came with what you have on?"

"Oh, I figured there's nothing like a day of shopping at Everwood's mall. Ya know get a whole new wardrobe to fit in with you wee small town folk, which of course I'll tear and burn when I get back to New York." Delia got excited at the mention of shopping.

"Oh my gosh, tomorrow me and you can hit the stores and shop all day long. If that's not the perfect way to spend your day I don't know what is."

Ephram laughed, "Come on now Delia its Everwood, it won't take longer than what 30 minutes." She rolled her eyes at his comment. "Alright little sis you got it but, if that's gonna happen I'm gonna have to get to sleep or I won't make it passed the front door tomorrow."

Andy spoke again, "Ok then umm... your room's good to go for you, just grab some sheets out of the upstairs closet and I think you'll be all set for the night."

Getting up and heading towards the stairs, "Thanks, I guess I'll see you guys in the morning then."

"Night Ephram," Andy and Delia said simultaneously.

Ephram climbed the stairs and walked the all to familiar path toward his bedroom. He opened the door and walked in, most of it was basically the same expect for the few changes he noticed which had to have been Delia's doing. He tiredly shut the door and removed his shirt and pants and climbed into bed. His mind couldn't help but wander, thinking about the impact of his secret, the effect it would have on him and eventually if he decided to tell them the one's he loved. What his body and mind would go through what roller coaster ride he would have to take to try and just be Ephram Brown. But right now he couldn't think about that, he would leave it to the experts in New York to try and figure out for him. He thought one battle at a time, at the moment he had to win Madison back and quickly. His mind shifted its thought and energy toward her, how it would feel to see her again, hear her voice, become overwhelmed by her soft scent and hopefully the touch of her skin. To be in her presence and be consumed by her, lost in her eyes, and wishing for her beautifully full lips to be against his and have his fingers run through her blonde hair. He slowly fell asleep with Madison, his Madison feeling so close to him and beginning to almost think that somehow she wanted him to.

Sometimes things end for no particular reason other then at that moment in time it wasn't meant to be. But true lovers always find their way back to each other. Even though it hurts to have to let go sometimes you know you have to, you have to go through the pain and heart break cause inside I think you understand and know that there will be another chance. When that opportunity comes you'll know it, and you'll take it, you'll be fully prepared this time and it will be great even better than the last time. Things will be different but for the better, he'll be older, then everything that she wanted so badly back then could finally happen.

That's what Madison told herself tonight while she was laying in bed motionless looking up at the ceiling with tears forming in her eyes. That's how she spent her nights, thinking about the love of her life that she couldn't have, that she had wanted so badly. She convinced herself that one day it would happen. Ephram would be with her, lying in bed next to her instead of her being alone. She would think all these thoughts hoping that when she fell asleep she would dream, dream of a life with Ephram. Madison had only that, her dreams, at least that's what she thought, unaware of the fact that soon Ephram would once again be at her doorstep, right in front of her.

The day started off quickly for Ephram and Delia Brown, it was fast paced in order to accomplish all that Delia had in mind all that absolutely needed to be done. Ephram couldn't help but think to himself as he and Delia zigged sagged through the stores of Everwood's mall that soon he wouldn't be able to do all of this, that soon the highlight of his day would be getting out of bed and dressing himself. They spent hours picking out, trying on, and buying new clothes for Ephram. The pair walked through the mall arms full of bags from various places when all of a sudden he saw her. Ephram thought that his mind was playing tricks on him as he saw her walk into a store, until Delia said something.

"Madison! Hey do you see her, we should go say hello." Delia stated excitedly as she began to walk in Madison's direction.

Ephram abruptly stopped her, "No, Delia let's go, come on I'll buy you a late lunch."

Delia protested, "No wait first let's go talk to her, I haven't seen her in like a year."

"You don't have to say anything to her come on, you'll see her again when I'm not with you and then you can talk her ears off."

"What's the big problem? We don't have to have a long conversation I'm just curious to find out what she's been up to. I promise it won't take long."

Ephram loosing his patience, "Delia, I said no!"

Delia looked up at her brother shocked that he had just yelled at her with anger she hadn't seen in a long time, actually since the last time they saw Madison. "Wait," hesitating, "do you... do you still have feelings for her Ephram, after all these years?"

Admitting to her, "Yes, okay yes."

"Are you serious?" Delia said with amazement and shock.

"Yes, I do what else do you want me to say!"

"Wow, I had no idea, I knew that you really loved her but I didn't know you still did."

"Yea ok I do we've acknowledge that now let's please leave before she sees us." Ephram motions to move in the opposite direction of where Madison is.

"You have to tell her." Delia says simply.

"What, no look I was going to before, but now I can't."

"Before?" Delia questions.

Ephram exhales and begins to explain himself. "She's the real reason why I came back home, I want her back, or at least I did. I came back here to try and find her; I don't know I guess I had this silly idea that I was going to win her back. But that's definitely not a possibility now."

"Why the heck not, you found her when you weren't even trying and you can go over there and talk to her right now. You heard of a thing called fate, it's meant to be."

"Look this is all I'm gonna say and then we're leaving. Fate as you say I think has something different in mind."

Interrupting him, "What are you talking about?"

Continuing on, "If you'd of looked at the store she's going into you'd know what I was talking about."

Turning towards the store, "You sound insane, what's so horrible about," realizing what he meant, "Motherhood's For You" she read the store's name aloud. Shocked Delia only seems to be able to get out the words, "Wow. Ephram I'm so sorry" she says sincerely.

A disappointed Ephram, "Yea, me to squirt, me to. Now come on and let's go and get something to eat."

Ephram and Delia turn around and start to find there way out of the mall. With each step they take Ephram's heart breaks a little more. Before today he at least had the naïve hope that maybe if he could find her they might have had a chance, now the world has dealt him a set of cards he never thought he'd get. It would be different if he had at least had a chance, but now he doesn't even have that, Madison, his Madison, was pregnant with someone else's baby.