…. Just Don't Kill Me

blah blah blah Phone conversation

K this chapter is kinda weird and Vegeta is SOOO OUT OF CHARACTER LOL.just don't kill me and Thanks to all the Reviewers and im SO SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE SOONER I would make excuses but that is all they are the truth is I just haven't been that interested in typing them lately sorry I think I might stop writing and putting them one here Im not for sure yet so this may be my last Chappie on this story 

"Do you… Wait Bulma Knows what?" Pan was started to get confused.

"She knows that .. I like you."

"Vegeta forget about it ok lets blame the moon and move on" Pan turned around to head upstairs for the second time that night but yet again she was stopped. Vegeta had his arms around her waist and his luscious lips right beside her ear.

"Women your not Leaving." He said softly his breathe warming her ear.

Pan turned around in Vegeta's arms. "Vegeta…" Before Pan could get the rest of her sentence out Vegeta already had his lips on hers. He coaxed her mouth open and slipped his tongue in. Kiss Back idiot you know you want to Pan started to kiss back slipping her tongue into his mouth. Vegeta moaned. He reached under Pan's shirt running his hands up and down her sides. Pan broke the kiss and purred in his ear

"Well, What's this?" a feminine voice said.

Pan and Vegeta both sopped and pulled away.

"Bout time this happen!" said Bra.

Vegeta went and sat at the head of the table, while Bra and Pan remained standing.

"Princess how did you know that this would happen?"
"Well I knew you like her cause after you sparring sessions you usually take a cold shower so one day I decided to read your mind. I found out quite a bit." Bra smirked remembering what she found out.

Pan spoke for the first time since Bra entered the room. "Oh really? What did u find out?"

"I found out that he had more respect for you then any of us and thought you had the potential to become a SSJ2 if you trained hard enough." Bra had a sneaky smile on her face. "And he thought you had a cute ass."

Vegeta smirked, while Bra laughed and Pan sat down at the table and slapped herself on the forehead.

Bra continued "And today at the mall I found out that Pan liked you. We were at the food court when I was looking at some guys she scared away then I accused her of liked guys like Trunks then she said that she liked tougher guys and I said oh guys like me dad and dummy says something like oh yea your dad is sexy or something like that."

Pan was still sitting at the table with her head in her hands could this be any more embarrassing? . Pan's head shot up.

"Oh Yeah and you said you loved GOTEN!" Pan smiled. HA the shoe was on the other foot.

"You will not mate with Kakarot's brat."

That pissed Bra off. "NO fair! Then why do you get to mate with Pan? A girl half you age almost!"

Pan gasped and looked at Vegeta. I didn't think he wanted to mate with me just sleep with me

"Princess could you leave us alone?"

"Sure Daddy." Bra looked at Pan and winked.

Pan glared at Bra. Then looked back at Vegeta. She started fidgeting nervously.

"Pan come down here." Pan got up and went down to the other end of the table and was going to sit in the seat next to Vegeta but he grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap before she could sit down.

Pan squealed in surprise. "Vegeta do you want to mate with me?"

Vegeta sighed "Pan I'm not good with emotions but I want to mate with you."
Pan got up off of his lap and started pacing in front of the table. "Vegeta my dad would kill us!"

"Your 19 he doesn't have control over you anymore."
"No, but I DO live with him, if he found out he would kick me out. Then what would happen? I can't live here with you." Vegeta propped up his head on his hand.

"Why not?"

"Bulma wouldn't let me move in just to be with you."

Vegeta started to speak when a voice behind Pan cut them off.

"Yes I would."

Pan turned around to see Bulma standing in the doorway.

"What do you mean?" Pan asked

Bulma walked over to where Pan was standing after she stopped pacing. "What I mean is if Gohan kicked you out you could live here with Vegeta."

"Why would you do that for us?"

"Because I think that you and Vegeta can actually make this work."

" It won't work." Pan sat back down.

"Its simple really, Pan you move in you guys mate and live happily ever after." Bulma finished with a big smile on her face.

"One problem." Vegeta and Bulma both looked at Pan. " My Dad. Hes not going to let me move in here to be with an older man especially if that man is Vegeta." ( my dad would kill me too.. it would be worth it tho for just one night )

"Vegeta would fight him for the right to Mate you." Vegeta nodded and walked over to Pan. Pan crossed her arms over her chest.

Vegeta wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Thought you didn't like public affection?" Vegeta smirked.

"Are you complaining?" Pan smirked.

"Hell no." Pan didn't care that Bulma was standing right there. She leaned in and pecked Vegeta on the lips and pulled away. Vegeta wasn't satisfied thought he grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her with passion.

Bulma cleared her throat and the two love birds separated. "I'm heading upstairs now. Have fun you two." On her way out she winked at Pan.

Pan caught a glimpse of the clock it read 2:00 AM

"Shit it's 2 in the morning I got to get some sleep" Pan tried to pull out of his arms but he just held her tighter.

"Vegeta I have to get up early to go with Bra all day to get ready for the party tomorrow"

"Mate with me tonight and we will tell everyone tomorrow." Vegeta was already pulling Pan up the stairs to his room. "This is going to be a night you will never forget."

Ok yeah end line kinda corny but I was running out of ideas SO SUE ME! its 3 o clock in the morning right now! I will probably be updating all my stories more frequently because school is out for the summer does a little dance I usually have insomnia like right now I have been up for ALMOST 30 HOURS AND I STILL FEEL GREAT…. I will be dead by noon today tho! Well hope you like it and there will be a LEMON in the next Chappie for certain so it might take a couple weeks before I get it typed.. What took so long to update is I lost my disc that had all my chapters on it for all my stories and I had to type all of them again …. Which so totally sucked A$$… well I'm rambling now so BYE EVERYONE AND DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW CUZ I LOVE GETTING REVIEWS GOOD OR BAD IT MEANS SOMEBODY IS READING MY STORIES  THIS CHAPTER IS 3 PAGES LONG! WHOOO!

Bit Too Early : we all are crazy at 3 o'clock in the morning! Thanks for the Good reviews. I just got ur reviews as I just got done with chapter five!

Maria: here ya go! And I'll get right on that Fic that will shock everyone lol