Songfic by Gie: ([email protected])
The characters of Vejiita and Bulma are
credited to
Toriyama-sama, not me. John Michael
Montgomery sings this
song and, once again, my subconscious
demanded I write their
story down. I guess you could put
the timeline after Buu defeat,
and sub-sequent resurrection of the Dark
Prince of Vejiita-sei, but
it could really fit in anywhere.
This is a continuation of 'Love She Can't
Live Without.' Actually,
this is Third in my Songfic Universe.
And no, Two has not been
written yet. But the plot is hinted
at. *grin* Anyway, hope you enjoy it!
Angel in my Eyes
The early morning dawn peeked over
the edge of the rumpled
comforter and slowly caressed the soundly
sleeping female that laid
among the rumpled sheets, oblivious to all
around her in the waking
In the waning light of the stars the complex
creature known
as the Saiya-jiin no Ouji stood quiet on
the balcony, eyes focused on
the distant stars that seemed to be within
reach, but when he
attempted to grab them and take them as
his own, they would move
just out of range.
'Much like the goals that I set for
myself,' Vejiita mused, his
dark eyebrows furling together in a scowl.
Everyone had many plans
for him as he grew up--plans and ideas that
were not of his choosing.
To become the Legendary One. To grow
to be the strongest ever and
take over the Throne, leading his people
to heights unknown in past
But there are many twists and turns
on the Road of Life--and
one thing that he learned and learned well
in his worn travels is that
you can not swerve around every bump and
pothole in the road. Or
you'll drive into the ditch when you're
not looking.
He sighed and turned toward the inside
of the room, where
the purple-tressed female stirred in her
deep slumber, exposing a
sleep-flushed cheek and barely-mumbling
lips. One slim, creamy leg
poked out from under the sheets, dangling
off the side of the bed.
He opened the door and slipped into the
room silent, not wanting to
wake her so early in the morning.
He moved to the edge of the bed and
crouched down next to
her, resting his arms on the side on the
mattress and stared into her
soft expression, still in her sound slumber.
I watch her lyin' in bed asleep
And I thank my lucky stars
For every second she's here with me
I wanna hold her in my arms
As he stared into her peaceful expression
a deep sadness fills
his being, striking him hard in his heart.
'I almost lost her.'
Actually, he did lose her. There
was no 'almost' to it. He had
died, and gone to Hell. She had lived
and lamented her loss. And just
the thought of putting her through that
torture made him feel dead
inside. He may not show it on the
outside, but inside, his heart beats
just for her, and their child. There
was no 'me' anymore. It's all
'her,' and 'him.' He laid his life
down for her and their son. And the
Kami took his offering, sending him to the
depths of his punishment.
Vejiita reached out and gently tucked
a stray lock of her
lavender hair behind her delicate ear, giving
him an unobstructed
view of her features. She stirred
slightly under his touch and he
froze--not wanting to disturb her slumber.
But she just mumbled
something under her breath about pancakes
and hydraulic drives.
A small smirk curled at his lips and
he let his finger trace
across her cheekbone, smoothing the soft
skin with a gentle caress.
His ungloved digit followed a path across
her jawline, strong and
stubborn in the face of battle, yet gentle
and caring in times of
comfort. Was the sacrifice worth
it? At one time, he would have
said no. No female was worth anything
special but to act as a womb
for future spawn. But time, and a
hard-driving hormonal need,
changed those barbaric thoughts around.
Was she worth the
sacrifice? Was she worth the pain?
She is my day
She is my night
She is the breath that gives me life
But things weren't always a bundle
of roses. They fought
constantly. It didn't matter what
the topic was. If he had an opinion
about something, she'd take the opposite,
just to piss him off. And if
she felt strongly about a cause or a belief,
he'd ridicule her
mercilessly for even thinking in such a
manner. But that was their
way of communicating, no matter what the
others around them
thought of their mannerisms. From
Day One, and he snorted, until
Day End, they would be at each other's throats
about the little things
and important things that mean nothing,
but everything.
But that didn't mean they didn't care about each other.
Sometimes the fights would go on for
days, their attitudes
and pride not letting them back down and
admit defeat--even if they
couldn't remember what they were fighting
about in the end. Vejiita
smirked slightly. He did enjoy their
verbal spars. Always did, and
probably always will. He knew exactly
what buttons to push to send
her flying into a blind rage. The
forgiving part of the fight was the
most enjoyable. Especially if their
making-up sessions lasted into the
wee hours of the morning.
Even though they fought and were at
each other's throats
constantly, there was peaceful times in
the household, and Vejiita did
enjoy them as much as the tenacious hours
of their arguments. Being
alone with Bulma was one of the things he
looked forward to most out
of his day, be it in the bedroom, enjoying
the spoils of each other's
bodies, or catching a quiet moment in the
kitchen. These times were
the most precious to the Saiya-jiin Prince,
for these were the
moments that he could let down that harsh
shield of non-emotion
that he kept around himself. No one
needed to see him let down his
guard, for that meant he was weak in the
eyes of the enemy, and that
could get you killed. To cry in Friiezer's
armies meant you were dead.
But that slight fact mattered none
to the weak female he was
forced to mate with. She'd like it
if he was bawling on her shoulder
every night. Vejiita let out a gust
of air and pulled his hand away, and
in a single swift motion, rose and left
the room.
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry
Sometimes we fight and we don't know
But no matter what she believes in me
She's the closest to heaven that I'll
ever see
She'll always be an angel in my eyes
He roamed the slowly lightening corridors
of Capsule Corp,
passing every now and then a GuardBot moving
through the halls,
doing its programmed duties.
When he came upon the room he
sought, he opened the door and slowly stole
inside the silent depths.
He stood next to the bed, looking down
upon the small figure
that lied innocently on the sheets.
The small copy of him was
sprawled spread-eagled on the mattress,
one arm over his face and
one leg falling off the side. Gentle
snores from the young one told
Vejiita that he was deep in slumber still,
and more than likely will be
for awhile. A snort caught his attention
and he glanced at the other
occupant of the room, watching the spawn
of Kakarotto flip over in
his own bed.
The two innocents-by-night weren't
all that innocent by day.
War and Battle will do that to a senshi;
will force you to grow up
before your time. He saw complete
evidence in the grown-up future
version of his spawn. The ever-alert,
hunted look that Vejiita knew
that once had been in his eyes was clearly
visible in Mirai no Trunks.
The same look that haunted his dreams after
all these years. Even
though this version of his child had seen
the spoils of war, he would
not be affected as his future counterpart
had been. For this one will
have everyone around him still--a full set
of parents, uncles and
Something Vejiita desperately wished
he had when he was in
his formative years.
Slowly he bent down and rearranged
his progeny on the bed
and retucked him in for the last couple
hours of the coming morning.
As Vejiita brushed away the feathery bangs
the half-breed inherited
from his mother, the Saiya-jiin no Ouji
gently leaned forward to
brush his lips across the smooth, youthful
forehead. "Stay innocent,
Chibi," he whispered into the olive
skin. He moved over to the other
brat and rearranged him as well, but left
off the kiss. He wasn't
getting *that* soft.
When he stood to leave the room, a
whisper caught his
attention. "I love you, too, Papa."
The Dark Prince turned around, glancing
at the purple-tressed
boy who was staring at him in the dark,
his pale eyes wide. "Go back
to sleep, brat."
He nodded and before he flipped over,
Trunks whispered
again. "We missed you a lot when you
were gone."
Vejiita acknowledged him with a soft
grunt. "I missed both of
you too when I was gone. Now, sleep."
He closed the door behind
him, letting the soft click accentuate his
As he made his way back to the room
he shared with his mate,
he thought how different his life would
have been had he not come
searching for the Dragonballs. Would
he still be in Friiezer's service
as his lackey? Would he even still
be alive at this point in his life?
He definitely would not have been mated
to the most annoying and
weak Human female this planet created as
he is now.
When he entered the still-quiet room,
he closed the curtains
that were letting in the morning light.
He shut off any device that
would awaken them rudely. When he
was done, he crawled under the
criss-crossed covers, and pulled Bulma close
to him, wrapping her in
his powerful arms. She automatically
melted into his side as if she,
and only she, was meant to be there.
She stirred slightly, one eye
opening blearily. "Where did you go?"
He grunted, burying his face in the
crook of her shoulder.
"Shush. Sleep, Onna. Or you'll
be in an more-than-normal ugly mood
in the morning."
She grunted back. "Bakayaro."
Sometimes I feel her by my side
Like she's watchin' over me
I get a chill runnin' down my spine
And that's all the proof I need
That she fills my heart
She fills my soul
She is the half that makes me whole
Soon, her breaths turned even once
more, and Vejiita
tightened his hold on her. He didn't
know what he would have done if
their roles were reversed, and she was the
one that had died instead
of him. Actually, he could picture
what he would do, but he chose not
to dwell upon it. Chikyuu would not
bode well in the Saiya-jiin no
Ouji's death furies if their Bond was broken.
The moment that he discovered that
they were Bonded was a
very tenacious time for him. He knew
he had feelings for the loud
mouthed, foul tempered Chikyuu female, but
did not know how to act
upon them. He had been on this lump
of rock for some time--in fact
they had been in the middle of fighting
Cell. It was in the space of
time when they were waiting for Cell to
start his games. He had
come back to Capsule Corp after training
in the Room of Spirit and
Time. To her, he was gone for only
a few days. To him, it was two
years. Two years to think about her.
Her skin. Her face. Her touch.
Her scent. The scent that still stirred
phenomenal feelings after all
these years.
When he arrived home that night he
tried to resist the pull.
He did for so long in the Room. But
then he had Mirai no Trunks and
his constant training to deter his thoughts
and desires. But they
were still there. And they grew stronger
and more demanding with
each passing day that he was denied her.
That he denied the Bond.
Now that there were no physical barriers
that separated them, his
primal urges took over and he mated with
her once again. This time,
he moved with a purpose, to seal the Bond
they began to create,
instead with the reckless abandon of the
That night was also the first and only
time he told her he
loved her.
But she knew without his words that
he loved her. He was not
eloquent with words, especially when emotions
were involved. He
spoke more with actions, as a warrior does.
And that was fine for
her. Especially when she woke in the
morning stiff, sore, and
completely satiated from his 'actions.'
Vejiita sighed slightly and nuzzled
deeper into his mate. His.
And he was hers. He may not have planned
these events, or had them
planned for him early in his life, but they
definitely were not
unwelcome. He closed his eyes and
let sleep complete him once more,
knowing what he held close to him was safe
at the moment.
But no matter what she believes in me
She's the closest to heaven that I'll
ever see
She'll always be an angel in my eyes
So, what do you think? I love the lyrics--I just hope I brought some peace of mind that Vejiita gave me...please C&C...R&R...A&W...*grin* Gie-chan