Trick Questions
Disclaimer: ::imitating Sesshoumaru:: This rogueicephoenix owns no part of Yu Yu Hakusho or Harry Potter. But you cannot stop her from loving them, now can you?
Warnings: Unless you've read 'You're Sending Us to School?!', then you will not understand parts of this. I suggest that you read that first, and then this.
Chapter One: Introduce Me, Again?
Yusuke Urameshi, a raven-haired, brown-eyed Japanese teenager, was enjoying a very relaxing vacation. A VERY relaxing vacation.
Though, technically, it wasn't a vacation. He was simply skipping school.
What else would you expect from a teenage boy who had just spent and ENTIRE year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? And was it mentioned that this boy's name was Yusuke Urameshi?
Yusuke was sick of magic. He was sick of school (Who wasn't?! Oh, Kurama. Right.). He was sick of old geezers (and that was including the toddler) trying to boss him around. And he was sick of waking up everyday to see Kuwabara's face.
Yusuke turned over on his bed, yawning and about to go back to a nice, blissful, dreamless sleep. In fact, his mind had just slipped into a not-quite-unconscious-but-very-close-to-it sort of state when-
-a fierce slam at his window caused him to jump out of his und- er, socks.
"What the-!?" Yusuke shoved up the window sill and peered out, still rather groggy. Yet, he was sure that there was nothing out there. The Spirit Detective plopped back into bed, muttering to himself. He once again drifted slowly into the world between dreaming and consciousness when-
"YOWCH!" Something had flown through the still open window, perching itself on the Spirit Detective's leg and sinking its talons into his tender flesh. Dammit, that hurt!
However, all pain seemed to vanish when Yusuke realized that this was an owl. And tied to its leg was a small bundle of letters. Hurriedly, he untied them, threw the bird out the open window, and ripped open the parchment envelope that was addressed to him.
"No... NO! Nononono! NOOOOOOOOOO!"
"Yours," the Spirit Detective snapped, shoving a letter into Kuwabara's stomach.
"Yours." A shove into Asato Kido's stomach.
"Yours." A shove into Yuu Kaitou's stomach.
"Yours." A shove into Mitsunari Yanagisawa's stomach. Yusuke repeated the process (though a bit more gently, not feeling very suicidal at the moment) with Kurama and Hiei. How they had all managed to show up, and on time, too... that was the true mystery.
"What-?" Yana began.
"Just read the damn letter before you ask any stupid questions."
"Who shoved a stick up his ass?" Asato muttered. There was a moment of silent reading before:
"Whoa! I didn't think they'd want us back!" Kuwabara exclaimed, skimming through his letter. His Hogwarts letter, that is.
"They want their toilet seat back," Yusuke muttered faintly.
"Nuthin'." Then: "You goin'?"
"Hn." No way, no how.And yet, Hiei was as firmly entrenched in this MESS as everyone else.
"I suppose."
"Yeah, 'cause you wanna see Thia again," was Yusuke's retort.
Kurama said nothing.
"How about you, Urameshi?" Kuwabara asked.
His response was, "Phooey. I hate school. Not goin'." How childish.
"Now, now, Yusuke," came Botan's bright and oh-so-cheerful voice. At least half of them jumped.
"Why are they coming, anyway? It was only us last time! So since they're coming, why can't I just stay at home?!"
"It's your job, remember? You're mandatory. They're optional."
"WHAT THE F-" Botan bashed him over the head with her oar. "Fine! But Koenma never told us this was a TWO- FRICKIN'- YEAR JOB, DAMMIT!"
"You'd rather go to regular school?"
Long pause.
"Did you notice that no one asked if we were coming?" Asato asked of his fellow psychics later on.
"Uh-huh," Yana answered, rather distracted as he re-read his letter. This HAD to be some sort of really stupid prank. A MAGIC school? That's where the others, including Master Genkai, gone last year? To a MAGIC school?! That was just weird as hell, man...
"The least that Botan could have done was leave us with a reply deadline. Where the hell would we get all of this stuff?" The blond flicked a finger at the supply list and looked expectantly at Yuu.
"I have no idea."
The other two stared, obviously in shock.
A Week Later
Thia searched the airport high and low for her missing companions. Today was the day, right? This was the correct time, right? Then where the heck were they?
"Man, jet lag sucks. Badly," Kuwabara commented somewhere behind her. Thia spun around and caught sight of the seven (a.n.: dare I say it?!) young men.
Hold it.
Which idiot had decided that?! One was enough, four was trouble, and seven was... a disaster area...
"I want something to eat," complained the Spirit Detective when he finally reached Thia. Case in point.
"Yeah, well don't expect me to buy it for you," she countered. He'd actually remembered to bring his translation charm? Thia almost fainted dead away from the shock.
"PLEASE!? I don't have American money!"
"Too bad."
"You'd probably lend it to Kurama, wouldn't you?!"
Thia flushed slightly.
"Stop bothering Thia," Kuwabara said rather sagely. Jeez, it almost felt like they were her older brothers; Yusuke was the one who would probably shave her bald while she slept and Kuwabara was the one who would lecture about it not being honorable.
"I hate this place."
And Hiei was like the brother who wanted to murder them all.
"You hate everything, Hiei," Thia sighed.
"So he does."
And then there was Kurama, who wasn't like a brother at all (or at least she hoped!).
"So how's life?" This question was directed to the red-head, who simply shrugged and smiled.
"Life is wonderful."
The other three stood in the background a bit, most likely a little unnerved out of their element. Plus, the fact that they couldn't understand everything being said in her rapid-fire English. They understood the language mostly; she just spoke so damn fast!
It gave them time to study this girl, however.
She was a bit tall, and has dark hair, bound up in a bun, though several strands were purposely left out. Dangling earrings swung as she smiled and nodded at the other four and as she made rather exaggerated gesticulations, various rings caught the artificial lighting of the airport. Muddy green eyes flickered back and forth between her audience, occasionally settling on them and giving them amused looks. Her style of dress wasn't much to talk about, and it pretty much blended in with any of the other teenagers in the airport. Jeans, a t-shirt, sneakers, and an oversized, gray sweatshirt.
This was seriously the girl that Kurama had been teased about until his fingers twitched in annoyance?
"Hey! Psst!" she hissed at them suddenly, her voice an exaggerated whisper, slow enough for them to figure out the words. "I come in peace! I bear gifts!"
Snorts of laughter came from all around her, including from the three she was talking to. An eyebrow raised, but Thia held out her hand, and passed them their three golden charms.
"So: I'm Thia, which is short for the rather troublesome name of Thianadel Sherwood. And welcome to the airport, which is quite possibly the only part of New York that you'll ever set foot in. Possibly." Thia gave a smile before giving them a rather expectant look.
"Oh. Asato Kido."
"Yuu Kaitou. Nice to meet you."
"Mitsunari Yanagisawa."
"Dude, talk about a troublesome name. No offense meant, of course."
"None taken. Just call me Yana."
"Wonderful. Now why in Hell's name did Koenma get me stuck with seven of you? I mean really, has the toddler gone nuts? Seven. Seven. Jeez, seven?!" Thia was obviously in cheerful disbelief.
"We've established that, Thia." Kurama's eyes sparkled.
"But- but- SEVEN?! Why not an even number, like, oh, zero?"
"Zero isn't an even number," Kaitou interjected.
"Welcome to my world, man. One is an odd number, so the number below it is even. Screw traditional mathematics."
With that pronouncement, Thia went over to her cart, now piled with not only her luggage, but also the luggage of three of the seven boys. And she pushed. And pushed. And it wouldn't budge.
"Hey, a little help here?"
Harry Potter sat in the Order of the Phoenix headquarters at Grimmauld Place and studied the chessboard. He had arrived there less than a week ago, and was trying desperately not to give himself time to think about the stifling air of his surroundings. There were constant reminders of Sirius everywhere. It had been the same way last summer, as well. He couldn't concentrate on the game that he was playing and he couldn't keep that oddly heavy feeling off of his heart. He'd thought that he was over this whole mess. Last year had been so wonderful, so mind-numbingly exciting that he'd been able to forget about it a lot of the time.
But it was still there. While he was in this house, this house of terrible memories, this house of unforgotten grudges, there was no way that he could just ignore the fact that Sirius was gone and that the oppressive weight of the guilt was bearing down on him.
Harry mentally shook himself, good and hard, and wiped away all of those depressing thoughts from his head. There was a game he was supposed to be winning.
"Pawn... oh, no..."
"Harry, you've been staring at the board for about fifteen minutes straight. Can't you see, Ron's got you in a stalemate," Hermione pointed out rather lazily.
"No-no-no. I think..." Harry blinked at the board. "Oh. You're right."
Hermione had a sort of 'duh?' look on her face.
"Face it, mate, you can't win. Against me, anyway."
Ron looked bored. Harry looked perplexed. And Hermione looked bored to tears. The thing called Silence bore down on them all, and no one could think of a good enough subject to bring up.
"WOOGA-WOOGA-WOOGA!" something yelled from the entrance of the dining room.
"GAAAH!" was the general outcry as they leapt up, wands at the ready, knocking over the chessboard as they did so. Chess pieces flew everywhere.
Yusuke Urameshi and Kazuma Kuwabara cackled mercilessly, Hiei smirked, and Suichi Minamino gave a low laugh. Three other teenagers that the wizards didn't know were also grinning and chuckling. Thianadel Sherwood had a very evil grin on her lips.
"I do believe we deserve an Oscar for that."
"You're here?! Why are you here?! What are you-"
"We're baaack!" Yusuke said in his most menacing stalker-type voice.
It was enough to make one's face pale.
Author's Rants: ::sobbing:: You have no idea how much time I spent on that! I'm so thankful to any of the people who've read 'You're Sending Us to School?!' and who are now also reading this! What do you think? I'm going to need a lot of pointers on the whole Kido, Kaitou, and Yana thing, because I'm not completely sure how they're supposed to act, and what's in character for them and what's not. That means: REVIEW!
--Note that Asato/ says that there was no deadline for them to follow. Dumbledore assumes that they will all be made to go, and therefore there will be no deadline necessary, so he doesn't include a deadline for them to follow.
--I will warn you ahead of time: the brief period of time during the Deleted Scenes wherein I updated every day, maybe twice a day: It's gone. Possibly for good. Reasoning: Whose bloody brilliant idea was it to give me TWO math periods in one day? And who decided to give me one SLAVEDRIVER of a Biology teacher? And why do I have another SLAVEDRIVER of a Global History teacher? And why do I have to take Music Appreciation in the first place? (not that I don't enjoy it, I just wish I could use that time to do homework.) And will someone explain to me why on EARTH I chose to take Spanish? So, all in all, let's attribute the 'good times are gone' news to Stuyvesant High School. Kill the administration. Please.
Erm, well, REVIEW! Please?!
Responses: (If y'all are still with me)
Thank you-s to: KuramaIsFine, samuraiduck27, sapher, lobsstaceyters, right thurr, and Spatial Monkey
Shessha's Crazy—::blinks:: Oh, man, that's the second time I've done that! Someone says "Kurama!" and they're supposed to say, "Suichi!" Darn! Bobby: See, that's what you get for not having a beta, r.i.p. ::wailing:: YOU'RE my beta! Which, technically, means that YOU are the beta, too. ::blinks:: Oh. Urm, well, technically, there are ten chapters labeled Deleted Scenes, but I don't really count the Gag Reel as an actual SCENE. So, basically, what she's saying is: Thank you 9,999,999 times for pointing that out, you're quite right, and we hope you review again!
DarkWarLordofDoomness—::Bobby nods:: My alter-ego's stupidity amazes me. First, deleting a Deleted Scene, then ending a teaser in a cliffhanger, thus getting us threats of the Hokey Pokey Stick of Pain… r.i.p.: Please! MERCY! We posted it! ::Bobby slaps forehead::