Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha


Wow... This is the last chapter. I really hope people liked it! LOL Well, I don't know if they did because today is only November 9th, 2004. At 4:56 PM East Coast of USA! YAY FOR ME I bet you really wanted to know that! Well, I just want to say thanks to all of the people who actually read this and even more thanks to people who reviewed! And once again, thanks Sinubi, for being here for me to help me with ideas, even though this idea was all me!! Woohhh I am awesome... and arrogant.... lol... well thats it! Arigato minna for reading!

Love You All,





The flames licked the starlit sky as Sesshoumaru grabbed Rin's hands to tell her what he wanted from her. He had just killed of Hitoshi for good. Rin was exuberant (KEY WORD! WOOT!) and passionate.

"What is it, Sesshoumaru-sama?"

"Rin, there is one thing you can do for me...." he kneeled on one knee, "I want you to be my mate. Will you marry me, Rin?"

Tears swelled in her eyes. She didn't know what to say.

"Before you can say anything," he lifted himself so he was standing again, "I just want to let you know. I don't have a special ring and I can't promise you anything in the possible life ahead of us, but I want to make you happy no matter what it takes. Just being with you makes my whole being change. I want to feel like this forever, Rin. Please, be with me?"

"Yes, Sesshoumaru, yes! I'll marry you!" she said choking on her own tears of joy.

They kissed each other passionately and the flames danced around them, causing dark shadows being cast upon them. If anyone were alive to see them, they would be in awe. The kiss seemed to last a lifetime, but it was a good long period of time, not a bad one.

Rin wrapped her arms around his neck and toyed with his silky, silver hair while he played around in her mouth. They then drew away from eachother, panting and red-faced.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, I believe you could give me everything I ever wanted. I want to be with you. I don't care if you wish to journey, or if we stay here," she looked at the burning village, "Well, maybe not here..." she laughed slightly, and even though it was a sorrowful laugh, it caused Sesshoumaru to smile.

He grabbed her by the waist while still smiling. "Let's stay like this for a while..." he whispered close to her ear, causing goosebumps to cover her upper arms, her spine tingling and the hairs on the back of her neck standing. The embrace tightened and they stood there like that, absorbing the warmth from eachother and the heat comming off the fire, until the flames died away and they could retreat.


"I'm sorry we couldn't have a proper wedding ceremony," Sesshoumaru said quietly, trying not to throw off the intimate mood.

"It's alright. As long as we're together," Rin said closing her eyes, preparing for the sharp, quick pain comming towards her.

"Are you ready? I'm sorry if it hurts," Sesshoumaru whispered softly and Rin nodded. He leaned his body down, still hovering naked over her, and started to gently kiss her neck. Every kiss sent tingles down her spine but they were enjoyable tingles. He then pierced her skin with his fang which caused her to gasp slightly but it was eased as he sucked the leaking blood from it and carressed it with his soft lips.

"I love you, Rin," he said, looking into her brown eyes and gently running his warm fingers over the mark symbolizing her as his mate.

"I love you, too," she said and playfully pulled his hair so he would lean down and kiss her. Once the flavorful lip-lock was complete, she whispered in his ear, this time giving him the tingles, "I love you, Sesshoumaru. I love you."


wOOt! YEAH! That ROCKED! And.... now I'm out of ideas for new fanfics. I have a few back-ups plans but thats it. I'll be happy to write a sequal if you want one. REVIEW FOR THE FINAL CHAPTER!! ;-)