Luna is crazy.

Ginny is her friend -- sort of -- and even she knows it. There can be no sugaring the pill and no telling lies because Luna is as crazy as they come. Everyone knows it, they give her looks and whisper about her and Luna doesn't even seem to care about it! Ginny finds herself covering her face in shame when Luna waves to her or pretending she doesn't hear when Luna calls to her.

'It doesn't matter,' she tells herself sternly as she marches away from Luna's voice. 'It's not as if she'll feel bad about it.'

Because Luna doesn't care, she isn't a good friend in many aspects. They don't make each other trinkets of affection like the other girls do, they don't have nicknames or secret signs or anything that the other girls do.

They just have each other and Ginny doesn't think that's enough.

She'll find herself a new friend, a better friend with whom she'll share her secrets and her embarrassments and have a feeling they are understood and returned because that is something she has never grown to know with Luna.

Luna moves outside of social graces, she does not see or feel the world the way everyone else does and Ginny finds it unnerving.

She does not expect to be cornered by Luna in the girl's toilets. Luna looks unusually pink and Ginny wonders if the weather is warm because she knows Luna never blushes.

"You keep ignoring me." Luna states flatly and Ginny squashes the rise of emotion within her. She understood she might have to face this at sometime.

"You're not a proper friend." Comes barrelling out of her mouth before the carefully planned statement she had constructed receives it airing.

Luna looks at her perplexed.

"What do you mean? I come to watch you play Quidditch and I do homework with you and we go to Hogsmead together"

Ginny runs a hand through her hair exasperatedly.

"We don't have anything the other girls do. I want us to have something special in our friendship, something that's all about us – like a name or a charm or something."

Luna takes her hand and pulls Ginny towards her.

The kiss is sudden and unexpected and marvellous, as is Luna's hand up inside her skirt, inside her knickers and this is the first time Ginny has ever…with a girl, and Luna mumbles something softly inside her mouth and Ginny, unsure but decisive, copies her friends actions and, fumbling, begins to stroke Luna --fingers pushing and probing until both of them are gasping and grinning.

Luna leaves a trail of kisses up her thighs as she learns the noises she can make as she plays upon Ginny, tongue timid as she licks and caresses.

Ginny moans, soft and breathless, and then it is over and Luna is giving her one last kiss as she straightens her skirt.

"Now we have something that is ours." She says and leaves Ginny – knickers down around her knees, shirt hanging open and bee-stung lipped to watch her.

Luna is crazy, but then so is Ginny.