Black Diaries
by Yukitsu
Disclaimer: YYH is not mine. Mary Sues are also not mine.

I haven't been to the YYH section for a long long time. And when I browsed through... the sheer amount of Mary Sue fics just shocked me. Consider this a tribute.

Date: Nineteenth of October

What has gotten over my Father, the Great Enma? What wrong have I done to deserve such a fate? I have decided to start this booklet of horror, to keep a record for the future leaders of this world to keep in a few centuries' time. History must not repeat itself. But that is... if Reikai does not fall before that Time.

My poor Tantei, they haven't an inkling as to what my Father has pushed me to do. No, wait. Perhaps Kurama and Hiei would be able to survive... they are after all, the coldest of the lot.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I shall introduce the wretched Woman who has somehow tied my Father around her little finger to my beloved Tantei. I am helpless before Her, as my Father is. My Father has refused to tell me what relationship He has with Her. My Tantei, I wish you the best of luck.

I have to go -- the Wretched one has found the closet I have been hiding in.
