To Pyro Demon: (laughs) no, I didn't say that out of experience. I just felt like saying it! I'm telling you now that I will always put random notes at the end or beggining of my chapters!

To mine and mine alone: Your cousin's the same age I am! (Yeah, I know. I'm barely old enough to be poating things on )

Thank you for the reviews! It makes me feel good knowing that you actually take the time to comment! Anyway, this is the last chapter, if you can even call it one. It's almost too short to be one!

Disclaimer: Drama-chan does not own us.

Drama: Thank you Kurama-kun! See Hiei? Why'd ya have ta be such an ass when you did it?

Hiei: Hn.

Fire is Like Ice: Chapter Five- Maple Trees and A Semi-Happy Ending

Yukina smiled as a cold breeze caressed her cheek and played with her hair.

Fisrt day of winter. Such a wonderful time of year. She sighed happily. Everything looks so white and pure, as if to tell the world that there is still good and beauty out there somewhere.

She walked forward a bit more, stopping at a now naked tree. "Though I do feel bad for you dear maple, having to suffer through the cold."

The Koorime blinked for a moment then smiled.

"On second thought, You do not suffer in the cold, do you. You are big and strong, able to face whatever comes your way."

She giggled. "Such a fine thing you are. Kurama-kun did a good job in taking care of you.

"But now you are able to take care of yourself. So brave-"

Yukina cocked her head to the side with a smile that could melt anyone's heart. "Oh, how silly I am. I must be boring you."

She stood for a while, just taking in all that she saw.

Yes, it is magical. I hope my brother is enjoying this time of year too. Especially since it's-

Her thoughts were cut short as a white box with a soft blue ribbon appeared at her feet. "What is this?"

Her cherry-red eyes happened to spot a tag that read:

To Yukina-Chan

Smiling, she took the box and headed inside to open it. As she was walking to her room, Genkai spotted her carrying the large box.

"Yukina-chan, what is that?"

Yukina turned abruptly, a bit suprised because she hadn't seen the elderly woman there at all.

"Oh, Genkai-shihan. I didn't see you there!" She giggled, causing Genkai to smile slightly.

"Anyway, I was outside when this package appeared in fornt of me. It's addressed to me so I was going to open it out there, but what if something in it was taken away be the wind? So I thought it better to open it in my room."

Genkai shrugged. "Have fun then."

As soon as the young Koorime was out of earshot, Genkai looked out of the window to a large evergreen and with a smirk, said softly,

"You sure have a strange way of showing you care."

In her room and finally having the box opened, Yukina gasped at what she found.

A metronome, a snowglobe that had a mini River Styx in it, a snow white kitten that had a bell around it's neck,..............and a large white teddybear that had a bow the same color of her eyes around its neck.

It was then that Yukina noticed a note at the bottom of the box.


Today is a very special day, is it not? Since I was sure that no one else knew, I took the

liberty of finding you something that would represent them a bit. Are you wondering

why I didn't just tell them? It's because I know that they'd want to throw a huge party

and I know for a fact it's not done like that where you were born. I guess I just wanted it

to be traditional for you.

One last thing. You probably do not hate your father, correct? I like that about you,

Yukina-chan. You are able to forgive. You may not know this but you are able to

make others do what is right. So thank you for helping me forgive my father,

even if you did not realize you were doing so.

Thank you, Yukina-chan, and Happy Birthday

Yukina looked up from the note and out to the window, knowing that he was out there somewhere.

"No, thank you Hiei-san. And Happy birthday to you too, my Oniisan."


Somtimes, the heart will say what the lips will not.

-Darma 11-09-04