Title: Mind's Obsession

Author: Blair Lebeau, SocialButterfli

Summary: SEQUEL TO HEART'S DESIRE; The Titans are looking for Terra and Terran, and when they find someone who knows where they are, their partnership with this person results in more than they could have imagined. RobStar BBRae CyOC (finally)

Disclaimer: Obviously, I still don't own the Teen Titans. Why would I be writing a fan fic if I did?

Chapter 15 – Meet the Parents

"So, um, why did we have to come to Wayne Manor to pick up Robin?" Beast Boy asked from the back seat.

"I don't know but it's convenient for me. I have to pick up Riana from WARD's anyway for our date tonight," Cyborg responded.

"Okay, tell me how we're going to fit an extra person and all of Robin's stuff in this car," Raven, the voice of reason, said. Cyborg grinned widely.

"I've been waiting for someone to ask that. Check out the newest addition to my baby." Beast Boy, Raven and Starfire all groaned. Sure, Cyborg was into Riana, but pathetically the T Car would always have a special place in Cy's heart.

Cyborg pushed a button and suddenly the T Car began to stretch into....a limo?

"What !" Beast Boy shouted as the backseat slid around to the side and another seat popped up on the other side.

"Welcome to the T Limo," Cyborg said happily. "She just gets better and better."

"Super," Raven said in her bored, monotone voice.

"Glorious!" Starfire said gleefully. "I don't suppose there are any new buttons to push besides that one?" Cyborg's face paled.

"Nope, no, no new buttons," he said quickly. "We're here." The T....um....Limo pulled up to the memorable black gates. This time they didn't even have to get out and press the button, Alfred had obviously been watching and opened the gates ahead of time. The T Limo pulled right up to the gigantic mansion's front door. The Teen Titans got out and walked up the steps as the door opened to reveal the spiky haired, blue eyed Richard Grayson.

"Oh, hey, you're the adopted kid," Beast Boy said. "Don't flip out just because you're in the presence of the Teen Titans, really, we're not all that fabulous, we're normal people just like you...." He was cut off by Starfire flinging herself in the boy's arms.

"Robin!" she said happily, hugging him tightly. Beast Boy and Cyborg's mouths dropped open.

"ROBIN?" Robin smiled over Starfire's shoulder. Raven nodded at him.

"Hey. You ready?" Robin nodded back at the cloaked girl.

"Yeah. My stuff's inside, Alfred's bringing it out."

"Not so fast, Dick." Bruce Wayne appeared from behind him. "You're not going to get away that easily. Invite your friends in."

"WAIT A SECOND!" Beast Boy shouted. Everyone looked at him. "Why am I always the last to know things? What's going on here?"

"Man, I'm as clueless as you are. Who are you?" Cyborg asked Robin. Robin smiled and pulled something out of his jeans pocket. (Robin in jeans....amazing concept. Much better than his green tights, I would say. If you think about it, superhero outfits are just weird. Like Starfire's is normal enough but Robin and Beast Boy wear like tights and spandex suits or something. It's just weirdness.) It was a thin black strip, which he placed over his eyes. The mask became apparent and Beast Boy and Cyborg's jaws dropped even further.

"Dude, you're Robin! But you're Richard! And you!" Beast Boy pointed at Bruce. "Who the hell are you? Batman?" It was meant to be sarcastic, but when the tall man hesitantly nodded, Beast Boy fainted. With the help of Raven he got back up but all he could say was, "Dude!"

Bruce's mouth was set in a thin line. He didn't like his secret identity being known, but it had been important to Dick that the Titans finally know his past. Though he would never admit it, Bruce would do anything for Dick, even give his own life. He almost felt like he was giving up his own life by letting his identity out in the open. No one knew that except for Dick, the Justice League, and Alfred. Of course, they were all people he had worked with, so it was okay that they knew who he was. And now that he thought about it, he had just worked with the Teen Titans. They were superheroes too, just like the Justice League. And more importantly than that, they were Dick's friends. That was enough for him.

However, Bruce couldn't help but think that Terra had been Dick's friend. What a disaster it would have been if she had known. But still, Bruce didn't doubt the Teen Titans' trustworthiness. As long as they wouldn't divulge the information to anyone else. And it was likely that they wouldn't.

Speaking of trustworthiness, it was time for the little sit-down with Starfire and Dick.

"Come in," Bruce said, and the Titans followed him in as he walked down the corridor to the kitchen where Alfred was making something. "Please, help yourself to anything you like. Alfred, give them anything they ask for and keep them entertained."

"Shall I juggle, sir?"

"Sarcasm is amusing but unnecessary. Starfire, Dick, may I have a moment with you?" The two looked at each other uncertainly as they followed him out into the living room. Robin noticed a familiar figure sitting in one of the chairs.

"Diana?" Diana AKA Wonder Woman looked up and smiled upon seeing Bruce's protégé.

"Dick, it's good to see you," she said. "And is this the lovely young later we're interrogating?"

"Interrogating?" Robin asked, concerned. "What's this all about?"

"Oh, we just want to have a nice little talk with Miss Starfire here," Diana said. "Get to know her, if you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean," Robin groaned. Poor Starfire. She didn't know what she was in for.

"Please, have a seat, Starfire," Bruce said. They sat. "Starfire, what a pretty name. Is it your real name?" Starfire fidgeted uncomfortably. She didn't understand why all these questions were being asked of her. Why was she not with the others? And who was this random black haired woman whom Robin called Diana?

"Uh, no, my real name is Koriand'r." Robin looked at her.

"It is?" She nodded.

"On my planet it is common to have an authentic name and then a more familiar name," she replied.

"Shall I call you Kori?" he asked.

"Shall I call you Dick?" He smiled, realizing her point.

"I like Starfire better anyway," he said, putting his arm around her and bringing her to him in a half hug. Bruce cleared his throat and Robin let go, embarrassed. But he held Starfire's hand, wanting to give her reassurance throughout what would be a hellish process.

"You mentioned something about your planet. Where are you from?" Bruce asked.

"It is a beautiful planet called Tamaran. Robin and the other Titans once visited it with me when I was to be betrothed."

"Betrothed?" Diana asked.

"Yes." Starfire looked down at her hands, remembering. "Word was sent that I must return to my planet and marry so as to bring peace between Tamaran and another warring planet. It turned out to be a horrible trick by my sister who wished only to be rid of me in exchange for the Jewel of Charta, a very powerful jewel. But....Robin saved me." She smiled at him and he squeezed her hand. "I am a princess on Tamaran, and I was to be grand ruler after I defeated my tyrannical sister. But I did not wish to leave earth and remain on Tamaran forever, so I turned over my empress status over to my strong and loyal nanny, Galfore. He rules since."

"You said you didn't want to leave earth," Diana said, leaning forward. "By that do you mean Robin?" Both Robin and Starfire blushed by the directness of the question, but Robin couldn't help but want to know her answer. Had she loved him even then?

"Yes...." Starfire said, looking down at her hands. Diana smiled, thinking of how romantic it was and how, if in the same position, she would have reacted the same for Bruce.

"What are your intentions with Dick?" Starfire looked at Bruce, not understanding.

"My intentions?"

"Bruce...." Robin said in a warning tone, but Bruce paid no attention.

"Do you intend on marrying him? Or is this just a fling?"

"A....fling?" Starfire asked, not knowing what that was. But at the suggestion of marriage, her heart fluttered. Of course they were too young, but Starfire had no doubts that Robin was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

"Bruce, marriage isn't even being considered," Robin said, exasperated. He meant that they were too young but, of course, that wasn't what he said. And so the misunderstanding was there and the women attacked.

"Why not?" Diana said suddenly. Starfire looked sad.

"Is there something wrong with me?" she asked.

"Starfire, no, God, no! I just mean that we're too young to consider...."

"Does that mean that you don't think she's the one, Dick? Because it seems like you love her that much, but if you say differently...." Diana protested.

"No! Stop! Wait! I do love her that much, Star, I do love you that much, and more.... Bruce, do you see what you've done?"

"And you!" Diana turned on Bruce. His eyes widened in something that was a bit like fear. "We're old enough to at least consider marriage, but you don't even consider commitment."

"Thanks, Dick," Bruce muttered.

"It's obvious we have something, Bruce. We've had something from the beginning. Don't you want to make something out of it?" Bruce groaned. In all honesty, he loved Diana more than anything in the world. Like with Dick, he would give his life for her. But it was too hard. They worked together, she could be his weakness, someone could use her against him....

And then Bruce realized just how alike he and his apprentice were. He looked at Robin, and saw him looking at Starfire with such strong love in his eyes you couldn't imagine that he could live without her. And Bruce felt the same about Diana. If Robin could handle it, so could he. After all, the day an apprentice outdoes his mentor is a sad day indeed.

Bruce looked at Diana, who truly was a wonder woman, and before anyone knew what he was doing, he took her face in his hands and kissed her, long and slow.

Needless to say, Robin and Starfire had places they would rather be.

"We're....going to go, now," Robin said, taking Starfire's hand and running out of the room. When Bruce pulled back, both were smiling.

"Now, was that so hard?" she asked him, and he sighed.

"Give her an inch and she'll take a mile."

"Do you love me, Bruce?" He looked away, almost unwilling to say it, yet wanting to.

"You know I do, Diana."

"Then you make things harder than they need to be." And with that, she kissed him again.

"Man I cannot be here anymore," Cyborg complained. "I gotta pick up Riana. And can you two not make out in front of me? It weirds me out." Raven pulled away from Beast Boy immediately, embarrassed. She pulled her hood over her head. She had forgotten that Cyborg was there. At that moment, saving them all from awkward silence, Robin and Starfire ran in.

"Perhaps I may be wrong, but that was disturbing, yes?" she asked.

"Yes," Robin replied, unable to get the image of his father figure kissing his supposed mother figure.

"What happened?" Cyborg asked.

"Nothing I want to relive," Robin replied. "Alfred, I think we're ready to leave."

"Yes, finally," Cyborg said. At that moment Bruce and Diana walked into the room. Beast Boy and Cyborg looked Diana up and down, but restrained themselves from saying anything. Raven, however, read it in Beast Boy's head and whacked him on the arm.

"I hope you weren't leaving without saying goodbye," Bruce said.

"It was a possibility," Robin replied, and the two smiled at each other as Alfred brought out Robin's bags and took them out to the T Car/Limo/Thing.

"We'll walk you to the door," Diana said, and the seven of them followed Alfred. Once at the door, Bruce and Robin turned to each other to exchange an awkward goodbye. They did a weird quick hug thing and quickly stepped back from each other. Diana leaned down and kissed Robin on the forehead. "You take good care of her," she whispered in Robin's ear. "You may not admit it out loud, but she is the one."

Everyone else said goodbye and piled into the T Limo.

"This is....different," Robin commented as he slid in the back left seat next to Starfire. Cyborg opened his mouth to tell all about it, but Raven cut him off before he could say anything.

"Don't get him started," she said as Beast Boy put his arm around her.

"Okay, we're off to pick up Riana," Cyborg said, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey, what do you guys say to a triple date?"

"I say disaster, but it's bound to happen anyway so we might as well get it over with," Raven replied. Everyone else agreed, but with going, not with the disaster part. Actually, Starfire had the exact opposite reaction and was scarily excited.

Robin's arm snaked around Starfire's shoulders and played with her ruby red hair as she babbled on about how fun the "fernardslepan for three" would be. (If you haven't read Heart's Desire, or Hey Jealousy, even, then you should know fernardslepan is the Tamaranean word I made up for date.) In her excitement, her arms wrapped around Robin's waist and hugged him tightly. And as he concentrated on not passing out for lack of breath while she hugged him, all he could think about was Diana's parting words.

The one.

He kissed her lightly on the lips.

There was no doubt in his mind. She was.

Fin. Which means THE END for all you non-french people. Wow, this chapter is my record for longest chapter; six pages on Word. I know that there was a lot of out-of-character-ness in this chapter during the interrogation, but that's the only part in the history of me writing fan fics that I didn't really care about characterization. I cared more about making it realistic in normal terms, like in Jersey Girl or Meet the Parents. All in all, I hope you really liked this story as much as I liked writing it. Up next is going to be what I think will be a slightly more serious fic, but knowing me, anything can happen. I'm going away this weekend, and plus I'd like to get a little more work done before I post the new fic, In Your Dreams, so there might be a small period of absence for me. Don't forget about me, though! Keep looking for In Your Dreams, and email or IM me if you want the summary or have any other questions or comments about anything.

Now for my usual end of story questions, please answer along with your review.

1.) Did you like this story?

2.) Did you like the pairings?

3.) What would you change if you were the author of this story?

4.) What was your favorite part?

5.) What was your least favorite part?

6.) Did you read Heart's Desire before reading this?

7.) What do you normally look for in a Teen Titans fan fic?

8.) What are some of your favorite TT fics?

Okay, that's all, I really hope you liked this story and I'd love to see you all reading and reviewing when my new fic comes out! Love you guys!

Blair Lebeau