(Sweet Revenge)
By: XCrimsonAngelX


Authoress' Note: So everyone is still hanging on? Ah, I just knew high school was going to be hectic. Sorry, I couldn't update any sooner! Okay, ignoring my school life, we shall proceed onto Part IX!


Kuzzey woke up instantly after that thought. Ignoring his slightly messy hair, he bolted out the door. He couldn't believe that they had forgotten so easily about Kira's friend. Was he a ZAFT member as well? He silently cursed himself, for not remembering earlier. There had to be a reason why Kira would choose ZAFT. Was there?


Miriallia kept her face hidden as she walked back to where her friends were.

"Because… They killed my biological parents." Kira's voice haunted her mind. The cerulean-eyed female knew there was more than Kira was actually letting on, but she didn't dare probe anymore. It was already quite a shock to her that Naturals, her kind, had killed his parents.

I mean, why would they? Miriallia questioned herself. Then again, she didn't know who Kira's real parents were, so she couldn't judge what they did. But there had to be a reason… right?


Kuzzey wandered through the hallways, and although he had found something crucial, he hadn't the slightest idea who to talk to. Fortunately, for him, the raven haired teenager stumbled upon Sai.

"Sai!" The blonde turned around to come face-to-face with Kuzzey.

"Ack!" Sai exclaimed, and flailed his arms in attempt to regain his balance. "Don't do that again, Kuzzey!"

"Ah, sorry," Kuzzey apologized.

Sai smiled, "Don't worry about it. So, is there something you needed?"

Hesitantly, Kuzzey began, "I was just wondering what happened to Kira's friend, Athrun. He kinda came prior to when Kira left us. What I mean, is he the reason that Kira left?"

Before Sai had the chance to answer Kuzzey's inquiry, Mirialla stepped in.

"Hey, have you guys seen Tolle?" He couldn't exactly place his finger upon it, but Sai felt as if Miriallia seemed a little more down.

"Somebody mention my name?" The person in question walked up to the threesome with a big grin on his face.

"Yeah, I did," Miriallia started, glancing back at Sai and Kuzzey, "Do you think I could talk to you alone?"

Tolle blinked. "Sure, why not?" With that said, both teenagers walked off.


The two departed teenagers stopped before Miriallia's room. A long silence ensued before Tolle asked, "Miri, what's wrong?"

The red-head grimaced and began to tell what she learned from their former friend, "I spoke to Kira down there... and he said that the reason he joined ZAFT was to get revenge on his parents, or something like that."

"Why his parents, though? Both of them are quite healthy, if I remembered correctly…" The brown haired male muttered, slightly confused at the turn of events.

Miriallia shook her head, sighing at the amount of complications there were now, "It seems that the ones that we know are foster parents."

Her boyfriend's eyes widened, "I'm guessing Naturals killed them?"

"I suppose so. But what I don't get is why they killed his parents." Tolle smirked slightly, which earned him a glare from his girlfriend, who thought that he thought that the situation was funny.

"It seems all questions lead to a final 'why'." He finally answered and the female accompanying him understood what he meant. Nothing is ever simple.


Authoress' Note: Gahhh..! I'm so sorry. It's all the homework, and then there's writer's block! AND THE EVIL PLOT BUNNIES! LEAVE ME BE! -growls at plot bunnies- Urgh… sniffles Sorry about this short chapter… u.u