Author: AmethystxX

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone mentioned in my fic, and I also earn no money from creating this fic. Please don't sue, I have nothing to offer or give anyway so there wouldn't be much point.

Summary: AU What if the live you know wasn't real. That your life was altered, changed, destroyed by the scorn of one woman. Will you be able to get your life back in order with the help of the only person who trusts you, or stay within the lie. AngelSpike SLASH!

IMPORTANT NOTES!!!: This story doesn't fully follow the Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel timeline and Spike's and Angel's age have been changed to fit in with the story. The gangs attitudes may also be more horrible.


The titles of each chapter will be titles of songs from the 'LostProphets' album.

I've started this story since my other one, for some reason, is making me depressed.

I hope that this story will be entertaining and at least a little confusing :)



Start Something:

"Will! If you don't hold still I won't be able to do your hair!"

William rolled his eyes at his younger sister while looking into the rear-view mirror to apply his eye-liner. He jerked when Dawn decided to give a vicious tug on his golden brown locks, making his hand jerk and draw a black line under his eye.

"Ow! For God's sake pet I'm asking you to do my hair not pluck my friggin' eyebrows!" William yelled, grabbing a tissue and trying to clear up the mess with his sister snickering at him.

"Well if you didn't roll your eyes at me, it never would have happened. Besides its not like your cooperating anyway, now hold bloody still!" Dawn shouted back, spiking his hair up while he finished doing his eye-liner and grabbing his mascara.

"Will you two behave for 5 minutes! Dawn don't pull your brother's hair and Will stop moving! I know it's exciting going to a new school at a new place but calm down" Riana scolded, as they bickered in the back of the car. Dawn pouted and William scowled as Riana's head got in the way of his mirror before she moved and continued driving.

"Sorry sis, but if Will didn't act like an overly prissy big-girls blouse I wouldn't have to hold him still while he frets about his looks!" Dawn moaned as she grabbed a handful of hair gel, rubbed it through her fingers and started yet again to spike up his hair, but William shook her off angrily.

Riana looked at William throught the mirror and sighed at his sulking face, and pulled over in front of Sunnydale high. She turned in her seat towards the sulking pair and smiled encouragingly at them.

"I know it's going to be hard, it being the first day an' all but it'll get better, I promise. You'll make some new friends and things'll be hunky dory. You'll soon find out that moving from London to America wasn't a big mistake as you two seem to think so" Riana said, patting them on the heads and smiling as they scowled at her messing their hair. She hesitated telling them to get out of the car and had to stop herself from turning the car around and dragging them home to change their appearance.

William decided that first impressions should not be pleasant ones and covered his black book bag with several badges and stickers, various saying 'FCUK PARENTAL GUIDANCE' and another saying 'Sex is like air, it ain't important unless you aren't getting any'. He wore black leather trousers and a black top with the words 'Reality is an illusion caused by lack of alcohol' imprinted on it with Doc Martin boots to complete the outfit. His hair was spiked to the ends with gel and his eyes are heavily covered with mascara and eye-liner.

Dawn, who likes a little more colour, carried a red and black book bag with a lone badge saying 'Do you believe in love at first sight or do you want me to walk by you again?'. She wore and black and purple poker-dotted skirt, red tights and over-knee high boots. She wore a plain tight lilac V-neck shirt and a black bomber jacket. Dawn had curled her hair and added purple streaks, she also wore make-up although no eye-liner just mascara and purple eye-shadow.

Riana swallowed, "Ever heard of first impressions?" She asked desperately but the two just chuckled and rolled their eyes.

"I still don't see why we had to move to America! It's too hot here and it's going to ruin my pale complexion I have worked on since I was born! Don't you care about how this is going to ruin my image!" Dawn asked frantically, only to be ignored by Riana.

"Ok. Remember to go straight to the Principle's office and to be good! I do not want any misbehaviour or pranks for at least 2 months!" Riana warned, waggling her finger at them.

"Now scat. Your going to be late" Riana told them, getting out of the car herself and giving them both a hug as they got out. When they started to walk away she called Dawn back and told Will to go ahead.

Riana turned to Dawn and looked at her angrily. Dawn looked at her confused and gestured with her hands as to say 'What?'.

"You know very well what young lady! You know how sensitive Will is about his sexuality and I've told you that I don't want any jokes about it playing or not! It took him 3 years to come out to us Dawn and you can't keep joking about it!" Riana said angrily, watching Dawn's expression turn guilty.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way" Dawn muttered.

"I know sweetie just try not to ok?" Riana asked, smiling gently as Dawn nodded.

"Ok you better get going" Riana said, watching as Dawn ran to catch up with Will.


"'Scuse me, comin' through, pardon me, 'scuse me, whoa! 'Scuse
me, not sure how to stop! Please move, whoa, 'scuse me..." William and Dawn turn to watch as a boy of Will's age came weaving through the crowd towards them.

The boy looks at Will as he goes past saying, "Whoa!" and crashes into a stair railing, falling beneath it. They watch as another girl with red hair goes to help him up.

"I'm Ok. I feel good" The boy said before getting up and talking to his friend. William and Dawn look at each other before snickering and walking into the school but stopping as someone runs up behind them, calling out 'Hey!'

"Hey! Hey, you two wait up!" The boy on the skateboard came running in behind them with the red-haired girl standing behind him, carrying the boy's skateboard.

"You're the new transfer students right?" William nodded at the girl and her face brightened up into a smile as she held out her hand to them, dropping the skateboard on the boy's foot.

"Ow!" The boy screeched, grabbing his foot.

"Well hi! I'm Willow and this is Xander the..."

"Guy who crashed into the stair railing" William finished shaking Willows hand and turning to shake Xander's hand, his face a little red.

" you saw that then? Well so much for first impressions! Neat accent by the way" Xander complimented, taking in Will's appearance.

"Neat outfit too. You'll fit in well here," Xander laughed and said 'Hey' to Dawn and shaking her hand as well, "So I guess your supposed to be heading to the Principles office right? Well let me take you on a little D-Tour and let the Xan-man show you some of the people I hang with" Xander said, dragging Will and Dawn behind him towards a corridor full of students.

"They aren't all going to be dorks are they?" Dawn asked sweetly, watching as Xander flushed and Willow giggled.

"Well I don't know 'bout you but I aint no dork" A dark skinned man said, clapping Xander on the shoulder, not noticing his wince.

"Name's Gunn. You must be the new two at this school. Well your lucky you ran into Xander here so that he can take you to the right people in this school. You really don't want to mess with some of the guy's here. They are bad news" Gunn added, shaking Will and Dawn's hands. He was soon joined by two other people, all standing in senior jackets. (A/N: I don't know much about American schools)

"This is my man Wesley and my man Oz. Wesley and Willow are the brains in this crew and are your best people for homework help. Oz is in a band, Xander is...well he's a goof" Gunn said, getting an indignant 'Hey!' from Xander, "And another person in our little group is..."

"Liam" William turned around at the voice and immediately turned into a puddle of goo. Wow... continued running through his head as he literally melted into Liam's chocolate brown eyes. Liam had brown spiked up hair and also wore all black clothing but with a senior jacket covering it. Liam held out his hand and smiled frendly at him making all of William's coherant thoughts go bye-bye.

"I'm William"

William did have enough thought to take the hand and shake it, giving a small smile of his own making Liam's knees go all wobbly. He looked William up and down and came to a quick decision. He. Was. Hot. It didn't help that when William smiled it made Liam feel incredibly giddy.

He has a pretty his eyes...pretty eyes...pretty face...heck pretty body...ok now he's looking at me weirdly since I'm staring at him

"Nice to meet you William. I'm sure we'll get along just fine" Liam finally said, smiling and letting go of Will's hand with difficulty and went to great Will's sister Dawn. Dawn gave Liam a look over before pouting.

Jeese everyone's gay nowadays, and by the looks of things he totally likes Will.

Dawn thought, and looked at the time. Great, gonna have to play match maker another time.

"Great meeting you all but we have to go now. We were supposed to be at the Principles office 5 minutes ago. Come on Will" Dawn said, pulling Will from his thoughts and grabbing hold of his arm.

"Yeesh. Good luck! We just got a new Principle, Snyder. Just nodd your head and don't speak and you'll be fine!" Oz yelled out at the retreating figures, shaking his head in sympathy.

Wesley walked up to Liam and tapped him on the shoulder, "If I didn't know better, I'd say that you like him" Wesley stated, grinning at the startled look on Liam's face.

"Me? But I just met the guy! Sure he has nice eyes...a great little body and magnificent looks...but that doesn't mea- It is that obvious?" Liams finished in defeat, still watching William walk away.

Wesley raised his eyebrows and was about to reply only to be interrupted, "Maybe if you weren't watching his ass though that jacket of his, it would have been less noticable" Xander yelled, running down the corridor to avoid being shouted at.

Liam flushed red.



Ok Introductions are made in this story and more will be introduced next chapter along with some trouble.

Next chapter will be called 'Last Summer' and the clue on who the next chapter is about is quite obvious but can be missed :)

Please read and review!
