Well, finally, here's chapter 3. Now that it's summer hopefully i'll write more.

The minutes ticked on. I stared at my finger nails, painted blue at the moment. There was nothingto do in this place. I curled my lip in Harry's general direction. He was examining the walls, running his hands over it. Can you say neurotic? My ears rang with my silence. This was awkward.

Probably the most awkward thing that had happened between Harry and I was our kiss. I always tried not to think of it, yet sitting here, bored to my mind, I found myself remembering it. I was completely obsessed with him at the time, and I just needed something to make me feel safe. Perhaps that's why I had approached him under the mistletoe. And it had helped, in the short run.

That night I had been completely happy. I kept touching my lips with my finger tips, remembering how it had felt to have Harry on them. I felt tingly and safe. I remembered how he had held me close, just for a second, filling in the empty hole that'd been existing ever since Cedric died. I never wanted him to go. Things had been so fantastic that night and yet here we were, once again lost for words, and all I wanted to do was leave.

"Can't you DO something?" I snapped.

Harry noticed my tone immediately and replied in the same fashion. "What do you intend I DO?"

"You're a wizard! Anything will work; just get me – US out of here!"

"I can't do magic outside of school, you know very well."

"Didn't you just say you "accidentally" did magic at home, didn't you? Or was the just the invisible guy with one arm standing in the corner," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah! I've done enough damage already! I have too much on my record to risk it. YOU do something!"

"What do you intend I could do that would actually work?" Besides, I'm not used to breaking rules, and I'm not famous, I'm loads less likely to get off!" I was getting fed up with this little annoying twit.

"Let's just wait a bit more and maybe it will start moving again," he sighed, frustrated. I was slowly driving him insane, apparently. Ha!

"Fine!" Worthless famous human being he was! I went back to my breath mints. It was the closest thing to entertainment I had; eating mints. I popped one in my mouth and close the tin. Silence filled the elevator once more. "How long have we been in here anyways?" I asked. He looked at his watch, and then laughed.

"This thing has been broken since the 2nd task a few years ago. I have no idea how long it's been," he smiled at his own stupidity.

"Why do you wear it then," I said skeptically.

"Habit," he shrugged. Silence again. This was getting old. It was up to me to make conversation; Harry was inept of all proper human interactions. I had learned that last year when we attempted to go out.

That day I went to Hogsmead with Harry started out badly, and ended just the same. I overslept, only to be awoken by Kari, one of my roommates.

"You have to meet Harry Potter in 30 minutes!" She shrieked. She had always had a large crush on Harry. Then again, she liked almost every guy, as long as they were cute, strong, or famous. At the time, I thought Harry was all three of those things. Apparently she did too.

"30 minutes!" I jumped out of bed and bolted to the bathroom. There I hopped quickly into the shower. I ran around the room 5 minutes later with a towel on, trying to find some decent clothes. I dug out a simple black miniskirt and plain light blue sweater. These would have to do. I threw them on and found my wand to do a drying spell on my hair. I had 20 minutes now to get downstairs and eat. And I couldn't be out of breath, how would I impress him if it showed how late I was?

I took out a brush and smoothed down my hair. It had to look perfect. After throwing on some mouse and some good shoes, I bolted through the hallway and into the common room. It was filled with 1st and 2nd years, and those who couldn't, or just chose not to, go to Hogsmead. I had ten minutes.

I made it down to the Entrance Hall with no time to spare. I stood at the bottom of the stairs, catching my breath, when I spotted Harry walking up to me. Perfect, I wouldn't be able to eat breakfast.

Besides a few taunts from the Slytherins (aimed at Harry, of course), the journey to Hogsmead was fine. Once we were there however, I realized I had NO idea where we should go! I wanted this day to be perfect, just like it was with Cedric. Luckily, Harry made the first suggestion. As we were wandering throughout shops, I became aware of my aching, hungry stomach. Finally, Harry and I were progressing out of small talk and into real conversations, but I was having a hard time keeping up. I needed food!

Harry listened to my suggestion to go to Madam Puddifoot's, and I ordered some coffee. At least SOMETHING was inside of me. I didn't want to come off as a pig by ordering every food on the menu, which I really was aching to do at the moment. And then Harry said it. Hermione. He had "agreed to meet her." Yeah, like I wanted to go with him, so he can shove it in my face how close they are and how well they get along and how easy they both have it! Ha! Cedric would've NEVER said ANYTHING like that. So I said some things I should've said. Next thing I know, Harry's telling me how he doesn't want to talk about Cedric and I'm storming out of the place.

It went by as a flash, but the nippy cold brought me back to Earth. I had ruined it, Harry was probably pissed and my day was shooting downhill. And if you can believe it, things just got worse.

I started crying about Cedric and people were there, staring at me. He had been so perfect, and he was gone. It was almost scary how much I wished Harry had died instead of him. I had to get away from everyone. I ran through up the streets, to the Shrieking Shack. There, I slumped down in the snow, shivering. The tears were drying on my face, turning as fine as porcelain. How could Cedric leave me? Did he even CARE about how I needed him! I'd show him!

I heard a twig break behind me, and I jumped up, my heart pounding. No one was there. This place was creepy! I walked down the hill, wet from all the snow, my sweater not fulfilling its duties. I wished Harry would come up and give me a hug, I wish he would warm me up, I wish he would forgive me. But I knew I had blown it. Or maybe not!

This sudden urge to stick it to Cedric was overwhelming. I rushed through the busy streets and found the Three Broomsticks. I straightened my hair in the reflection in the window of the shop next door before walking in, with a small smile on my face. There was Harry, talking with Hermione, that weird girl in my house everyone laughed at, and Rita Skeeter. She was always trying to get a scoop and Cedric and I last year. He looked so happy, talking nonstop, with everyone listening intently. This was his life, and I wasn't in it. I never would be. I turned from the pub and back to the streets.

The Hogs Head pub scared me, but I entered it. The grimy walls made my eye twitch a bit. I shook my hair from behind my ears and in front of my face. In a slightly disguised, quiet voice I ordered some alcoholic drink that was illegal for me to drink. After quietly praying that the bartender wouldn't care about the age thing I pulled up a stool. He handed me a bottle and I took a long swig.

That was probably the biggest mistake of my life. After having a few too many drinks, I stumbled from the bar. As if it wasn't bad enough that I wasn't thinking straight, but I realized I'd lost my wand. I went all around Hogsmead, retracing my steps. The sky was getting dark and I'd missed the Carriages. I was just walking up to the Shrieking Shack, when I heard a voice echo through my ears. It came again, more clearly.

"Miss Chang?" I turned around to see a 6th year prefect from Hufflepuff. I was WAY late by now and sure to be in loads of trouble.

"I lost my wand, I was looking for it." I said. And I probably would've gotten away with that had I not hiccupped.

"Are you drunk!" she eyed me suspiciously. I shook my head fast and suddenly spotted my wand lying in the snow. I stepped forward and grabbed it.

"There, I found it!" I giggled and hiccupped again. Oh this was not good. She pulled out her wand and muttered something. I had a sensation as if something was inching my ear, and she started walking back to school, dragging me behind.

Next thing I knew, I was in Professor Flitwik's office, being reprimanded. The evening went by fast, and before I knew it, was being led up to my common room with the knowledge that I was banned from all Hogsmead trips for the rest of the year. I was shoved through the entrance and I stumbled to the furniture in front of the fire. This day had sucked. I was finally glad to be out of the bitter cold, but I was still wet and shaky.

I was awoken from the couch, where I'd apparently passed out, by Kari. She led me up to my bed, laughing the whole time that I was drunk. Oh yes, this was not good.

That day had been pretty bad. Luckily I had kept my punishment and reason for the punishment a secret, with just a few of my closest friends knowing. I vowed from then on to be happier about life and not do anything stupid. And it worked mostly.

I couldn't help shooting a glare at Harry. He had driven me to that insanity. But he had also helped me in so many ways. More than he knew it.

So I decided to start a simple conversation. He had just mentioned the 2nd task. Okay, I could work off of that.

"How was the second task anyways? I was under an enchanted sleep the whole time."

"It was really dark and creepy down there in the lake," he said.

"Like, what kind of things were down there?"

"Oh well, you know, the basic water creatures, merpeople, I think those were the creepiest, and grindylows."

"And I was down there? Unconscious?" I had never really thought about it before. Cedric had never talked about it.

"Yeah, but Dumbledore would never have let you get hurt, you know," he sat down across from me and leaned against the opposite wall.


"I wish I had been smart enough to know that…" he said under his breath.

"You were the last to come in, right?" Well, even if this topic wasn't too interesting, at least it wasn't silence.

"Yeah," he looked down at the floor.

"Did you get a high score though?" I asked. He nodded. "Why?"

"Well," he blushed, "I was the first to get there, but I didn't want any of the prisoners to get hurt, don't know why I didn't trust Dumbledore," he rolled his eyes.

"Hermione and Ron were down there, right?" I asked. It made sense that he would want to save both, not just Ron, who he was just suppose to 'save'.

"Yeah. But I didn't want you to die or anything either," he said, turning more and more red. At that, my heart did a little swoop. Maybe Harry wasn't all bad. I stood up stretching.

"Let's get out of here," I said simply. He stood up as well. "What floor are we on again?" I asked. He looked up at the number above the door. It was no longer lit up.

"I have no idea." He said, looking at me, bemused.

"It was 50 or something, I think."

"Do you think we can just magic the doors open?" he said.

"Probably," we both walked up to them and he took out his wand. Before he could even think of a spell though, I heard a snapping sound and the elevator jolted. "What was that?" I screeched.

"I don't know!" he looked worried as well. I heard the noise again, and before I could realize what was happening, the elevator was pummeling 50 stories high, straight towards the ground.

I hope you enjoyed! Please Review of course, expecially if you want to read more, i'm more likely to update sooner if i know people are actually reading the story! Anyways, happy summer everyone!
