I own no characters from X-men evolution (in this chapter least) and this fanfic has been written for your enjoyment. Please R&R. "friendly" critizism.


Chapter 1: Anything I want???


"Up for another game of poker, mon amis?" The Cajun mutant asked his opponents.

The white haired teen slammed down his cards in rage. "Yeah right! You've beaten us all 'bout two times already, man!" said Pietro.

"Yeah, you can't even cheat with him, Pie," stated Tabitha. "Glad I'm on his team!"

Pietro shrugged kinda to say 'think I didn't notice?' and moved in front of Gambit and said, "I would like to call Mr. Remy Lebeau to the stand. Mr. Lebeau, is it true you cheated in the past two games with your spare queen of hearts?"


"Yeeeeaaaah... is it true that you are the biggest liar in Bayville?"


"Exactly," Pietro replied with a smirk of satisfaction.

"Oh give it up, mate," said Pyro, Pietro's poker partner (say that 5 times fast!), "Third time's the charm, right? And besides, mate, he beats us every time. Card are his thing, fire's mine, explosionsTabby, and, uh, you with, uh, speed." He grinned.

"Whatever. I hate losing, but I guess I gotta accept it, right?" He offered his hands to Gambit and Tabby. "Good game?"

"AHH!!! EVERYBODY RUN! Pietro is accepting defeat! It's the 5th sign of the apocalypse!" Pyro laughed, falling backwards in his chair and onto the floor, still cracking up.


"yet still laugh he manages to... laugh to tell me to quiet... ya' know, I did beat you at-"

"SHUT UP, PYRO!!!" suddenly, Pietro became so enraged his fists cramped and face turned paler than normal. Frustration and humiliation built up, and unexpectedly fainted with unknown exhaustion.

"Wow... that's not like him either!" Pyro was about to help the speedy mutant to his feet when he realized there was a wall of bars restricting him from approaching the fainted teen. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF INFERNO???" The wall suddenly became smaller and formed a cage around him. Without any hesitation Gambit blew up the bars with the 8 of clubs and aided his unconscious friend to his feet. Remy and Tabitha put Pietro's arms around their necks and dragged him into the bedroom. "What was that?" Boom boom asked, heart still pumping at record-breaking speeds.

"Well. It's quite obvious." Gambit replied grinning.

"It is?"

"Of course, ma chere. Remy thinks Magneto has taken up fencing!" he smirked. This only earned him a swift explosion by his feet. He pulled out a card in reply, but heard his friend moaning, and quickly retreated. "If it was Magneto, why did he faint? Pietro's not like that."

Boom boom shrugged. She was very confused her self. Within a few moments, the stunned Pyro rushed into the room. "Blimey! Please tell me I wasn't the only bloke who saw that!" he panted.

"What? Magneto took up fencing... simple as that." Replied Remy as another ball exploded at his feet.


"Chill out, Pyro," Tabitha said surprisingly very calmly. "Honestly, I think that-"

"WHAT???!!!" Gambit and Pyro shouted.

"QUIET! I was gonna say-"


"-I THINK PIETRO'S GOT A NEW POWER!!!" she sighed.
