Holiness and mokeys! How can it have beenover three months since I updated! Well, this is a bit sudden, but it's the last chapter! I know, I know, I didn't tell you guys. Feel free to beat me with large blunt objects. I deserve it for the three month writer's block and sudden end to the story. But I have an explaination! I have a temporary infatuation complex. You could also call it a boyfriend, I guess. Even though heisn't REALLY my boyfriend, just a guy that holds my hand and puts his arm around me and... oops. I'm making him sound like a boyfriend, aren't I? But boys are evil, so remember to update before three months and learn from me, okay kids? (Even though I'm probably younger than all of you.) Also, I went on vacation and had final exams and... if I keep making excuses you are ALL going to beat me, so NOW WHAT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR (Well, at least one or two of you...), THE TIDE CHAPTER 19, THE END!

Chapter Start

Serenity was depressed the rest of the weekend, and not even five pints of Chunky Monkey, the Fruit's Basket DVD Box Sets, and a clown (Yes, Joey hired a clown for his little sister. Pathetic, ne? Or maybe just sweet...) could cheer her up. Perhaps it was because Joey had been right all along, and Seto was a big jerk, and she had been stupid enough to almost choose him over her own flesh and blood.

Or maybe it was because that clown smelled funny and had hit her in the face with a pie.

Either way, she was depressed. And it was Monday. Which meant facing Yugi and Seto again.

So Serenity got up at 5:30 and got to the school an hour before class started to try to hide out in the bathroom.

Unfortunately for Serenity, Seto Kaiba's mind was sharp as a knife, and he saw that as if he had the millenium necklace on.


Humorous Interlude


Since this is my last chapter of The Tide, I will pick on Kaiba and Serenity.

Kaiba walks up in the Millenium Necklace, while others laugh.

"HEY!Don't pick onme,it makes me feel pretty!Why can't a guy do something to make himself feel pretty?" (Yes, I watch too many kid shoes. ')


Kaiba walks up to Joey.

"I have a confession... I have been jealous of your charm, wit, good looks, and charisma! I have no interest in your sister! Let's be friends!"

Joey embraced his former foe. "Bff's, Seto! Oh em geeeeeeeee!"


End Humorous Interlude


All Serenity wanted was to stay away from Seto- 'No, he isKaiba!' thought Serenity- until she could think of a fewveryharsh things to say to the CEO of Kaiba Corp. Alas, what you want and what you get are often twovery different things.

Serenity looked in through the double doors to her school. She entered quietly, looking around for any other people, especially rich CEOs. She didn't see anyone, so she made a dash for the bathroom. She had ten more feet to go when she was grabbed by the arm.

At that point, Serenity did a very un-lady-like thing. She swore and bit the CEO. Although this shocked the great Seto Kaiba, he didn't let go.

"I want to talk to you,Serenity," said Seto, as if he hadn't been bitten.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you," said Serenity.

"Well then you won't want to hear that I'm sorry," he said. "And that I wish I hadn't done any of that to you. And you don't want me to ask for your forgiveness."

Serenity stood there, mouth agape. After awhile, she put on a very Seto-like smirk. "Well, I guess I'll listen and accept it. And I forgive you. But... you owe me very much," she said slyly.


Serenity stood in a bathrobe with a towel on her head, singing the InuYasha theme song into a hair brush. (Come one, we all know we've done it ourselves. ) Suddenly, the door opened. In stepped Joey, Tristan, Duke, Yuugi, and Yami. All except for Joey stared, mouth agape, while Joey ran around the house trying to find clothes.

Tristan took out his camera and snapped a picture. "Yes! Another picture for my shrine!" he said.

Duke took out his cell phone and also snapped a picture. "This will be my screensaver. Forever."


A week later, Seto was still getting Serenity flowers and carrying her books every day.

"A girl can get used to this," she told Mai, patting Seto on the head.

"Now," she addressed Seto. "You have only one part left of our agreement to fill."

Mischieviously, she took out a pinkbag(We all know where it's from...)from behind her. "Now, agree that you will wear whateveris in these bags. You will let my brother, his friends, and I take pictures and use them as blackmail for the rest of your life."

Seto gulped. Hopefully whatever it was wasn't too frilly. Only because I like her so much, he thought.

The reality of what she had in the bag was worse than anything lacy, frilly, or lacking in cloth. It was...

A dog suit.

Seto had to sit in front of all of Joey's friends and let them take pictures. He really just wanted to die at that moment. But his suffering paid off at the end, when she came up to him after and kissed him.

"You are very cute, Seto."

Seto smiled genuinely. Perhaps it was all worth it.




DONE! It's FINISHED! After all these chapters! Yay! (Does a dance). Cookies to all my reviewers! I would never have finished this if it wasn't for you! Now, my goal is to get 150 reviews on this story, so... Please review!

--The Incredible Emo Kid