Dream Sequence // Pharaoh ooooO
Bakura pulled his head down to meet Pharaoh's in an act once beautifully submissive, but now utterly possessive. The aristocrat's eyes widened in fear and realization of Bakura's mal-intent but the strong thief suddenly grasped the smaller male's arms and pulled him into a dominating embrace.

"Now is the time for just desserts, Atemu dearest." Bakura sneered, tracing a finger up the pharaoh's face, pharaoh's eyes glazed over with a sudden awakening shock. Atemu made an attempt to brush Bakura off casually so he could thereby scold him for even daring to touch him in that way, but it was futile. And what exactly did he mean by just desserts?

What is happening?! Is this a dream? It's a dream, it has to be a dream!

Now Pharaoh strained to get away, but Bakura's grip held fast. After a few moments of mock chuckling, Bakura grabbed Atemu's wrists and flipped over atop of him, leaving Atemu in a most defenseless position. This panicked Pharaoh even more, but even so, underneath the fear, it was alluring. Bakura bent down his head and nicked Atemu's cheek with his teeth, causing him to flinch. Then the thief's husky voice came to Pharaoh's ear.

"You owe me."

"H-how so... " said Atemu in meek distress.

"All this unnecessary punishment you've put me through," seethed the tomb robber, "So now you will pay as I have paid, and I will see you writhe and scream for it... I'm not weak like you, by any means, so even though I never showed the pain on my face, it was there inside all along, scarring me... but you, being weak, hopefully show a delightful array of pleas for my mercy."

Atemu shivered out a whimper at Bakura's calm cool voice. He didn't have to torture him to corrode his soul, his voice was damaging enough!

"But..." Pharaoh started in bitter contradiction, "You said..."

He paused to gain confidence and Bakura arched an eyebrow.

"You said that... that you loved me."

Atemu stared into Bakura's eyes. Bakura's eyes were no longer steady, conniving, and cruel. Those eyes of his, try as they might to hide his soul, flickered with remnant of some emotion he never really knew he had. This strange emotion conflicted greatly with his intentions. What was he to do? He didn't want this futile mention of so-called "love" to thwart his plans at revenge on the Pharaoh. Atemu saw this as his chance to scramble away, but was thrust backwards once more as Bakura pulled him into a tight headlock.

"Love? What love? I know..." The fiend hissed in his ear, "... no love."

Something sharp was fiercely thrust into Pharaoh's side and tears sprang to his eyes from the pain. Bakura's headlock kept him from crying out in pain, but what's worse, he found himself unable to breathe hardly at all. Gasping for air and flailing madly, Bakura showed no remorse in his eyes when Atemu looked up and saw them, his own eyes pleading. Bakura's eyes seemed somehow placid, but hollow. Emotionless would be the farthest thing from what they could be described as, because they were very full of one emotion - undeniably sick pleasure. And with that, Pharaoh drifted into blackness.

...moments later, however, he rose out of his sleep shrieking. As one lungful of screaming would cease another took its place. Eventually, someone came running, and that someone was Seth.

"My pharaoh!" Seth exclaimed upon bursting into the room with less flare than usual, "My pharaoh, what's wrong?"

Pharaoh didn't cease until Seth had crawled onto the bed and firmly placed both his hands on Pharaoh's shoulders. Suddenly realizing he was very much alive, Atemu fell forward and gave Seth a rather limp hug.

"Oh, it was horrible!" Pharaoh sobbed into Seth's chest.

The large door to his very spacious room has been left ajar by the High Priest and now several of the other priests and even Mana had their heads poking in. Seth shot them a glare, but they of course couldn't see that. Seth sighed and hugged Pharaoh back, both protectively and possessively before cursing at the other priests across the room.

"I can handle this, go away, all of you fools! This is too distressing for him as it is, he doesn't need you all here, it would be overwhelming!"

Mana shot him a dirty look, Seth was sure of it, before shouting back, "Well its not like you're the only one who cares about him!"

"Mana!" scolded Isis, "You are never to talk back to the High Priest in that manner!"

The other priest, Shadah made to close the door and responded, "We'll discipline Mana, please, comfort our Pharaoh for us. We apologize for Mana, she's just worried."

"I've never heard him scream like that, and I grew up with him!" Mana exclaimed wildly from outside the door, "Something's terribly wrong!"

"That's quite enough, Mana!" said both priests at once.

"No, thank you though, Shadah, but I shall discipline the girl myself later." announced Seth flatly.

Shadah nodded and the door closed, leaving the room in darkness. Seth tenderly released Atemu and in turn the small teenager looked up and gave Seth a worried expression.

"Seth..." he said softly, "I... I can't remember my dream."

"After all that yelling you can't recall your dream?"

"I don't think I want to." He mumbled, swallowing hard, "Also, Seth... I'm a tad thirsty... my voice is hoarse from all of that..."

Seth gave a sympathetic bob of the head and ran his hand through Atemu's hair. Atemu looked up at him, eyes no longer wavering in fear of his dream. Seth moved to get up in search of water, but Atemu wrapped his arms around one of Seth's arms immediately.

"Oh, no... Seth, water can wait."

"Yes, Pharaoh."

Atemu crawled into Seth's lap, "I'm lonely, now that my pet's off and escaped... c-could you...?

"Could I... what?"

Pharaoh let out a shaky breath and moistened his lips nervously whilst leaning up farther and wrapping his arms around Seth's neck. He gazed into his advisors eyes imploringly.

"You know what I want..."

Seth twitched a frown, "...Pharaoh if the other priests knew I'd ever slept with you at all, I would be in deep, deep violation of-"

Pharaoh pressed his forehead against Seth's and tapped his earring, causing it to dance against Seth's neck.

"Seth," Atemu pouted, "I -want- to do this again. You're my first and you've kept running from me for so long... I'm desperately, lonely..."

Seth grimaced. None of this was going to plan at all, he didn't want to be emotionally attached to the young Pharaoh. And the first time they were together... it just sort of... happened. But, just like every time before, lust starting ebbing away at Seth's rational thought process...

"Seth..." the Pharaoh pleaded breathily in his ear, "I -need- you."

"You need me, eh?" Seth said with a sudden smirk.

He wrapped an arm around Pharaoh's waist and pulled him closer. Atemu let out a small moan and melted into Seth's arms. Seth's spine bristled and tingled with excitement. Why can't he just forget his plans of anarchy just one more night...?

Morning, elsewhere // Bakura ooooO
Bakura awoke slowly, admiring though a crack in his tent the distant sunrise causing the silver morning desert sands to sparkle with a certain radiance that seemed to compliment the wide range of smells that suddenly happened upon the not-so-former thief's nose. This was followed by his precious Maaliki's familiar screeching, that sort that he most often gave off after Bakura purposely did something mischievous, and wondered what his maniacal friend had to complain about at this unholy hour in the morning.

"You're EATING lion?!" Maaliki exclaimed, aghast. The blonde fell back through the tent flaps and gave a stunned look at Bakura before grasping his shoulders. "They're just FULL of abominable rituals here, aren't they?!" he hissed with fury.

"It attacked our hunting party earlier this morning. It pains us, too, to kill God's creatures, young one."

Maaliki gave a shudder and clung limply to Bakura, "Let's get away from these strangers! What if they're cannibals and we're next on their menu?!"

"Nonsense!" smiled the woman from yesterday, poking her head through the tent flaps, "And come on out, its getting cold.

Bakura sniffed the air again and licked his lips ravenously before gently tossing Maaliki to the side and crawling out of the tent. A ways away was a roaring fire, roasting a few choice cuts of the lion. Beyond was the naked carcass itself, being cut into by the bedouins. And hanging back and above it, was the skinned lions precious fur.

"The lioness put up a proud fight, she did. Injured my pal, she did." Muttered a tall man by the fire, examining a snapped spear. Bakura faintly wondered if the pal was actually a person... or his broken spear.

Maaliki was suddenly looking over Bakura's shoulder and looking around anxiously.

"Can we go now?!" he insisted.

Reluctantly Bakura heaved a sigh, "Fine, we'll go."

Suddenly that woman from the day before was all up in their faces again, "Going so soon?"

"Uh... we have... somewhere to be." Bakura said quickly.

"A likely verisimilitude excuse."

"A verysimollytu- what?" Asked a very sour Maaliki.

"It means it sounds true but its not." She said, putting her hands on her hips, "Now, the truth please, why are you leaving?"

((-i-n-s-e-r-t- -e-x-c-u-s-e- -h-e-r-e-))

Sorry for that.

Sorry for that.

So ya'll want some smexy action between Seth and Atemu? Well too bad, this isn't adult-fan-fiction-dot-net. A thousand apologizes, but you'll have to leave any smut to your imagination. So, how will Bakura and Maaliki escape the grasps of the psycho-religious cult? I don't know yet either, and frankly, I'm leaving that up to the reviewer with the best idea. But I do know where they're heading for one, and for two... Bakura's title of Thief King has been challenged by an old foe. Will Bakura have time to regain his infamous name, or will the slave traders catch up to him? Oh noes! Zomg! Fear the randomly bold words!!

Well review already, whatchya waiting for, an invitation!?