Forever Inconcievable


Please do excuse my long gap of no updates. I've had too much to do for school. But do remember, this fic is always in my mind. I will not stop writing it.

Thank you all for staying faithful : )

In case you'd forgotten, here's a quick re-cap:

-Hermione, Harry & Ron are still giving each other the silent treatment.

-Hermione's all –ANGSTANGST- about the whole situation, and wonders whether her relationship with Draco is really worth it or not. Ginny convinces her that obviously, it is.

-Big Slytherin vs. Gryffindor game; Hermione has to make it seem as she is cheering for Gryffindor, so as not to arouse suspicion.

-Slytherin loses; after a playful moment in the hallways, Hermione & Draco make love for the first time.

On with the story.

Chapter 34: Reprimanding?

The suns' rays shone brightly through the window, seeing as neither had bothered to close the shades. Draco opened one sleepy eye and grunted in frustration, attempting to turn over to the other side. However, Hermione was still snuggled in to him, with her head on his chest and both arms hugging his stomach.

He grinned down at her. 'She's so cute when she sleeps.'

Being unable to move (for fear of waking her up), he stayed in that position. Not that he would want to move, anyway.

Draco pondered a bit as he gazed out at the mountainous horizon.

He loved this girl so much, even if their love was a forbidden, least-expected one. He sighed, running his hand through his silvery locks.

'As long as father never finds out,' he thought, 'all's well.'

To Draco's side, Hermione was beginning to stir. She stretched her arms and yawned, snuggling closer to Draco.

Draco laughed out loud at the sight of her. "You look like a cat, love," he chuckled.

Hermione opened one eye, then the other. She quickly sat up.

"I look like a what?!" she exclaimed.

Hermione's reaction sent Draco into an even greater laughing fit.

"You're horrible, you know that?" Hermione pouted.

She stretched once more, as her sheets fell to her tummy, but she didn't mind. He put his arm around her shoulders.

"That's not what you seemed to think last night…" he winked.

She looked up at him and smiled slyly, placing a kiss on his lips.

"I love you," he whispered, kissing her forehead.

"I love you, too," she replied sweetly, "but we should get a move on."

Draco 'tsked' sarcastically at his girlfriend, as she slid to the edge of the bed.

'Always so practical.'

"Take a break, love, it's Saturday!" he exclaimed, looking out the window. "A beautiful Saturday, at that!"

"Yes, meaning we're another day closer to our NEWTs," she stated matter of factly, heading for the bathroom. "I don't even want to know how much you've studied!"

'She can't be serious,' he stared in disbelief, as she walked into the bathroom.

"Typical Granger," he chuckled.

"I HEARD THAT," came Hermione's voice from the bathroom.

Draco heard the shower turn on.

"Hmm," he thought aloud with a sly grin, getting out of the bed, "bless the idiot who only built one shower in the bathroom."


He opened the window, allowing a black owl to fly in.

"Give it here," he muttered, taking the letter from the bird.

Quickly opening it, he scanned over its contents.

"Mudblood, eh?" he clenched his fist. With an angry thrust, he tossed the crumpled letter into the glowing fire.

"The Dark Lord will not be very pleased."

Lucius Malfoy briskly exited his room. A bit of reprimanding was in order.


A/N: I needed to get this out, so it's the shortest chapter I've ever written. However, expect something within the next two days!