A/N: Hello! Welcome to my third attempted fic! I have been on FFnet since last year (another account) and I've attempted to write about twice, but I really plan on sticking to this one.
This will be D/Hr all the way, but it will be one of those take a bit to fall in love things, not the fall in love right away thing.
Many thanks to my beta who also backs me up during writers block, Camille! Round of applause everyone...
Alright well, I feel like Dumbledore when he gives those year long speeches when everyone's desperate to eat...; Go ahead, read, and review! Or I won't update (:
--Thais (pronounced Ta-eese)
Chapter 1: New Year, New SituationsIt was a particularly gray September 1st, as many students swarmed Platform 9 ¾. Among those students stood two seventh year friends. One was quite handsome, with messy jet-black hair, and brilliant green eyes that peered through a pair of spectacles. Next to him stood a tall, gangly, freckled boy, with flaming red hair. The two waited around for the third of their group, talking, most likely about Quidditch.
A few moments later, however, a girl with large chocolate eyes and brown curls walked over to the pair.
"Hello boys!" she greeted her two friends, embracing them in a large hug.
"Wow, Hermione, you look...different!" Harry said, amazed.
"Yeah, in a good way, mind you!" Ron quickly added. Hermione blushed a deep shade of crimson and smiled.
It was true, out of the three teenagers, Hermione had developed the most. Her normally bushy brown hair was now considerably lighter, and no longer bushy, but rather tamed. Her body had filled in well, with buxom curves; a small, curved waist, nicely formed breasts, and long, creamy legs that any guy would kill for. She had obviously been quite active over the summer, given her current state.
After a few minutes of catching up with her two best friends, the whistle upon the scarlet train blew. Students that remained on the platform filed onto the train and looked around for empty compartments.
"Let's see what this year brings," Hermione smiled to herself, as she followed her friends down the corridor.
Draco Malfoy walked briskly through the brick wall and headed on to the platform.
'Another year down. Soon I'll have to join my father and Voldemort to be a Death Eater...'
He shuddered involuntarily at the thought. He had never really wanted to kill people who'd never done anything to him. Many people thought he couldn't feel (he was one of them), but for some reason the thought of murder didn't give him a thrill of pleasure like his it did to his father.
He had no choice.
His cold, gray-blue eyes expressed a rather bored look despite the turbulent thoughts going on in his head, and his silver blonde hair fell into his eyes, promoting a more mysterious image, and giving him the casual elegance few boys could manage without looking effeminate. He was quite tall now, standing at around 6'1, and was considered incredibly handsome and drool worthy through any sane girl's point of view. Quidditch had earned him toned arms and abs, adding on to his already quite built figure. His muscles rippled as he walked, not bulky and vein-y like a body builder, but giving him a lean and toned form that betrayed little of his strength.
Without further delay, Draco stepped onto the train.
"This one's empty," Harry said, pushing open a compartment door. The three friends filed in, but Hermione didn't make herself too comfortable.
"Well guys, I've got quite an announcement," Hermione said, grinning at the two. The boys seemed a bit anxious. "I've been selected as Head Girl!" she squealed in excitement.
"That's great!" Ron and Harry said in unison, each wearing a large grin.
"Yes, it is, isn't it? The only not so great part is I've got to sit up in the heads compartment. I'll see you both later!" she said waving, and turned to leave.
"Now I wonder who the Head Boy will be..." Hermione thought to herself, as she walked down to the front of the train.
"Not really surprised, how 'bout you?" Ron asked casually, after Hermione had left.
"Not a chance mate, not a chance," Harry added, grinning.
Draco entered the Head's compartment and sat down on a seat, his legs outstretched. He had just become comfortable when the door slid open.
Draco appraised the girl from bottom up. She had a VERY nice figure, Draco noticed, as he eyed her breasts appreciatively. However, as he stopped at her face, a look of horror appeared on his own.
It was Hermione Granger.
Hermione stood in the doorway of the compartment, her jaw almost touching the floor. A pair of gray eyes stared back just as appalled. Hermione desperately grasped for words.
"Like what you see, Granger?" Draco sneered cockily, an evil grin upon his lips.
Hermione ignored the comment. "YOU'RE Head Boy?!" she exclaimed.
"Well, it does appear so doesn't it? What else would I be doing here?" he said coolly.
Hermione scoffed and took a seat opposite of him. She immediately pulled out a book and began reading.
"Still a bookworm I see?" Draco said in a dry tone. He became lost in his thoughts for the remainder of the ride.
'Too damn bad she's a mudblood, or else she would be in my bed right now, screaming my name...' Draco thought to himself, a malicious smile tugging at his lips. He leaned back against the seat and fell into a deep sleep...
Hermione was trying to concentrate on her book, but couldn't get around to it. Her thoughts were focused on the newfound situation.
'Malfoy? HEAD BOY? How did THAT ever happen? Ugh, he may be the TINIEST BIT handsome, but he's still an insufferable git!'
A few hours later, the train slowed to a halt. They had arrived.
"FERRET BOY?! HEAD?!" exclaimed Ron, as their carriage pulled them along.
"Yeah, I know," Hermione sighed.
"If he gives you any crap, just let us know," Harry said.
Hermione smiled at her friends. "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself." Noticing the disappointment in their expressions, she quickly added, "But I'll be sure to let you know if things do get out of hand."
The pair returned a smile, as Hermione turned to look out at the cloudy sky.
The Great Hall was a welcoming sight to the students as they filed in and took a seat at their respective tables. As soon as sorting was over, Dumbledore stood up to make his yearly speech.
"Before I forget to mention, please give a warm round of applause for our new Head Boy and Girl, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy!" Dumbledore announced, signaling for the two to stand up. Applause erupted, especially from each of the student's tables, but there were also confused murmurs and whispers.
"Granger and Malfoy? Can you believe it? They'll kill each other for sure..."
Similar things were heard among the students, as Hermione and Draco sat down. Before regaining their seats, however, the two exchanged a look of hatred, Hermione narrowing her eyes as Draco returned a glare.
"Well, enough from me. Dig in!" Dumbledore said jovially. And with a wave of his hands, a feast appeared before the eyes of many hungry students.
"'is 'ood 'ets 'etter 'n' 'etter e'ry 'ear!" Ron said through a mouthful of potatoes. Hermione shot him a "close-your-mouth-when-you're-eating" look, and took a final sip from her pumpkin juice. Harry just chuckled at his friends' silliness.
From a bit further down the table, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan leaned over.
"Hermione! Good luck with ferret boy," Dean said gravely.
"Aye, if he gives you any trouble well...just let us know!" Seamus added.
Hermione grinned sweetly. "Thanks for the concern," she said.
'Everyone seems so eager for an excuse to kill him...then again, he IS Malfoy...' Hermione thought to herself.
"Well, I'd better get going," Hermione told the table, getting up to leave. "Dumbledore wants to show us to the Head Quarters. I have to share with Malfoy obviously, but I hear that place is so big it won't make a difference. Hopefully, anyway," she added with a quick wave.
With Draco following a few paces behind, Hermione exited the Hall.
A/N: Hey! Well, end of the first chapter...not too eventful, I know, but this was just basically to get everyone to know what's going on. Oh and MANY MANY MANY thanks to my beta, CAMILLE, who helped me change around and make better some things. Btw, most perverted/lemony scenes/thoughts/anything else will come from her. Eh-heh . I hope you liked it anyway...now REVIEW xD